cost effectiveness oor Spaans

cost effectiveness

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

eficacia en función de los costos


relación costo-eficacia

It is therefore difficult to draw any conclusions about their cost-effectiveness
En consecuencia, es difícil extraer conclusiones sobre su relación costo-eficacia

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Cost-effectiveness analysis
Análisis coste-efectividad
Technical Conference on Cost-effective Meteorological Instrumentation and Methods of Observation
Conferencia Técnica sobre los Instrumentos y los Métodos Rentables de Observación Meteorológica · TECEMO
cost effective
económico · rentable
cost-effectiveness analysis
análisis coste-efectividad · análisis de coste-eficacia · análisis de costo-eficacia · análisis de la eficacia en función de los costos · análisis de la relación costo-eficacia
barato · económico · eficaz en función del costo · redituable · rentable
coste-efectividad · costo-eficacia · eficacia en función de los costos · relación costo-eficacia · rentabilidad
cost-effective analysis
análisis de la eficacia en función de los costos · análisis de la relación costo-eficacia


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Incremental cost-effectiveness of supplementary immunization activities to prevent neonatal tetanus in Pakistan
¿ Qué?Este tipo de aquí, ¡ Acaba de salvarte la vida!WHO WHO
The study should also take into consideration the cost-effectiveness ratio of the programme's actions.
la cooperación logística entre SNCF y SCS Sernam desde el # de febrero de # no constituye una ayuda estatal, ycordis cordis
Scientists developed novel polymers suited to cost-effective and rapid manufacturing (RM) of tailor-made parts.
Desprecia a los que triunfan por su talento y esfuerzocordis cordis
The Commission received also cost estimations provided by Astra which demonstrate that satellite technology is more cost effective.
Quiero hablar contigo sólo un segundoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The regional commissions, in particular, could significantly enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the system’s development work.
Comprobación de la reducción del caudalUN-2 UN-2
Tobacco taxes are probably the single most cost-effective intervention for adult health in the world.
Estábamos todos muy alegresNews commentary News commentary
Justification: cost-effectiveness and efficiency
Que no nos gusta, lo dejamos y en pazMultiUn MultiUn
Budget and cost-effectiveness
Otro párrafo muy importante es el párrafo g) relacionado con las operaciones coordinadas.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
To achieve this, it is cost effective to prepare the guidelines through expert studies.
Esto se ve bienEurLex-2 EurLex-2
What a cost-effective miracle of engineering this instrument is!
Y luego tuvieron problemas seriosLiterature Literature
McNulty has 20 years experience of providing cost effective and practical construction...
TotalmenteCommon crawl Common crawl
However, some businesses may not find it cost-effective to maintain a Web site.
Simplemente es un " juego " para míLiterature Literature
cost effective drilling for oil and gas
A los # años, tuve dos opcionesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The most cost effective approach involves both prevention and social protection.
Los cambios ascendentes y descendentes del poder político del puebloEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Watch the video and see how Epson printing is not only innovative, but cost-effective too!
Pude herirteCommon crawl Common crawl
cost-effective and easy-to-achieve changes in energy use;
Bueno, yo terminé contigoEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Scientists have already demonstrated the cost effectiveness of the system.
El matrimonio implica esfuerzocordis cordis
Legislation needs to be simplified and to be cost effective.
Es buena personaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Achieving cost-effective global utilization of conference-servicing resources through regular production and delivery of global statistical reports;
Si tú no me enviaste esto, ¿ entonces quién lo hizo?UN-2 UN-2
Why should cost-effectiveness not be pursued in all cases where it is possible?
Yo apenas me lo creo, ahora que he vueltoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
They are also allowed to keep the fruits of their labor, their foresight, and their cost-effective planning.
Aún no lo he llamadoLiterature Literature
Every Zambian receives cost-effective, confidential, quality health care whenever and wherever they need it.
¿ Crees que somos demasiado duros?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In December 2013, the government adopted a 2014-30 Strategic Framework for Health to improve cost-effectiveness.
Voy a operarme la vista en las vacaciones.- ¿ Por qué?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The synthesis report considers the cost-effectiveness of control systems in section 3.4.
La estoy molestandoelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
It will simultaneously open the door to production of large, rotating aeroengine components in a cost-effective way.
Choca esos cincocordis cordis
120851 sinne gevind in 92 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.