coupling reaction oor Spaans

coupling reaction

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

Reacción de acoplamiento

Genetic problems arise when these coupling reactions do not take place as they should.
Los problemas genéticos se originan cuando estas reacciones de acoplamiento no tienen lugar como es debido.

reacción de acoplamiento

Genetic problems arise when these coupling reactions do not take place as they should.
Los problemas genéticos se originan cuando estas reacciones de acoplamiento no tienen lugar como es debido.

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coupled reaction
reacción acoplada


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(Here, Allen lays out his hypothesis for the origin of the coupled reaction centers in oxygenic phototrophs.)
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Gilman reagents were the first organometallic compounds used in coupling reactions.
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Figure 11.9 H2O ⫹ ATP ⫹ B ⫹ C G°⬘ for species involved in the coupled reactions (11.38).
Toma un poquito de carbón para las toxinasLiterature Literature
Recall that the ability to couple reactions is one of the important properties of enzymes (page 130).
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The two organisms share the energy released in the coupled reaction.
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The doctor, surprised by the couple’s reaction, cleared his throat uncomfortably.
Es una bromaLiterature Literature
This reagent also promotes homo-coupling reactions, that is 2RX → R-R where R = aryl, vinyl.
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Write an equation for the coupled reaction and estimate the equilibrium constant for the coupled process.
Los asesinos principiantes a menudo se asustan del crimen en síLiterature Literature
In other words, neither of the coupled reactions actually occurs.
El PresidenteLiterature Literature
The ∆G value of the coupled reaction is -1.8 kcal/mole, indicating that the reaction will occur spontaneously.
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ATP couples reactions that release usable energy with reactions that require energy.
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They aim to develop new cross-coupling reactions with classic aliphatic electrophiles, which includes epoxides, aziridines, or acetals.
Nuestra separación no fue muy amistosaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The reactions are called coupling reactions because two carboncontaining groups are joined together.
Las aguas delimitadas por una línea que comienza en el punto situado a #° #′ de latitud norte, #′ de longitud oeste; después con rumbo oeste hasta los #° #′ de longitud oeste; después con rumbo sur hasta los #° #′ de latitud norte; después con rumbo este hasta los #° #′ de longitud oeste; después con rumbo norte hasta el punto de partidaLiterature Literature
Thermodynamics in Living Systems Review Questions 18.33 What is a coupled reaction?
Los pañales, los berrinches, la tarea.Los reinos, las especies, tu madre, su madreLiterature Literature
Other coupling reactions involving nickel in catalytic amounts are the Kumada coupling and the Negishi coupling.
¿ Por qué?Porque no confiamos en los extrañosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Fukuyama coupling is another coupling reaction, but it uses a thioester as reactant and produces a ketone.
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Existing software for multidimensional model prototyping were used and extended to describe the coupled reaction-transport processes.
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The Ullmann reaction or Ullmann coupling is a coupling reaction between aryl halides and copper.
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The coupling reactions were based on imine and hydrazone condensation, acylation and alkyne-azide cycloaddition.
La creación de asociaciones público-privadas (u otras formas de cooperación entre el sector público y el privado) exige un compromiso financiero firme de los inversores institucionales que sea suficientemente atractivo como para atraer capital privadocordis cordis
Energy flow in metabolism depends on many coupled reactions involving ATP.
No, nada más me descuidéLiterature Literature
(Recall that the ability to couple reactions is one of the key properties of enzymes.)
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Coupling reactions can also be considered radical substitutions.
Iré a buscar a GunnarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
LDH isozymes were then visualized using a dye-coupled reaction-specific for LDH.
El flujo de inversión directa desde los países europeos mantiene una tendencia ascendente, de modo que, en la actualidad, constituye el mayor volumen de recursos para la inversión que entra en la regiónLiterature Literature
This cyclic process is very similar to the coupled reactions involving PSII.
El Reglamento (CEE) no #/# del Consejo, de # de diciembre de #, relativo al sistema monetario europeo confería al Fondo Europeo de Cooperación Monetaria la facultad de recibir reservas de los Estados miembros y emitir ecusLiterature Literature
This colorometric assay utilizes coupled reactions of glucose oxidase and peroxidase to accurately measure glucose concentrations.
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583 sinne gevind in 20 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.