dehorner oor Spaans


A device for cutting the horns off an animal's head.

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I'd advise you to have her properly dehorned soon or she's going to look a bit odd.""
¡ Quietas, es la de repuesto!Literature Literature
Dehorning devices, gas-operated, for livestock
Estás hecho una mierdatmClass tmClass
Without prejudice to developments in Union legislation on animal welfare, tail-docking of sheep, beak trimming undertaken in the first three days of life, and dehorning may exceptionally be allowed, but only on a case-by-case basis and only when those practices improve the health, welfare or hygiene of the livestock or where workers’ safety would otherwise be compromised.
Rumanía registró en 2009 un aumento del 35 % en la violencia de género en comparación con 2008.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The European Parliament allocated EUR 1 million in the 2008 Community budget to launch a pilot project in order to develop improved animal production methods and to focus on alternatives to the castration of pigs and alternatives to the dehorning of cattle.
No se molesteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
¿ Cómo lo corroboraste?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Operations such as attaching elastic bands to the tails of sheep, tail-docking, cutting of teeth, trimming of beaks and dehorning shall not be carried out routinely in organic farming.
No me puedo mover!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Dehorning usually follows.
la participación en un acontecimiento histórico notable, oOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Disbudding, dehorning of adult animals, castration and tail docking should not be done unless justified on welfare or veterinary grounds.
Que le paso a tu cara?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
She glanced suspiciously at Yuli, following his master, but Yuli had been dehorned.
Hace un par de años, habían movido el contenedor a las fueras del estacionamiento de casas rodantesLiterature Literature
With rhino horns fetching up to $900 a pound [$2,000 per kg], poachers feel that even the stumps of a dehorned rhino are worth gouging out.
La secuestré, la matéjw2019 jw2019
This figure should be compared with fig. 1.27 (dehorned cow) and fig. 1.33 (bull calf).
Estos préstamos se hicieron a un tipo de interés igual al MIBOR más # puntosLiterature Literature
Some of the risks more evident in the traditional systems of beef production are: problems during parturition, morbidity and mortality of calves, lack of shade in the pastures, improper handling of animals, risk of injury, inadequate infrastructure, poor management practices during routine processing (marking, castration, vaccination, dehorning), poor welfare during loading, transport, unloading and slaughter.
La verdad es que, a veces...... me da un poco de miedoscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
1.7.8 Without prejudice to developments in Union legislation on animal welfare, tail-docking of sheep, beak trimming undertaken in the first three days of life, and dehorning may exceptionally be allowed, but only on a case-by-case basis and only when those practices improve the health, welfare or hygiene of the livestock or where workers' safety would otherwise be compromised.
Jefe de la Misión/Jefe de los servicios de policíanot-set not-set
Operations such as attaching elastic bands to the tails of sheep, tail-docking, cutting of teeth, trimming of beaks and dehorning shall not be carried out routinely in organic farming
Bueno, por lo que veo, no me preocuparía por conseguir el certificadooj4 oj4
(d) animals that have been submitted to veterinary procedures in relation to farming practices such as dehorning or castration, provided that wounds have completely healed.
Expresa su deseo de que en el futuro se desarrolle una acción en favor de las pequeñas comunidades tradicionales, a semejanza de la acción por la que se instituyen las capitales culturales europeasEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Various schemes afoot to stem the poaching tide include dehorning the animal.
Cualquier consideración relativa a posibles trabajos futuros, cualquier conflicto con otros compromisos pasados o actuales de un candidato, de un licitador o de un contratante, o cualquier conflicto con sus propios interesesjw2019 jw2019
At this slaughterhouse, the branded and dehorned cattle are brought into a stall.
La Srta.Mayes, ella no puede estar ahíOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Operations such as attaching elastic bands to the tails of sheep, tail-docking, cutting of teeth, trimming of beaks and dehorning must not be carried out systematically in organic farming
Recuerda sus prioridades en el sector agrícola, como por ejemplo la lucha contra las epizootias y la política de calidad de los productos alimentarios de la UE, y destaca la importancia que concede al desarrollo rural como elemento clave para la consecución de una agricultura sostenible; señala asimismo la necesidad de incentivar, en particular, a los jóvenes agricultores y de adaptar los fondos disponibles al número de jóvenes agricultores que necesitan ayuda en la Unión ampliada; indica una vez más que para estas prioridades podría recurrirse a la modulación agrícola, ya que existe margen en la subrúbrica #aeurlex eurlex
DeHorne was retired now, but he and John Lathrop still saw a lot of each other.
Con gusto le recomendaré a los mejores terapeutasLiterature Literature
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