currant bun oor Spaans

currant bun

(countable) A type of bun containing currants.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

bollo con pasas

Give me a currant bun, the little boy begged.
Deme un bollo con pasas, mendigó el pequeño.

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The crowd filled their stomachs with currant buns, boiled eggs, sheep’s trotters and cakes.
La muchedumbre se llenaba el estómago con bollos de pasas, huevos cocidos, manitas de cordero y pasteles.Literature Literature
Fatty wasn�t there yet, so they sat down and ordered currant buns with butter, and hot coffee.
Fatty no había llegado todavía, y tras tomar asiento pidieron bollos de pasas con mantequilla y café caliente.Literature Literature
A man shaped like a currant bun had just married a woman shaped like a pencil.
Un hombre con forma de bollo de grosella se acababa de casar con una mujer con forma de lápiz.Literature Literature
Give me currant bun, come on.
Dame un bollo con pasas, vamos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
How could she forget someone who spoiled her with currant buns?”
¿Cómo iba a olvidar a alguien que la mimaba dándole bollitos de pasas?Literature Literature
All babies look like currant buns to me.
Todos los bebés me parecen bollos con pasas.Literature Literature
On the way back, by Sally’s special request, we bought currant buns at the baker’s.
Durante el camino de vuelta, a instancias de Sally, compramos bollos de pasas en la panadería.Literature Literature
Currant buns are not for urchins.
Los bollos con pasas no son para los golfillos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I couldn’t even eat a currant bun.
No pude ni siquiera comer un solo bollo.Literature Literature
And a currant bun.
Y un pan de pasas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
With it I bought four sweet apples, two currant buns, a bottle of wine, and some pepper meat.
Lo empleé en comprar cuatro manzanas dulces, dos bollos de grosella, una botella de vino y un poco de carne pimentada.Literature Literature
How would you like it if I took you for a nice currant bun?
¿Te gustaría que te llevara a comer un buen bollo de grosellas?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Like the old currant bun, that ́s the sun
Bollo de pasas de Corinto, meteoritoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
We can go halves on a currant bun. ( LAUGHS )
Podemos ir a medias con un bollo de grosella.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Father liked those currant buns, which she would toast for him.
A su padre le gustaban esos bollos con pasas, que ella tostaba para él.Literature Literature
I’ve got a flask of milk and five currant buns.”
Tengo una botella de leche y cinco bollitos con pasas.Literature Literature
Give me a currant bun, the little boy begged.
Deme un bollo con pasas, mendigó el pequeño.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘This is the age of Currant Bun, Handbag and Jamjar,’ they said.
«Estamos en la época de Currant Bun, Handbag y Jamjar», decían.Literature Literature
And to Karsten Hermansen, who shared his home-baked currant buns as well as his inexhaustible knowledge.
Karsten Hermansen ha compartido conmigo tanto sus bollos de pasas caseros como sus inagotables conocimientos.Literature Literature
The teacher’s wife comes in and offers Janusz a currant bun to have with his tea.
En eso llega la mujer del profesor y ofrece a Janusz un bollo de pasas para acompañar al té.Literature Literature
On the way back, he gave me a currant bun, an extra-large one.
A la vuelta, me dio un panecillo de pasas, uno muy grande.Literature Literature
“And a dozen currant buns, please.”
—Y una docena de bollitos de arándanos, por favor.Literature Literature
Beatrice’s basket contained a paper bag of broken biscuits, three small currant buns, and some elderflower cordial.
La cesta de Beatrice contenía una bolsa de papel con galletas rotas, tres bollitos de pasas y refresco de flor de sauco.Literature Literature
Currant Bun Hands on her collarbone, breath on her neck – Louis?
Bollo con pasas Manos en su clavícula, aliento en su cuello... ¿Louis?Literature Literature
It’s like the one old Mrs Rabbit takes to buy five currant buns and a loaf of brown bread.
Es del tipo que utiliza la señora Conejo para comprar cinco bollos de pasas y una barra de pan moreno.Literature Literature
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