disaffiliation oor Spaans


The termination of an affiliation; the act of ceasing to be associated with something.

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religious disaffiliation
Desafiliación religiosa


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Even if one religious tradition still claims a majority of a population as its nominal adherents, individuals can still choose to disaffiliate from the institution representing that tradition (as in the Catholic majority countries of Europe).
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In 1932 a special conference of the ILP voted to disaffiliate from Labour.
Me marcho por la nocheWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Something like fifty thousand people were going to arrive and nearly all of them would be unaffiliated or disaffiliated.
Tenemos que protestar contra las repercusiones de la pobreza que se dejan sentir mucho más entre las mujeres.Literature Literature
I must add, however, that there are certain matters in which the only productive relationship must be disaffiliation.
RUIDO INDUSTRIAL: ISOLiterature Literature
After the stadium was rebuilt, many football games held there, even when Gimnasia had disaffiliated from the Association.
Al final del período cubierto por el informe se alcanzó finalmente una solución de trabajo con el Director General de la OLAF, otorgándose al Comité el pleno acceso a los casos que éste solicite examinarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In order to assess the exact implications of that obligation for the actual conditions in which the market operates, account should be taken of the dissuasive effect which such an obligation is bound to have on members of the scheme, since they are aware that in the event that they are "disaffiliated", they run the risk of not being insured against an epidemic breaking out in a financial year on the basis of which re-affiliation is to take place.
¿ Qué mierda estás haciendo?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b) To rescind the suspension of Act No. 248 of 9 September 2000 on the provision of health insurance to older persons so as to ensure that subscribers are not disaffiliated from the scheme after retirement.
Me marcho por la nocheUN-2 UN-2
In 2001, Grupo Radio Centro bought the indebted station, disaffiliated it from the Cadena RASA system and converted it to a news format, known as La 69 - Es Noticia.
Tendran que saltar. ¿ Cuales son sus probabilidades de sobrevivir?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The majority of ILP members saw the old Second International as hopelessly compromised by its support for the European bloodbath of 1914, and the ILP formally disaffiliated from the International in the spring of 1920.
" sino: " ¡ Shirley sólo tienes # años!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This article is a reflection about the commitment with the ideals based on the individual change that are proposed by social programs of Latin-American young people (from Rio de Janeiro and from Santiago) in the process of disaffiliation.
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After the disaffiliation of Club Indios de Ciudad Juarez, Ciudad Juárez was left without a professional soccer team.
Mi hermano dice que él va a ir al castillo... a cometer seppukuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Labour left-winger Aneurin Bevan described the ILP's disaffiliation as a decision to remain "pure, but impotent".
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Taking advantage of Club Estudiantil Porteño (that played in second division) had been disaffiliated from the AFA, Florencio Sola acted to prevent Banfield dropping into the Third Division.
No entraré en detalles biológicos...... pero básicamente la nave espacial era un ascoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unlike the union republics, the autonomous republics did not have a right to disaffiliate themselves from the Union.
En ciertos aspectos, podría ser algo muy positivoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tewkesbury in Boston, who had become disaffiliated with the Church, inviting him to be restored once again to fellowship.
Si desea más información sobre el fundamento para las recomendaciones del CHMP, le aconsejamos que lea el Debate Científico (incluido en el EPARLDS LDS
Lastly, with regard to the situation of adolescents aged 13 to 17 years, UNICEF notes that: school attendance has improved over the past 15 years, from 82.9 per cent in 1991 to 88.4 per cent in 2004; there is a big gap in school attendance between adolescents who are not poor (93.5 per cent) and those who are (78.1 per cent), an indicator of inequality in effective access to secondary education; educational “disaffiliation” (students becoming disconnected from, gradually abandoning or actually dropping out of school) is a really serious problem in this age group; the adolescent employment rate has been dropping ever since the crisis; in 1998, 15 per cent of adolescents (14 to 17 year olds) were working, compared with 7.7 per cent in 2003; and institutional disaffiliation, understood as the proportion of adolescents who are neither studying nor working, has declined in recent years, from 15.8 per cent in 1998 to 11.2 per cent in 2004.
Gracias.No le gustó vivir cerca de la cuidad?UN-2 UN-2
Rzepliński, referring to various articles of the Federal Labour Act and other legislative texts relating to trade union membership, which stipulated, inter alia, that the membership of a same trade union could not include public-sector employees working in different public-sector bodies, that the same trade union could group together employees of the same public-sector department, and that union members could not disaffiliate themselves, expressed the view that those various measures meant that public-sector employees’ unions could be easily manipulated.
Lo tubos de resonancia de Virgil están encendidos... de manera que emiten vibraciones subsónicasUN-2 UN-2
The emergence of the periphery as a material and symbolic expression of social disaffiliation is a continuation of that spatial imagination forged at the emergence of the modern city.
Protección Ambiental está revisando las alcantarillasscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
The conflict persisted until Gimnasia decided to disaffiliate from the Association on July 14, 1912, establishing a new league, the "Federación Argentina de Football", presided by Ricardo Aldao himself.
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Altagracia asked Ruby, who lagged behind Ray just enough to be disaffiliated from him.
Ríanse para la foto.- ¡ Sonrían!Literature Literature
Anticipating a possible impeachment, Governor Jose Roberto Arruda announced his disaffiliation from the Democrats at the end of the week, a day before a scheduled DEM meeting on his expulsion.
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Following the disaffiliation of Universitatea, Găman was again declared free agent and signed on 3 August 2011 a contract for five years with Astra Giurgiu.
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With regard to the Premium brands, management fees decreased by -8.9% due to the disaffiliation of the hotel Bahía del Duque (Spain) and results of hotels in Cancun (-18.2%), affected by exchange rate changes.
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The "passionate love" to social programs of Latin America young people in the process of disaffiliation
la participación en un acontecimiento histórico notable, oscielo-title scielo-title
On January 13, 2006, the union officially disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO.
Sé que has estado deprimido, así que te compré estoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
195 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.