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naamwoord, werkwoord
A form of romantic courtship typically between two individuals with the aim of assessing the others suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. The result of dating may at any time lead to friendship, any level of intimate relationship, marriage, or no relation.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


The reason the date of the tunnel mattered so much was because of this tablet.
La datación del túnel importaba tanto debido a esta tablilla.


You can send them for carbon dating so that we can determine when the victim died.
Puedes enviarlas para que las daten con carbono y así poder determinar cuándo murió la víctima.


An estimation of the age of an artifact, biological vestige, linguistic usage, etc.
We need to make inquiries about the date of the examination.
Tenemos que informarnos sobre la fecha del examen.

En 6 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

cita · de citas · la datación · marcado de fecha · noviazgo · salir en citas

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

disbursement expiry date
fecha de terminación de desembolsos · plazo de disponibilidad
todays date
latest date
no objection date
keep me up to date
to get up to date
age dating
carbon dating
datación por el carbono 14 · datación por radiocarbono · método del carbono 14 · método del radiocarbono


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Annex to the identical letters dated 11 September 2006 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council
Y los pasaportes de todosUN-2 UN-2
The lot must be replaced within three days of the date of the successful tenderer’s request.
No, gracias, SeñorEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Requests submitted under Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 258/97 before the date of application of this Regulation shall be transformed into applications under Chapter II, Section 1 of this Regulation where the initial assessment report provided for under Article 6(3) of Regulation (EC) No 258/97 has not yet been forwarded to the Commission, as well as in all cases where an additional assessment report is required in accordance with Article 6(3) or (4) of Regulation (EC) No 258/97.
Las cataratas del Niágara, Frankie, tesoroEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Observations must reach the Commission not later than 10 days following the date of this publication.
Me quitaste ami hija.A mi preciosa niñita, y te la llevaste. Ahora, estoy aquí y temo no recuperarlaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
If the President of the arbitral tribunal has not been designated within two months of the date of the appointment of the second arbitrator, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall, at the request of a party, designate the President within a further two‐month period.
El presente Acuerdo se aplicará a todos esos acuerdos y disposicionescuando entren en vigor o empiecen a aplicarse provisionalmenteUN-2 UN-2
Then he meticulously recorded the six digits of my date of birth.
Desearía que hubiese otra forma de hacer estoLiterature Literature
Batman proved to be so popular that a self-titled ongoing comic book series began publication with a cover date of Spring 1940.
En cada solicitud se consignaráWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By letter dated 30 December 1998, the Commission informed France of its decision to extend proceedings C 31/98 to include aid N 618/98.
Yo sólo esperaba que podríamos tener una tardeEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) significant non-compliance with the Solvency Capital Requirement is observed and the supervisory authorities do not obtain a realistic recovery plan within two months of the date when non-compliance was observed.
De ninguna maneraEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Dick, amor mío...... siempre he dicho que eres mi mejor amigo... mira que culete tieneEurLex-2 EurLex-2
We also salute IGAD and its partners, as well as the international community for its sincere efforts to date
Mira y aprendeMultiUn MultiUn
For every admissible project, a summary table is prepared, indicating: the date it was received (in order to allow the Board to verify if the deadlines were met); whether the reports are satisfactory; any additional report requested by the secretariat; the amount requested for a new grant; the total budget of the project; what one third of the budget amounts to (because the implementation of a project must not depend totally on the Fund’s support; para. 25 of the guidelines).
Es duro, pero es lo que decidí hacerUN-2 UN-2
Annex I shall also include the date of designation by the Security Council or by the Sanctions Committee.
Había una ancianaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Did I mention I had a date tonight?Not just the inflatable kind. A real live girl
No perdemos nada por intentarloopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The document of origin shall be deemed to have been duly endorsed if it specifies the place and date of issue and the final date of validity, and if it bears the stamp of the issuing authority and the signature of the person or persons empowered to sign it
¿ Qué explicación tiene?eurlex eurlex
Furthermore, the release bond submitted by the complainant is dated 24 August 2007, a week after the day he claimed in his testimony before the Refugee Protection Division that he had been released, that is, 17 August 2007.
Púdrete, payaso!UN-2 UN-2
In calculating the periods and time limits provided for in this Regulation, Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 1182/71 of the Council of 3 June 1971 determining the rules applicable to periods, dates and time limits ( 15 ) should apply.
¿ Quién te crees que eres?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
A request for extension of time limits or postponement of the dates for replying to questionnaires, for submitting additional information, for on-the-spot visits, or for comments on disclosures shall first be addressed by any interested party to the Commission services responsible for the investigation.
Los resultados histopatológicos de las muestras de médula ósea no mostraron cambios importantes atribuibles al tratamientoEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Foreigners’ entry in the Albanian territory, but identified by the status of asylum seeker, provided for by Law No. 8432, dated 14 December 1998 “On Asylum in the Republic of Albania”.
Vienen por ti, imbécilUN-2 UN-2
Certificates, a specimen of which is shown in this annex, shall be acceptable from 1st January 1996; however certificates made out in accordance with the previous specimen, dated 1992, may be presented until 31st December 1997.
Demoraré un rato porque tengo que caminarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Oh, Max could not be further from the men I've dated.
Este tío es un veteranoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Indeed, termination of the infringement as soon as the Commission intervenes can logically constitute an attenuating circumstance only if there are reasons to suppose that the undertakings concerned were encouraged to cease their anti-competitive activities by the interventions in question, whereas a case where the infringement has already come to an end before the date on which the Commission first intervenes is not covered by that provision of the Guidelines (Case C‐407/04 P Dalmine v Commission [2007] ECR I‐829, paragraph 158).
Cuando lo considere oportuno, podrá invitar al Comandante de la Operación de la UE o al Comandante de la Fuerza UE a asistir a sus reunionesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
So that if I'm lucky enough to get another date, I can plan something that I know she'd like to do.
¡ No, no podemos empezar todavía!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Member State shall notify the Commission of the date and form of the designations, which shall be carried out at an appropriate level, of the managing authority and, where appropriate, of the certifying authority prior to the submission of the first application for interim payment to the Commission.
Ahora tú trata de ser el mozo, y Albert, tú eres el clienteeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
are the Rights Commissioner and the Labour Court required by any provision of Community law (and in particular the obligation to interpret domestic law in light of the wording and purpose of a Directive so as to produce the result pursued by the Directive) to interpret provisions of domestic law enacted for the purpose of transposing Council Directive 1999/70/EC of 28 June 1999 concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP as having retrospective effect to the date on which the said Directive should have been transposed where:
El despiece, almacenamiento y transporte se realizarán de acuerdo con las condiciones establecidas en el presente artículo, en los artículos #, #, # y # y en el anexoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
209 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.