cobalt-blue oor Spaans


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azul cobalto

Well, here's another cobalt blue, but it's different.
Vale, aquí hay otro azul cobalto, pero es diferente.

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She has a cobalt-blue streak in her black hair, and fingernails in various unmatching colors.
Tiene un mechón azul cobalto en su pelo negro, y las uñas en distintos colores.Literature Literature
I’ve stopped berating myself as I have done for the last five cobalt-blue summers.
He dejado de reprochármelo, igual que durante los otros cinco veranos azul cobalto.Literature Literature
They were cobalt-blue and staring into the next life like he was done with this one.
Eran de un azul cobalto y parecían mirar al más allá como si estuviera harto de esta vida.Literature Literature
Wide flat nose, cheekbones lost in flesh guarding long almond eyes of cobalt blue.
Una ancha nariz plana, pómulos perdidos en carne envolviendo unos largos ojos almendrados azul cobalto.Literature Literature
I had a cobalt-blue cashmere sweater that was two sizes too big, but she took it anyway.
Yo tenía uno de cachemira azul cobalto, dos tallas demasiado grande, y se lo llevó.Literature Literature
The sky was still very dark, almost cobalt blue to the north where the snow must be falling.
El cielo seguía oscuro, casi de un azul cobalto al norte, donde debía de estar nevando.Literature Literature
In the brighter light, his cobalt blue eyes glittered at me enigmatically.
Bajo la luz brillante, sus ojos azul cobalto resplandecieron hacia mí enigmáticamente.Literature Literature
‘You can order whatever you like from room service,’ Marco said as he selected a cobalt-blue tie.
–Puedes pedir lo que te apetezca al servicio de habitaciones –dijo Marco, mientras elegía una corbata azul cobalto.Literature Literature
It was also not as close to his cobalt-blue-capsule experience as he would have liked.
Tampoco estaba tan próximo a la experiencia con la cápsula azul cobalto como le habría gustado.Literature Literature
To his surprise, a woman with mahogany red hair and cobalt blue eyes greeted him.
Para su sorpresa, una mujer con cabello rojo caoba y ojos azul cobalto lo saludó.Literature Literature
I just realized his eyes are almost cobalt blue.
Me acabo de dar cuenta de que tiene los ojos color azul cobalto.Literature Literature
Cobalt blue.
Azul cobalto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Item seventy-six,” said a small man wearing a Goliath-issue cobalt blue suit, “Antarctica.
—Punto setenta y seis —dijo un hombre diminuto vestido con un traje azul cobalto—.Literature Literature
When Marygay had lived there, the walls were light cobalt blue, and covered with her paintings and drawings.
Cuando Marygay vivió aquí, las paredes eran de azul cobalto claro, y estaban cubiertas con sus pinturas y dibujos.Literature Literature
Cobalt blue, like in her pupils' drawings.
Un color azul cobalto, como en los dibujos de sus alumnos.Literature Literature
The thing was cobalt blue and had an ungainly shape.
La cosa era azul cobalto y tenía una forma rara.Literature Literature
As he and Max Mercury kill Cobalt Blue, a child takes Cobalt Blue's power gem and kills Allen.
Mientras él y Max Mercury matan a Cobalt Blue, un niño toma la gema de poder de Cobalt Blue y mata a Allen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ahead lay the deep water, where the warm colors of the setting sun stippled the cobalt-blue waves.
Más allá estaban las aguas profundas, donde los cálidos colores del sol poniente salpicaban las olas azul cobalto.Literature Literature
“And because of that you must die,” Snoke said, turning his cobalt-blue eyes to Kylo.
—Y por eso debes morir —dijo Snoke, volviendo sus ojos azul cobalto hacia Kylo.Literature Literature
Hassan was waiting for her by the cobalt blue door when she came out of the room.
Cuando salió del cuarto, Hassan la esperaba junto a la puerta azul cobalto.Literature Literature
It wasn't simply because they were beautiful, though their cobalt blue color was arresting.
No era simplemente que los tuviera bonitos, aunque su color azul cobalto le resultaba arrebatador.Literature Literature
Individual flowers against cobalt-blue backgrounds.
Una única flor sobre un fondo azul cobalto.Literature Literature
she exclaimed happily, then added, “Of course, yes . . . a tube of cobalt blue . . . okay, sure.
—exclamó contenta, y añadió en voz baja—: Sí, sí..., un tubo de azul cobalto...Literature Literature
In an attempt to end the Allen blood line, Cobalt Blue injects Allen's son Jace with a virus.
En un intento de acabar con la línea de sangre Allen, Cobalt Blue inyecta un virus a su hijo Jace.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meissen porcelain, the Zwiebelmuster, is white and cobalt blue.
Las porcelanas Meissen, las Zwiebelmuster, son blancas y azul cobalto.Literature Literature
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