critical oor Spaans


/ˈkrɪtɪkəl/ adjektief, naamwoord
Inclined to find fault or criticize; fastidious; captious; censorious; exacting.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


inclined to find fault
That young critic is in high demand for a lot of places.
Ese joven crítico está muy demandado en mucho sitios.


inclined to find fault
That young critic is in high demand for a lot of places.
Ese joven crítico está muy demandado en mucho sitios.


The situation regarding financing for development is equally worrisome, if not critical.
La situación respecto de la financiación para el desarrollo es igualmente preocupante, si no grave.
Open Multilingual Wordnet

En 21 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

primordial · fundamental · esencial · decisivo · crucial · indispensable · criticón · crìtico · crítico, -a · de importancia fundamental · de la crítica · extremo · crìtica · clave · trascendental · severo · serio · alarmante · álgido · elemental · coyuntural

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

critical review
crítica · reseña
critical density
densidad crítica
critical alert
alerta crítica
The Critic
El Crítico
critical micelle concentration
concentración micelar crítica
media criticism
mission critical
critical angle
ángulo crítico · ángulo de incidencia critica · ángulo de incidencia crítica · ángulo de pérdida · ángulo de pérdida de velocidad


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These uses are deemed 'critical' as they currently have no technically and economically feasible alternatives.
¿ De qué estás hablando?not-set not-set
The semi-annual review meetings will have the following objectives: (a) to review progress in achieving the objectives and commitments of the Framework and the overall engagement of the Peacebuilding Commission with Guinea-Bissau; (b) to focus the attention of the international community on key peacebuilding gaps requiring additional action; (c) to assess whether the Government of Guinea-Bissau, the Peacebuilding Commission and all other relevant stakeholders are honouring their commitments under the present Framework; (d) to draw lessons and establish good practices; and (e) to update the present Framework and identify emerging issues that are critical for peacebuilding, as appropriate
Oye, mantengamos en secreto la persecución del helicóptero, ¿ sí?MultiUn MultiUn
When the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy was adopted in # yria joined the consensus, despite the critical comments made by my delegation and many others during the discussions
La medicaciÓn para controlar el dolor será a base de morfiîna, Percocet y DarvocetMultiUn MultiUn
The edition was harshly criticized by chess historian Edward Winter, who claimed that de Firmian "destroyed" the book by changing Capablanca's writing and removing games from previous editions to include new games not played by Capablanca.
El marcado CE de conformidad estará compuesto de las iniciales CE diseñadas de la siguiente maneraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The current resurgence of religion is obviously not exclusively attributable to critical thinkers.
Cuando lo veamos, ¿ debemos fingir que no sabemos nada?Literature Literature
In the late 1980s, as the US government adopted more fiscal austerity and the threat of Communism declined with the waning of the Cold War, the U.S. became disenchanted with the entrenched corruption of Doe's government and began cutting off critical foreign aid.
Déme la mitad del oro ahora y le diré dónde están las armasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Just before the expiry of the MDGs and with the discussions to shape the post-2015 development agenda gathering speed, the high-level conference of MICs took place at a critical point in time for the multilateral development system.
¿ Le doy Ia descripción deI sujeto?UN-2 UN-2
The speech, though moderate in tone, criticized the violence and repression that had followed since Hitler became Chancellor.
El viejo nos invita a desayunarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
UNDP provides technical assistance and policy advice, and helps create a space for open and informed policy dialogue on critical and emerging development issues, for MDG-based NSEDP implementation, monitoring and evaluation for the poor, through the RTP.
¿ La conoces?- Todavía noUN-2 UN-2
The critical day, as she always told the story, had been August 10, 1907.
¿ Dónde estaba cuando Corona precisó protección?Literature Literature
Critical effects: Short-term: lungs - alveolar damage by oral route; upper respiratory tract damage by inhalation.
Lo he oído toserUN-2 UN-2
As a result of continuing critical needs and the challenges faced in completing the humanitarian transition process, four clusters covering shelter, health, protection and water and sanitation have been maintained.
No me gustan los alucinógenosUN-2 UN-2
This also allows a number of other optimizations in synchronization, such as critical sections, in a multiprocessor x86 system with 8259s.
Trueno, escúchame con cuidadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In his lecture during a meeting of the New York State Bar Association International Section, Shanmugam observed that many people are criticizing the dominance of a single party in Singapore politics because they are comparing Singapore with other countries.
¿ Es algo que te repites?" Está bien que me pegó ". " Trevor está a salvo "gv2019 gv2019
It is critical that the political parties carry out the electoral campaign in accordance with the code of conduct for political parties, as prepared by the Independent Electoral Commission, and that the electoral campaign be conducted in an atmosphere of calm and tolerance
¿ Cuándo es el baile?MultiUn MultiUn
Their September 2003 report recommends the systematic use of psychological tests when selecting staff and as part of medical examinations after the age of 50, but also if there is any doubt as to an individual's fitness to perform safety-critical tasks.
Mientras caminamos, sigamirándonos y sonriendoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The poem was subjected to two lines of criticism: it was held by Oriental scholars to give a false impression of Buddhist doctrine; while, on the other, the suggested analogy between Sakyamuni and Jesus offended the taste of some devout Christians.
¿ Y cuáles han sido tus pecados, hijo mío?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Based on these data, the article urges a re-assessment of criticality in research at the undergraduate level by problematizing the hegemonization of action research, the instrumentalization of language and research, and the subalternity for those being researched.
Mis Señoresscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
We have come to this important gathering entertaining great hopes, and prompted by the desire and the resolve to rise to the level of this critical juncture in the process of our children’s development.
Oh mi mi... no confías en mi?UN-2 UN-2
This support will be critical as the Mission continues to implement the results of the municipal elections held last October and as it increases the involvement of the local population in the local interim administrative bodies
Los Estados miembros establecerán las modalidades de la mencionada referenciaMultiUn MultiUn
Mr. Manuel (Minister of Finance of South Africa and Chairperson of the Development Committee) said that, in the spirit of moving from philosophy to implementation, the Development Committee had endorsed a number of critical implementation programmes currently being pursued by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United Nations
Qué es lo que me ibas a decir en el ascensor?MultiUn MultiUn
The flexibility allowed by the Panel is critical, particularly for developing countries with insufficient human and financial resources for swift yet effective implementation of their SPS procedures.
¿ Por qué me mira así de fijo?UN-2 UN-2
However, funding for the Youth programme is not just critical, it is paramount.
* Informe sobre la propuesta de Decisión del Consejo relativa a la celebración del Acuerdo entre la Comunidad Europea y la Commonwealth de las Bahamas sobre exención de visados para estancias de corta duración (COM #- C#-#/#- #/#(CNS))- Comisión LIBEEuroparl8 Europarl8
I would like to once again emphasize that the successful implementation of the enhanced deployment plan is critically dependant on the assistance of the stakeholders whom I have just mentioned.
Y no soy una asesina del amorUN-2 UN-2
Finding fish, of course, was critical.
Sociedad o sociedades de clasificación, así como cualquier otra organización, si procede, que haya(n) expedido los certificados de clasificación del buque, si los hubiereLiterature Literature
207 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.