covering the receiver oor Spaans

covering the receiver

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She waited impatiently while J-O covered the receiver and spoke to someone.
Esperó con impaciencia mientras J.O. tapaba el auricular y hablaba con alguien.Literature Literature
Ruby covered the receiver with her hand.
Ruby cubrió el receptor con su mano.Literature Literature
Ansel covers the receiver briefly, whispering, “He’s called at least ten times.
Ansel cubre brevemente el auricular y susurra: —Ha llamado por lo menos diez veces.Literature Literature
Perhaps Ludmilla has covered the receiver with her hand and is conferring with her sister.
Quizá Ludmilla ha tapado el auricular con la mano y está consultando con su hermana.Literature Literature
I covered the receiver and whispered to Francesca.
Tapé el receptor y susurré a Francesca.Literature Literature
Jessie covered the receiver of the phone and spoke to Monica in a hushed voice.
Jessie cubrió el auricular del teléfono y habló con Mónica en voz baja.Literature Literature
“Shut up,” I respond and cover the receiver long enough to tell my mother I’ll be right out.
—Cállate —respondo, y cubro el auricular lo suficiente como para gritarle a mi madre que ahora voy—.Literature Literature
He covered the receiver and whispered to DeAnne, “She thinks I’m crazy.”
Cubrió el micro y le susurró a DeAnne—: Cree que yo estoy loco.Literature Literature
While Fermín pretended to wait and covered the receiver with his hand, he gestured to Cascos.
Mientras Fermín fingía esperar y cubría el auricular con la mano, hizo un gesto hacia Cascos.Literature Literature
Lizzy covered the receiver and told Jared what Nancy Moreno had told her.
Lizzy tapó el auricular y le contó a Jared lo que Nancy Moreno acababa de decirle.Literature Literature
A plainclothes officer entered, covering the receiver of his cell phone with the heel of his hand.
Entró un agente de paisano, cubriendo con una mano el receptor del móvil.Literature Literature
Ishida, it’s for you,” Iwaya said, covering the receiver with her hand.
—Señor Ishida, es para usted —dijo Iwaya, cubriendo el auricular con la mano.Literature Literature
My mother answered and, covering the receiver, whispered that it was Doctor Macías.
Contestó mi madre y, tapando la bocina, me susurró que se trataba del doctor Macías.Literature Literature
Peggy suddenly covered the receiver with her hand.
—Peggy cubrió de pronto el receptor con la mano—.Literature Literature
I heard him cover the receiver and shout something at someone.
Noté que cubría el auricular y le gritaba algo a alguien.Literature Literature
He covered the receiver and whispered, “Sorry.
Tapó el auricular y susurró—: Lo siento mucho.Literature Literature
"Marty picked it up, covered the receiver quickly and said, ""I'll take the newspaper."
Marty contestó, tapó rápidamente el auricular y dijo: —Yo hablaré con los de prensa.Literature Literature
He thought it was odd that the operator covered the receiver and said something unintelligible to somebody.
Le extrañó que la telefonista tapara el micrófono y dijera algo ininteligible a alguien.Literature Literature
"""Equipment change,"" he whispered to Clair, covering the receiver with his hand."
Cambiamos de equipo —susurró, cubriendo el auricular con la mano—.Literature Literature
(Covers the receiver with his hand and whispers to CLAIRE) Jack and Diane.
(Tapa el teléfono con la mano y musita a Claire) Jack y Diane.Literature Literature
“Two people and one cat,” Ty said, covering the receiver.
—A dos personas y a un gato —añadió Ty, después de tapar el teléfono.Literature Literature
But she only covered the receiver with her hand.
Pero ella se limitó a cubrir el receptor con una mano.Literature Literature
Then he covered the receiver’s mouthpiece with a hand, and added: “I won’t be long, Mickey.
Luego cubrió el micrófono con la mano y le dijo—: No tardaré mucho, Mickey.Literature Literature
(Covers the receiver with his hand and whispers to CLAIRE) They’re in Calcutta.
(Tapa el teléfono con la mano y musita a Claire) Están en Calcuta.Literature Literature
Marty picked it up, covered the receiver quickly and said, “I’ll take the newspaper.
Marty contestó, tapó rápidamente el auricular y dijo: —Yo hablaré con los de prensa.Literature Literature
15514 sinne gevind in 74 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.