crapulent oor Spaans


Of or pertaining to crapulence.

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Anyway, I imagine you have to report to that crapulous Scot in the park.
De todas formas, imagino que tiene que reportarse con ese crápula escocés del parque.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Our only hook for Crapule is working again in the U.S.
El único gancho que tenemos para Crapule es poder trabajar de nuevo en los EE.UU.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Was it a memento of some crapulous orgy of the Association for Moral and Social Hygiene?
¿Era un recuerdo de una orgía disoluta de la Asociación para la Moral y la Higiene Social?Literature Literature
They were crapulous and carrying blue cans of beer, one of them with a can in each hand.
Tenían pinta de crápulas y cada uno llevaba una lata azulada, de cerveza, en cada mano.Literature Literature
He has very likely spent the night with some friends blackguarding crapulous Bonaparte.”
Es muy probable que haya pasado la noche con algunos amigos hablando mal de ese crápula de Bonaparte.Literature Literature
I breakfasted with the crapulent major a week later.
Una semana más tarde desayuné con el mayor libertino.Literature Literature
I have never been dissolute or crapulous, and have never been drunk in my life.
Jamás he sido disoluto ni crapuloso, ni me he embriagado en la vida.Literature Literature
As the crapulent major said, A man doesn’t need balls in this country, Captain.
Tal como decía el mayor libertino: en este país a los hombres no les hace falta tener pelotas, Capitán.Literature Literature
I'm chocked, cocked and crapulous.
Estoy ahogado, agolpado, y compulsivo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(I ordered them to do that, said the crapulent major.
(Fui yo quien les mandó hacerlo, dijo el mayor libertino.Literature Literature
If you see a crapulous human ruin snuffing, dash from him his box!
Si ves a una crapulosa ruina humana tomando rapé, ¡arráncale la petaca de las manos!Literature Literature
I sat down on the couch, crapulent and tired and squelchy with sudden, sweet self-pity.
Me senté en el sofá, crapuloso, cansado, con un ruido viscoso, con una repentina y amable autocompasión.Literature Literature
He said I was a crapule.
Dijo que yo era un crápula.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There was only one favor I could perform for the crapulent major.
Solamente había un favor que podía hacerle al mayor libertino.Literature Literature
To crapulence.
Hacia la crapulencia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The point of writing this is that the crapulent major was as sinful as Claude estimated.
Si escribo esto aquí es para demostrar que el mayor libertino era un hombre tan pecador como Claude calculaba.Literature Literature
It took the crapulent major approximately eleven, with myself always at least a block behind.
El mayor tardaba aproximadamente once, y en todo momento yo estaba al menos una manzana por detrás de él.Literature Literature
Crapule wants us to help.
Crapule quiere que intervengamos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Life has its disappointments, but Les grabs his crapulent fun where he can.
La vida tiene sus desilusiones, pero Les se divierte como un crápula y con avaricia donde sea.Literature Literature
Our friend's driving Crapule to Cannes.
Nuestro amigo lleva a Crapule a Cannes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This included the crapulent major, his fat body spilling over the edges of the bucket seat next to me.
Y esto incluía al mayor libertino, cuyo gordo cuerpo rebasaba ahora los bordes del asiento contiguo al mío.Literature Literature
Bon and I rose along with Sonny and the crapulent major, ready to follow me across the river.
Bon y yo nos levantamos junto con Sonny y el mayor libertino, listos para seguirme al otro lado.Literature Literature
My father is a crapule.
Mi padre es un crápula.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Russ is saying ‘ole buddy’ to a man at the bar, who is hunched over a bottle and from the back looks wholly crapulous.
Russ llama ole buddy a un hombre que está junto a la barra, inclinado sobre una botella, y que tiene aspecto de vicioso.Literature Literature
(This is going on for far too long, said the crapulent major.
(Esto ya está durando demasiado, dijo el mayor libertino.Literature Literature
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