dervish oor Spaans


/ˈdɜː(ɹ)vɪʃ/ naamwoord
A member of Dervish fraternity of Sufism, known for spinning.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


a member of Dervish fraternity of Sufism
One day, an old dervish came to my house and asked to see me.
Un día, un viejo derviche vino a mi casa y preguntó por mi.


someone treading a Sufi Muslim ascetic path
One day, an old dervish came to my house and asked to see me.
Un día, un viejo derviche vino a mi casa y preguntó por mi.

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a Sufi Muslim ascetic fraternity; a form of mendicant friars

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


a Sufi Muslim ascetic fraternity
Well, perhaps he's spotted a covey of Dervishes and wants to keep an eye on them.
Tal vez haya visto derviches y quiera vigilarlos.


Dervish (band)
Dervish (banda)
When I give an order, nobody says it's impossible Dervish.
Cuando doy una orden, nadie me dice que es imposible, Dervish.
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In the end, stories move like whirling dervishes, drawing circles beyond circles.
En fin, los cuentos se mueven como remolinos de derviches, dibujando círculos más allá de los círculos.QED QED
Excited to the war against the Christians by dervishes mahométans, they were turned against the Byzantine empire, and started with him to remove all Asia Mineure; then they passed to Europe about the middle of the fourteenth century, made Andrinople the seat of their empire, subjected all the country to the Danube, beat in Nicopolis (1396) a Christian army come from Occident, and reduced the Byzantine empire to the walls of Constantinople.
Excitados a la guerra contra los cristianos por derviches mahométans, se volvieron contra el imperio bizantino, y comenzaron por él retirar toda la Asia Menor; luego pasaron en Europa hacia la mitad del decimocuarto siglo, hicieron de Tela de algodón encarnada la sede de su imperio, sometieron todo el país hasta el Danubio, pegaron a Nicopolis (1396) a un ejército cristiano venido de Occidente, y redujeron al imperio bizantino a las paredes de Constantinopla.Common crawl Common crawl
He asserted that “we can have meaningful leisure rather than destructive unemployment,” and that we do not need “a whirling-dervish economy dependent on compulsive consumption.”
Afirmó que “podemos tener tiempo libre con sentido en lugar de desempleo destructivo”, y que no necesitamos “una economía que gire cual si fuese un danzarín poseído y que sea dependiente del consumo compulsivo”.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The bandit held up a hand to restrain his men and leveled a steely gaze at the dervish.
El bandido levantó una mano para contener a sus hombres mientras anclaba una mirada de acero en el derviche.Literature Literature
As at 3 January 2014, at least 307 members of religious minorities were in detention, of whom 136 were Baha’is, 90 Sunni Muslims, 50 Christians, 19 Dervish Muslims (four Dervish human rights lawyers were also reportedly detained), four were Yarasan, two were Zoroastrians and six were from other groups.
Al 3 de enero de 2014, estaban privados de libertad al menos 307 miembros de minorías religiosas, entre los que había 136 bahaíes, 90 musulmanes suníes, 50 cristianos, 19 musulmanes derviches (también estaban detenidos, según las informaciones, 4 abogados derviches especializados en derechos humanos), 4 yaresaníes, 2 zoroastrianos y 6 de otros grupos.UN-2 UN-2
She was physically tired, but her mind and her nerves were dancing like dervishes.
Estaba físicamente cansada, pero su mente y sus nervios danzaban como derviches.Literature Literature
I wanted to talk to you Dervish.
Yo quería hablar contigo, Dervish.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eventually I glimpsed the light and reached the tomb, where I saw again the dervish in prayer.
Finalmente, divisé una luz y llegué a la tumba donde vi al mismo viejo derviche rezando.Literature Literature
That, gentlemen, is the whirlingest dervish of them all.
Cierto, amigos, es el mismísimo demonio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Saskia flies at Parnell, a whirling dervish of milky-white limbs and red PVC.
Saskia se gira bruscamente hacia Parnell, un derviche de brazos blancos como la leche y PVC rojo.Literature Literature
—What does it matter, said the dervish, whether there’s good or evil?
—¿Qué más da, dijo el derviche, que haya bien o mal?Literature Literature
The beasts were terrible dervishes, clumsy and slow at spinning, but this made it all more entertaining for Max.
Las bestias eran pésimos derviches, de giros torpes y lentos, pero así resultaba más entretenido para Max.Literature Literature
The Ottoman provincial boss Ali Pasha carefully patronized the Bektashi dervishes to strengthen his power.
El jefe provincial otomano Ali Pasha patrocinó a los derviches de Bektashi para afianzar su poder.Literature Literature
Oh my God, I’m whirling round Lauren’s tiny apartment like a dervish.
Oh, Dios mío, estoy dando vueltas por el diminuto apartamento de Lauren como una posesa.Literature Literature
I’d’ve ironed Trotsky’s shirts like a dervish, then made love to him like a seal.
Hubiese planchado las camisas a Trotsky como un derviche, para después hacerle el amor como una foca.Literature Literature
THE DERVISH IN HELL One night a king dreamt that he saw a king in paradise and a dervish in hell.
EL DERVICHE EN EL INFIERNO Una noche un monarca soñó que un rey había entrado al Paraíso, y un derviche al Infierno.Literature Literature
His so recent intimates were ranged in two circles and dancing like dervishes.
Sus tan recientes íntimas estaban colocadas en dos círculos y bailaban como salvajes.Literature Literature
Get on the whirling dervish roller coaster.
Entre en la montaña rusa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even a whirling dervish.
Incluso un demonio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
During Ramadan beggars and dervishes also regularly flooded in.
Durante el mes de ramadán también afluían con regularidad tanto mendigos como derviches.Literature Literature
“No doubt he is lunching with a Dervish or a Greek shopkeeper or a Beduin sheikh.
Sin duda almorzará con un derviche, un tendero griego o con un jeque beduino.Literature Literature
We are a company of wandering dervishes in this world.
Somos una compañía de derviches errantes en este mundo.Literature Literature
The curtains, drawn to shield us from the press, were dancing, flapping and turning in the wind like dervishes.
Las cortinas, corridas para protegernos de la prensa, bailaban y ondeaban en el viento como derviches.Literature Literature
(He whirls round and round with dervish howls) Sieurs et dames, faites vos jeux !
(gira dando vueltas y vueltas con berridos de derviche) Sieurs et dames, faites vos jeux!Literature Literature
The Special Rapporteur’s mere citation of the received reports as a proof of torture of the Dervishes and the destruction of their premises is incapable of providing any substantiating proof of the allegations made by the Special Rapporteur.
El Relator Especial simplemente cita los informes recibidos como prueba de la tortura de los derviches y la destrucción de sus locales, y es incapaz de aportar prueba alguna que corrobore sus acusaciones.UN-2 UN-2
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