coldly oor Spaans


In a cold or uncaring manner.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

con frialdad

His speech was received coldly across the atlantic.
Su discurso fue recibido con frialdad al otro lado del Atlántico.


in a cold or uncaring manner
The white carabao stared so coldly I felt no pain.
El carabao blanco miraba tan fríamente que no sentí ningún dolor.

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he treated me rather coldly frostily
me trató con bastante frialdad
at first he treated me coldly
al principio me trató fríamente
laugh coldly


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He did not coldly fit everyone into the same mold.
No encajaba fríamente a toda persona en el mismo molde.jw2019 jw2019
They examined him coldly and unpleasantly and asked him who he was.
Lo examinaron fría y descortésmente y le preguntaron quién era.Literature Literature
Lídia made a movement of revolt: she was being touched right on her wound, coldly.
Lídia esbozó un movimiento de rebeldía: había puesto el dedo en la llaga, fríamente.Literature Literature
“That never seemed to matter while I was growing up,” she said coldly.
—Eso nunca pareció importarle cuando era niña —dijo con frialdad—.Literature Literature
He was regarding me coldly, as a merchant will appraise a piece of goods to determine its worth.
Me escrutaba con frialdad, como si fuera un comerciante que estaba examinando un género para determinar su valor.Literature Literature
In what follows I will try to see myself less coldly, be less fearful of writing a puff piece.
En lo sucesivo, trataré de verme a mí misma con menos frialdad, tener menos miedo de caer en el autobombo.Literature Literature
Coldly examining what it could of the mists of his mind, the Medusa weighed that statement.
Examinando fríamente lo que podía entre la neblina de su mente, la Medusa sopesó esa afirmación y la puso en duda.Literature Literature
But since that was not an option, she regarded him coldly.
Pero como no era una opción viable, lo miró con frialdad—.Literature Literature
But the Greek stared at me coldly, like a wise serpent: ‘What do you take me for?
Pero el griego me miró con sus ojos fríos de serpiente sabia: «¿Por quién me tomas?Literature Literature
“It was thought,” said Ghail coldly, “that since I had talked to you often I might know your likes and dislikes.”
Creyeron —dijo Ghail fríamente— que desde que hablo contigo con frecuencia, debo saber tus gustos y preferencias. —¡...!Literature Literature
Zygmunt said coldly to his father.
—dijo fríamente Alfredo al padre.Literature Literature
Sweat beaded coldly on his forehead.
El sudor formaba perlas frías en su frente.Literature Literature
‘Neither does your Mr Barrington, I’m sure,’ Sharif Basha says coldly.
—Tampoco lo sabe su señor Barrington, seguro —apunta fríamente Sharif.Literature Literature
Betty congratulated her coldly.
Betty la felicitó con frialdad.Literature Literature
"""Very glad to meet you again,"" said Alexey Alexandrovitch coldly, shaking hands with Levin."
—Celebro volver a verle —dijo Alexey Alejandrovich estrechando con frialdad la mano de Levin.Literature Literature
“Spare me the lies,” Jordan interrupted coldly.
—Ahórreme las mentiras —la interrumpió Jordan fríamente—.Literature Literature
He then said Beardsley draws sex, but always coldly.
Luego aseguró que Beardsley dibujaba el sexo con frialdad.Literature Literature
“That is no excuse, Sir Roger,” Brigitte replied coldly.
—Esa no es excusa, sir Roger —dijo Brigitte con frialdad.Literature Literature
To his surprise, Neferem smiled coldly and shook her head.
Para su sorpresa, Neferem sonrió con frialdad y negó con la cabeza.Literature Literature
“I am alive because my brother is strong,” he said coldly.
—Estoy vivo porque mi hermano es fuerte —dijo él con frialdad—.Literature Literature
“I thought you were my mother’s friend,” the girl said coldly.
—Yo creía que eras amiga de mi madre —repuso la niña con frialdad.Literature Literature
Very well, Randall had told her coldly, he would instruct Thad Crawford to contest the action.
Muy bien, Randall le había dicho fríamente; él le daría instrucciones a Thad Crawford para que contestara la instancia.Literature Literature
She thanked him—rather coldly, I imagine—and he went off again.
Dio las gracias al profesor, más bien fríamente, imagino, y el profesor salió de nuevo.Literature Literature
You are pathetic,' Shaban said coldly.
—Eres patético —dijo Shaban con frialdad—.Literature Literature
She should have turned coldly away in silence and swept from the porch.
Debería haberse vuelto, en un frío silencio, y salido del porche.Literature Literature
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