deep breath oor Spaans

deep breath

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

inhalación profunda

Take a deep breath.
Haz una inhalación profunda.

respiración profunda

Just take a deep breath and try to relax.
Simplemente tome una respiración profunda y trate de relajarse.

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Soortgelyke frases

to take a deep breath
respirar hondo · respirar profundamente
she took a deep breath
respiró hondo
Deep Breathing Exercises
La lista de Schindler
draw a deep breath
tomar aire
take a deep breath
respirar hondo · respire hondo
take a deep breath and relax
respire hondo y relájese
take deep breaths
respira hondo · respirar hondo · respire hondo · respiren hondo


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Also”—he took a deep breath—“the site itself, there at Kåfjord, would not be right.
Además —añadió respirando hondo—, el propio emplazamiento allí, en Kaafiord, no sería el adecuado.Literature Literature
Zaron forced himself to take a deep breath.
Zaron se obligó a respirar hondo.Literature Literature
Deep breaths.
Respira hondo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ned drew a deep breath, nodded, and let himself be drawn into the vortex of the crowd.
Ned aspiró, asintió y se dejó llevar hacia el vórtice de la multitud.Literature Literature
Taking a deep breath, I continued, “I’m just saying that there’s nothing unnatural about women ruling a country.”
Tomé aliento profundamente y continué: —Sólo digo que no hay nada raro en que una mujer gobierne un país.Literature Literature
She screamed and screamed ...” Lloyd drew deep breaths as if his lungs were failing him.
Ella no paró de gritar... Lloyd respiró hondo varias veces, como si le faltara el aire en los pulmones.Literature Literature
Patrik took a deep breath and followed him over to the tree.
Patrik respiró hondo y lo siguió hasta el árbol.Literature Literature
Can you take a deep breath for me, OK?
Puedes respirar profundamente por mí, ¿vale?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She took a deep breath and read from page 31 of the little book.
—La madre inspiró profundamente y leyó la página 31 del pequeño libro—.Literature Literature
Saint turned the papers to face him, then with a deep breath dipped his pen and signed.
Saint giró los papeles hacia él, luego con un profundo suspiro sumergió la pluma y firmó.Literature Literature
I guess I just wanted to say ... Jason took a deep breath.
Supongo que solo quería decir... Jason respiró hondo.Literature Literature
After some deep breathing I start to calm down.
Después de coger aire profundamente empiezo a tranquilizarme.Literature Literature
He took a deep breath, put his pen to paper, and started to make a list.
Respiró hondo, cogió lápiz y papel y empezó a elaborar una lista.Literature Literature
He took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and looked straight into Maureen’s as he answered.
Respiró hondo, abrió los ojos y miró a Maureen cuando contestó.Literature Literature
Take a deep breath and try to relax.
y tranquilízate.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In remembering his last moments as a human, he had actually taken a deep breath.
Recordando sus últimos momentos como humano, había respirado profundamente.Literature Literature
She pressed her forehead into the table and took deep breaths to stop the horrible noise continuing.
Apretó la frente contra la mesa y respiró hondo para detener el horrible grito que luchaba por salir.Literature Literature
I took a deep breath and looked down at the scuffed floor of the Pelican.
tomé un aliento profundo y miro hacia abajo al piso golpeado del pelícano.Literature Literature
So she took a deep breath and thought hard about the most outrageous thing she could say.
Así que respiró con fuerza y pensó en la cosa más escandalosa que podía decir.Literature Literature
She drew a deep breath, now that she felt on safer ground.
Respiró hondo ahora que se sentía en terreno más seguro.Literature Literature
Damian took a deep breath and asked, “Does she love Gordon?
Damian aspiró con fuerza el aire y preguntó: -¿Está enamorada de Gordon?Literature Literature
He took a deep breath and blinked away the face of Charlie Garner.
Inspiró hondo y parpadeó para apartar la cara de Charlie Garner.Literature Literature
He took a deep breath to regain the balance he seemed to lose so easily around her.
–Eso no importa –respiró hondo para recuperar el equilibrio que parecía perder tan fácilmente con ella–.Literature Literature
Finally he dragged in a deep breath, releasing it slowly as if he’d come to a decision.
Finalmente respiró hondo y soltó el aire lentamente, como si acabara de tomar una decisiónLiterature Literature
He kept licking his lips and taking deep breaths, apparently as nervous as she was.
Se lamía los labios y respiraba profundamente; al parecer, estaba tan nervioso como ella.Literature Literature
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