cool, calm and collected oor Spaans

cool, calm and collected

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

tranquilo y sereno

Was I cool, calm, and collected, or... Did I drag all your boxes into the driveway And put a hose to them?
¿Fui frío, tranquilo y sereno, o arrastré todas tus cajas a la entrada y les di un manguerazo?

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He was the cool, calm and collected brother.
Él era el hermano bueno, sereno y calmado.Literature Literature
I noticed that despite the usual cool calm and collected exterior her hands were clenched together.
Noté que a pesar de su calma y compostura de costumbre, entrelazaba las manos.Literature Literature
“Right on time,” Tyler reported, too excited to be cool, calm, and collected.
—exclamó Tyler, demasiado emocionado para mantenerse frío, calmado y tranquilo.Literature Literature
Bond is the quintessential cool, calm, and collected character.
Bond es la quintaesencia de un personaje sereno, tranquilo y controlado.Literature Literature
You look cool, calm and collected, and I’ve got to tell you, Mike, it’s really ticking me off.”
Se te ve sereno y compuesto, y he de decirte, Mike, que eso empieza a molestarme.Literature Literature
And he stood there cool, calm, and collected, telling her this was a mess?
¿Y se quedaba allí frío, sereno y compuesto, diciéndole que aquello era un desastre?Literature Literature
While tears streamed down Robert Powell’s face, Claire had been cool, calm, and collected, as the expression went.
Mientras las lágrimas rodaban por el rostro de Robert Powell, la actitud de Claire había sido fría y tranquila.Literature Literature
It was disconcerting to see my normally cool, calm, and collected friend so shaken.
—Era desconcertante ver a la siempre serena, calmada y tranquila Poppy tan abatida—.Literature Literature
If her mother was a cool. calm, and collected type, her father was totally the opposite.
Si su madre era una mujer calmada y decidida, su padre era totalmente lo contrario.Literature Literature
Though I’m scared half to death, I try my hardest to remain cool, calm and collected.
Pese a estar muerto de miedo, intento mantener la calma y el control.Literature Literature
Some people, when faced with danger such as a charging grizzly bear, act cool, calm, and collected.”
Otras, cuando se enfrentan a un peligro como un oso pardo atacando, actúan con calma y serenidad.Literature Literature
just stay very cool, calm and collected.
Calmaos y no perdáis los estribosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cool, calm, and collected, Lily’s mother was the one everyone turned to in a crisis.
Fría, tranquila y serena, la madre de Lily era la persona a la que acudía todo el mundo cuando había una crisis.Literature Literature
“So the atmosphere around here is cool, calm, and collected as usual?”
—¿Así que el ambiente de aquí es fresco, tranquilo y recogido como de costumbre no?Literature Literature
Oh, that cool, calm and collected act.
La calma y la indiferencia con la que actúas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She's cool, calm, and collected right now, but let's see how she copes with the pressure tonight.
Ellos están en calma y tranquilo ahora, pero vamos a ver cómo se maneja la presión de esta noche.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To the man entering the room, she looked cool, calm and collected, and beautiful.
Para el hombre que entraba en la casa, ella parecía tranquila, compuesta.Literature Literature
Vera, too; she was studying the faded and shabby curtains, very cool, calm and collected.
Vera también lo hacía; estaba examinando las descoloridas y raídas cortinas, muy serena, calmada y sosegada.Literature Literature
So she was cool, calm and collected when Jack made his appearance in the doorway.
Así que ella estaba fría, tranquila y serena cuando Jack hizo su aparición en la puerta.Literature Literature
while Krissi's blue team are cool, calm, and collected,
Mientras que el equipo azul de Krissi son fresco, tranquilo y recogido,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Na'Vi, they look cool calm and collected.
Los jugadores de Na'Vi, aparentemente calmados y serenos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“We’ll regulate his blood composition,” they said, “and he’ll always be cool, calm and collected.
"""Regularemos la composición de su sangre; habían dicho, y siempre será frío, calmoso y controlado."Literature Literature
Now honey, all we have to do to win is just stay cool, calm and collected.
Lo único que hemos de hacer es estar tranquilas, calmadas y sosegadas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cool, calm, and collected, boy.
Frío, tranquilo, y controlado, chico.Literature Literature
Ordinarily I'm cool, calm and collected.
Normalmente soy una persona fría, calmada y serena.Literature Literature
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