colorless oor Spaans


(chiefly US) Alternative spelling of colourless.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Without color.
Que no tiene color.
Ammonia is a colorless liquid or gas with a very strong smell.
El amoniaco es un líquido o gas incoloro con un olor muy fuerte.


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The same conversations were always repeated by the same colorless voices.
Las mismas conversaciones se repetían una y otra vez... por las mismas voces anodinas.

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It slammed shut over his stunned and now colorless eyes.
Se cerró sobre sus ojos aturdidos y ahora sin color.Literature Literature
Jenny never noticed the hand pouring a colorless liquid into her champagne glass.
Jenny no llegó a darse cuenta de la mano que vertía un líquido incoloro en su copa de champagne.Literature Literature
Her colorless hair straggled into her face, disordered by the effort of hauling Joey.
El pelo descolorido le caía sobre la cara, desordenado por el esfuerzo de acarrear a Joey.Literature Literature
The colorless eyes rested on McWhirter.
—Los ojos incoloros se posaron en McWhirter—.Literature Literature
His eyes were clear and colorless as ice.
Sus ojos eran diáfanos e incoloros como el hielo.Literature Literature
Her tone colorless, she said, “Unfortunately, I gave most of my father’s clothes to the man who had been his valet.
Con voz inexpresiva, dijo: - Por desgracia, di casi todas las ropas de mi padre a su antiguo ayudante de cámara.Literature Literature
Phosphine gas, colorless, smells like garlic.
El gas fosfino, es incoloro, huele a ajo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The light that came through them had a strange, attenuated quality that rendered the interior absolutely colorless.
La luz que los atravesaba poseía una extraña y atenuada cualidad que hacía que en el interior no se apreciase el color.Literature Literature
But what could possibly be the reason for any of us to kill such a colorless colleague?
Pero ¿qué razón podría tener cualquiera de nosotros para matar a un compañero tan gris?Literature Literature
Outside the sky was colorless and the air odorless, yet the scirocco had its days in Naples numbered.
Fuera el cielo era incoloro, el aire inodoro, pero el siroco tenía los días contados en Nápoles.Literature Literature
Her fingers trembled above what appeared to be an almost full jar containing an innocent, colorless cream.
Sus dedos temblaban por encima de lo que parecía un tarro casi lleno de una pasta inocente e incolora.Literature Literature
As far as his past was concerned, it was colorless and flat, and his future promised nothing that was much better.
Su pasado era monótono, y su futuro no prometía mucho más.Literature Literature
The solutions of totally optical switching are based on ROADM colorless modules totally reconfigurable in real time.
Las soluciones de conmutación totalmente óptica están basadas en módulos ROADM colorless totalmente reconfigurables en tiempo real.Common crawl Common crawl
The flame with pure hydrogen gas is colorless; therefore, it is difficult to adjust the flame by eyesight.
La flama con hidrógeno puro es incolora, por lo que resulta difícil ajustarla visualmente.Literature Literature
Clémence was on the bed, her forehead colorless and her lips paler still.
Clémence estaba sobre la cama, con la cara pálida y los labios aún más pálidos.Literature Literature
He looked like one of the homeless, his face smudged with dirt, his clothes colorless and torn.
Parecía un vagabundo, tenía la cara cubierta de mugre, su ropa estaba desteñida y rota.Literature Literature
I find a few wilted, colorless sandwiches wrapped in plastic.
Tienen unos sándwiches descoloridos y marchitos envueltos en plástico.Literature Literature
He washed carefully, applied a colorless dressing to his hair, and brushed it straight back.
Se lavó cuidadosamente, se aplicó crema incolora en el pelo y se lo peinó hacia atrás.Literature Literature
How can you “see” a round drop of water on a table even though the water is transparent and colorless?
¿Cómo puede “ver” una gota redonda de agua sobre una mesa aun cuando el agua es transparente e incolora?Literature Literature
She watched as he lifted the glass, studied the colorless liquid, then set it down again.
Lo observó alzar la copa, mirar el líquido transparente y dejarla de nuevo sobre la mesa.Literature Literature
Her voice and her piercing colorless eye, her sharp knuckles all indicate fear, nothing but fear.
Su voz, sus penetrantes ojos descoloridos y sus agudos nudillos no revelan más que temor.Literature Literature
So that you’d seem and even be, eventually, as far as possible, unobtrusive, colorless.
Que parezca e incluso sea usted, en la medida de lo posible, una persona corriente.Literature Literature
“Oh,” she said in exactly the same colorless tone as her mother.
—Oh —dijo Robin, con el mismo tono inexpresivo que su madre.Literature Literature
The City's mounds colorless in the earthlight.
Las cúpulas de la Ciudad permanecían incoloras a la luz terrestre.Literature Literature
Her face was now colorless, but when she spoke, her pink, almost fluorescent tongue could be seen between her lips.
Su rostro no tiene color, pero cuando habla se le ve la lengua, casi fosforescente, entre los labios.Literature Literature
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