dainty oor Spaans


/ˈdeɪnti/ adjektief, naamwoord
Delicately small and pretty.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


I'm so sorry, was that too loud for your dainty little ears?
Lo siento, ¿he hecho demasiado ruido para tus pequeños y delicados oídos?


It's a pleasure meeting such a dainty lady.
Es un placer conocer a tan fina dama.
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But I'm not looking for a little, dainty bowl of pasta with mushrooms.
Pero yo no busco a un poco, plato exquisito de pasta con setas.

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the daintiness of her hands
la delicadeza de sus manos
delicadeza · finura


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She'll never call you dainty-face!
¡ A ella nunca le agradará tu rostro!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“I wish you wouldn’t deny your guilt,” sighed the dainty little Baenre matriarch.
“Desearía que no negaras tu culpabilidad,” suspiró la pequeña matriarca Baenre.Literature Literature
I'm so sorry, was that too loud for your dainty little ears?
Lo siento, ¿he hecho demasiado ruido para tus pequeños y delicados oídos?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He’s not as dainty as he looks.
No es tan refinado como parece.Literature Literature
She tossed her dainty bonnet on the bed as if she had been used to such finery all her life.
Arrojó su elegante sombrero sobre la cama como si estuviera acostumbrada a usar esta prenda durante toda su vida.Literature Literature
Her snowy mare, with its arched neck and dainty step, was almost as tall as Rand’s bay.
Su nívea yegua, con su esbelto cuello y elegante paso, era casi tan alta como el caballo alazán de Rand.Literature Literature
There could be nothing prettier than that dainty little ruby shell clinging above the white neck.
No contemplé jamás nada tan delicioso como aquella menuda concha carmínea que asomaba sobre un cuello blanquísimo.Literature Literature
Don't get all dainty, Joyce.
No te pongas delicada, Joyce.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His fingers look surprisingly dainty.
Tiene los dedos sorprendentemente finos.Literature Literature
All we need now is a refrigerator a telephone... chilled vodka... a television... a soft cashmere duvet... a dainty pot of caviare.
Ahora sólo necesitamos una nevera... un teléfono, vodka helado... una tv... un edredón suave... un frasco de caviar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Georgie fought alongside me in the wild, not in the dainty fields of Europe where rules matter.
Georgie peleó junto a mí salvajemente no en los exquisitos campos de Europa donde las reglas importan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A little dainty for a surgeon.
Un poco melindroso para un cirujano.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was small-boned and not very tall, very dainty and completely feminine.
Era esbelta y no muy alta, muy delicada y completamente femenina.Literature Literature
Not dainty fairies, by any means, but a fierce lot who rode through the night making a horrid uproar.
No hadas delicadas, en absoluto, sino un grupo fiero que cabalgaba por la noche provocando un terrible alboroto.Literature Literature
A dainty chamber with feminine furnishings that surely once belonged to a woman of taste.
Estaba decorado con mobiliario femenino, sin duda había pertenecido a una mujer con gustoLiterature Literature
She ate with that peculiar combination of dainty grace and avid hunger that one saw in cats.
Comía con aquella peculiar combinación de gracia y avidez que había visto en los gatos.Literature Literature
Our appetites stoked by adventure, we each devour several dainty sandwiches without apology.
Con el apetito animado por la aventura, nos comemos varios bocadillos sin sentimiento de culpa.Literature Literature
Why should my garlic days so offend your daintiness?’
¿por qué mis días del ajo habrían de ofender tanto a tu delicadeza?Literature Literature
My dear Colonel, according to the King' s request... it is for you to take first choice of this dainty nosegay... and at your own price
Mi querido Coronel, por pedido del Rey... usted debe ser el primero en elegir de este exquisito ramillete... y al precio que le convengaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
It reminds me of something bright and dainty.’
A mí me hace pensar en algo brillante y delicado.Literature Literature
It seems to me that even John and Dainty forget her.
De que hasta Dainty y John la olvidan.Literature Literature
To meet the needs of the guest, the hotel has dedicated an international conference center including 4 different conference rooms which own multimedia computers, projectors and a simultaneous interpretation system. With the Chinese restaurant and coffee hall decorated in different styles with great originality, we provide elegant atmosphere as well as a variety of dainties.
Este hotel con sus 264 habitaciones amuebladas confortablemente está distinguido con 4 estrellas.Common crawl Common crawl
Boss Hogg's prize boar Dainty.
El cerdo premiado de Boss Hogg, Dainty.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Jeremy's chat was then interrupted'because Dainty David had finished.'
Entonces la charla de Jeremy fue interrumpida porque Dainty David había terminado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She that makes dainty, She, I'll swear, hath corns.
Ella que hace delicadas, Ella, te juro, tiene callos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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