delirious oor Spaans


/dɪˈlɪɹɪəs/ adjektief
(medicine) Being in the state of delirium

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjektiefmasculine, feminine
being in the state of delirium
No, not by me, and not by the dying or the delirious.
No, no yo, ni los moribundos o delirantes.


By evening, the young man is delirious, and his family distraught.
Al atardecer, el joven está delirando, y su familia preocupada.


adjective noun
I am deliriously happy setting up my new home.
Estoy como una loca feliz instalándome en mi nuevo hogar.

loco de alegría

If I had half your talent, I'd be delirious.
Si yo tuviera la mitad de su talento, estaría loca de alegría.

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Delirious (film)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Delirious (2006 film)
An amazing live recording of the band Delirious.
Espectacular grabación en vivo de la agrupación britanica Delirious?
HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource

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Soortgelyke frases

to be delirious
to be delirious with joy
estar delirante de alegría
the fever made him delirious
la fiebre lo hacía delirar
anticolinérgico · delirante
con delirio · delirantemente · locamente
the fever made her delirious
la fiebre la hizo delirar desvariar
Lost and Delirious
Lost and Delirious
be delirious
delirar · desvariar · enloquecer · fantasear
anticolinérgico · delirante


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The drug could put a man to sleep, or make him delirious, or writhing in agony.
La droga podía dormir a un hombre, hacerle delirar o retorcerse de angustia.Literature Literature
“I’ve been hot since I met you, but I’m not running a fever and I’m not delirious.”
—Ardo desde que te conozco, pero no tengo fiebre ni estoy delirando.Literature Literature
Delirious or sane I must remain enraged with myself and with my fate.
Delirante o cuerdo, he de seguir airado conmigo mismo y con mi destino.Literature Literature
Did you catch what Turnbull said while he was delirious?”
¿Pudiste oír lo que decía Turnbull mientras deliraba?».Literature Literature
Behind and within that vast evil presence was a seeming infinity of screaming delirious eldar.
Detrás y dentro de aquella terrible presencia del mal había una infinidad de eldar delirantes.Literature Literature
And when he was delirious, he said Candy's name.
Y en su delirio pronunció el nombre de Candy.Literature Literature
And Lilah is deliriously happy to finally have the murder off her conscience.
Y Lilah está muy feliz porque tiene la conciencia tranquila.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And meanwhile the bar reverberates and shudders and the atmosphere is alcoholic to the most delirious extremes.
Y mientras tanto retumba y tiembla la carcasa y la atmósfera es alcohólica hasta extremos delirantes.Literature Literature
A deliriant.
Un delirante.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He's a little delirious.
Está un poco delirante.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was so weak and delirious with fever, he couldn’t paint.
Estaba muy débil y la fiebre lo hacía delirar, de modo que no podía pintar.Literature Literature
Crompton reeled deliriously back to his own room on B deck, and collapsed happily on the bed.
Crompton regresó como un autómata al suyo en el puente B, y se derrumbó felizmente en la cama.Literature Literature
Getting up in the middle of the night, he tottered naked, febrile and delirious along the corridors.
En plena noche abandonó la cama y en el delirio de la fiebre vagó desnudo, tambaleándose por los pasillos.Literature Literature
Nephew, you're delirious.
Sobrino, estás delirando.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Johnny thought Stovington would probably be delirious at the news.
Johnny pensó que probablemente en Stovington se pondrían a delirar cuando recibieran la noticia.Literature Literature
She was not in good shape: dehydrated, one leg badly broken, delirious and on the edge of death.
No estaba en muy buena forma: deshidratada, con una pierna malherida, delirante y al borde de la muerte.Literature Literature
I'm delirious from cosmetics depravation.
Deliro por la depravación cosmética.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Calishite had become completely delirious, and the fever seemed to burn him away.
El calishita deliraba y la fiebre parecía consumirlo.Literature Literature
We have a week of delirious happiness and suddenly you're gone.
¿Cruel? Tuvimos una semana de felicidad, de éxtasis, y, de repente, todo terminó.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jubilation, a delirious release from fear and tension, mounted giddily within him.
—El júbilo, una delirante relajación después del miedo y la tensión, se apoderó vertiginosamente de él.Literature Literature
Ardley was in even worse shape, delirious with pain, slipping in and out of consciousness.
El estado de Ardley era aún peor: deliraba a causa del dolor y perdía el conocimiento constantemente.Literature Literature
He was delirious.
Él deliraba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And when they see bread others literally howl, kiss our feet, and become quite delirious.
Y cuando ven pan, hay otros que aúllan literalmente, nos besan los pies y se vuelven medio locos.Literature Literature
Muhammad was quiet but the soldier was delirious and shouting every so often.
Muhammad estaba tranquilo, pero el soldado deliraba y gritaba a cada rato.Literature Literature
He wanted to appear in " The Holy Mountain ", together with others who were competing to be protagonists or even extras in the latest delirious film by a new director of real brilliance
El queria aparecer en " La Montaña Sagrada ", junto con otros que estaban compitiendo para ser protagonistas o incluso extras. en el ultimo y delirante filme de este nuevo director de gran brillantezopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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