deerhound oor Spaans


a dog, rather like a large greyhound, originally bred in Scotland for hunting deer

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Scottish Deerhound
lebrel escocés
Scottish deerhound
lebrel escocés


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However, the name of the château may be derived from several words in the French language: muete, a spelling which appears frequently up to the end of the 18th century and signifies a pack of deerhounds; mues, the antler shed by stags in the autumn; or mue, the moulting-period of hunting hawks.
Sin embargo, el nombre del castillo puede derivarse de varias palabras en idioma francés: muete, una ortografía que aparece con frecuencia hasta el final del siglo XVIII y significa una manada de ciervos; mues, la asta arrojada por los ciervos en el otoño; o mue, el período de muda de los halcones de caza.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thomas and Lucilla had, for reasons not even they could explain, wanted the deerhounds at the church.
Thomas y Lucilla, por razones que ni siquiera ellos podían explicar, querían los sabuesos en la iglesia.Literature Literature
“Like nothing so much as Good King Wenceslas, huge deerhound by his side and all.
—Nada se parece mas al Buen Rey Wenceslao, un enorme sabueso a su lado y todo.Literature Literature
The Duchess of Trent, accompanied by Harry and Hazel, her deerhounds.
La duquesa de Trent, acompañada de Harry y Hazel, sus lebreles.Literature Literature
She was usually accompanied by Roy and Rex, two deerhounds Jay had bought.
Por regla general, la acompañaban Roy y Rex, los dos galgos que Jay había comprado.Literature Literature
She lived alone in her villa with a modest staff and a Scottish deerhound named Henri.
Vivía sola en su villa con una reducida servidumbre y un galgo escocés llamado Henri.Literature Literature
In Africa I never had dogs of any other breed than the Scotch Deerhound.
En África nunca tuve otros perros que no fueran galgos escoceses.Literature Literature
McDougal thrashed, trying to push them off, but he was no match for five well-trained deerhounds.
McDougal se revolvió, tratando de alejarlos, pero no era rival para cinco sabuesos bien entrenados.Literature Literature
Then, he’d trotted slowly, balancing two squirming deerhound puppies across his saddle.
Entonces, había trotado lentamente, balanceando a dos cachorros de sabuesos retorciéndose sobre su silla.Literature Literature
Beside him, Lady Grey, his deerhound, evidently decided that she wasn’t getting sausages for dinner any time soon.
A su lado, Lady Grey, su galgo, decidió que aquella noche no cenaría salchichas.Literature Literature
‘I’ve nothing waiting for me at the cottage except a smelly old deerhound and a lame hedgehog.
—En la cabaña no me esperan más que un galgo viejo y maloliente y una eriza coja.Literature Literature
The deerhound hadn’t followed them into the library.
El galgo no los había seguido a la biblioteca.Literature Literature
The fish was as big as a deerhound and had a triangular fin.
El pez era tan grande como un ciervo y poseía una aleta triangular.Literature Literature
Afghan Hound, Basenji, Borzoi, Greyhound, Irish Wolfhound, Saluki, Scottish Deerhound, Whippet.
Basenji, borzoi, deerhound o lebrel escocés, greyhound, lebrel afgano, lebrel irlandés, saluki, whippet.Literature Literature
The two deerhounds, who slept on the porch, looked up at her curiously.
Los dos perros de caza que dormían en el porche la miraron con curiosidad.Literature Literature
He had Lightning, my good deerhound, on a leash, and with him was Father Cuthbert.
Atado, traía a Rayo, mi buen rastreador de ciervos; con él venía también el padre Cuthberto.Literature Literature
“I’m going to spend the rest of the morning training our deerhounds.
—Voy a pasar el resto de la mañana entrenando a nuestros sabuesos.Literature Literature
His two deerhounds lay stretched on the skins at his feet, dreaming still of the chase they had had that day.
Sus galgos estaban tumbados sobre las pieles, a sus pies, soñando todavía en la caza del día.Literature Literature
Marcus, meanwhile, had given Thomas and Lucilla a male deerhound from the line he was breeding.
Mientras tanto, Marcus les había dado a Thomas y a Lucilla un macho de la línea que estaba criando.Literature Literature
She laughed again, the two deerhounds following her to the door.
Ella se rió de nuevo, con los dos galgos siguiéndola por la puerta.Literature Literature
And over our more undulating terrain, Kerry beagles will outlast any other breed, bar perhaps the deerhounds.”
Y en nuestro terreno más ondulado, las beagles de Kerry durarán más que cualquier otra raza, salvo quizás los sabuesos.Literature Literature
someone screamed, and Captain Nadine Wu, CO of TFNS Deerhound, stared at her display.
—gritó alguien, y la capitana Nadine Wu, oficial al mando de la nave de la AFT Deerhound miró a su pantalla.Literature Literature
‘Ilar believes she is a deerhound,’ Martin said as he rose, brushing off his muddy knees.
Llar cree que es cazadora de ciervos —dijo Martin al ponerse de pie y sacudirse las rodillas enlodadas—.Literature Literature
However, only a few select breeds were known to air-scent, and deerhounds weren’t one of those.
Sin embargo, solo unas pocas razas selectas sabía que olían el aire, y los perros de caza no eran uno de esos.Literature Literature
Everything else belonged to the clan—the furniture, the books surrounding her, even her deerhounds.
Todo lo demás pertenecía al clan: los muebles, los libros que la rodeaban, incluso sus sabuesos.Literature Literature
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