dislikeable oor Spaans


Alternative spelling of dislikable.

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It's his right to dislike me, but how can you forgive what he said while he was slobbering?
Tiene derecho a que le disguste pero ¿Cómo puedes perdonarle las cosas desagradables que dijo?

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I have discovered that my husband not only bores me, but I actually dislike him.”
He descubierto que mi marido no solo me aburre, sino que en realidad me desagrada».Literature Literature
I sat back in my chair, wishing I didn’t dislike Hunter quite so much.
Me recosté en la silla, deseando que Hunter no me gustara tanto.Literature Literature
Dislikes... the fact I need viagra.
No Me Gusta El Hecho De Que Necesite La Viagra,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Girdwood glanced at the huge man, instinctively disliking Harper because he was so tall.
Girdwood lanzó una mirada al enorme Harper e, instintivamente, le desagradó por ser tan alto.Literature Literature
Many men disliked him and feared his pretensions – he made little secret of his intention to make himself tyrant.
Muchos hombres no lo apreciaban y temían sus pretensiones; él apenas disimulaba sus intenciones de erigirse en tirano.Literature Literature
He started acting like a father, and I grew to dislike him.
Empezó a comportarse como un padre y a mí me molestó.Literature Literature
'That you were unhappy—that you disliked Lord Rotherton.'
—Que no eras feliz... que te desagradaba lord Rotherton.Literature Literature
“You’re my pardnuh,” Troy said, and disliked the lie.
—Eres mi socio —comentó Troy, no le gustó mentirle.Literature Literature
What is it that you most dislike?
¿Qué es lo que más le desagrada?Literature Literature
Lucy was staring at him with a dislike that astonished him.
Lucy lo estaba observando con una mueca de desagrado que lo dejó perplejo.Literature Literature
His answer to the same question was that he disliked it...... after all he ate
Su respuesta a la misma pregunta Fue que le disgustó...... después de todo lo que había comidoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Lata disliked these expensive, over-smart clothes and wondered what Arun would have thought of them.
A Lata le disgustaba su manera de vestir, cara y en exceso ostentosa, y se preguntaba qué le habría parecido a Arun.Literature Literature
“It was thought,” said Ghail coldly, “that since I had talked to you often I might know your likes and dislikes.”
Creyeron —dijo Ghail fríamente— que desde que hablo contigo con frecuencia, debo saber tus gustos y preferencias. —¡...!Literature Literature
He disliked such games of cat and mouse, but he took some solace in the fact that he was the cat.
Le disgustaban enormemente aquellos juegos del ratón y el gato, pero al menos se consolaba pensando que él era el gato.Literature Literature
‘I thought you said you didn’t know me well enough to dislike me.’
—Pensé que habías dicho que no me conocías lo suficiente como para juzgarme.Literature Literature
He did not dislike goblins on principle, as some did.
No le disgustaban los goblins per se, como le ocurría a cierta gente.Literature Literature
"Then again, it's not a matter of what I like or dislike, what I ""want"" or desire."
Así pues, no se trata de lo que me gusta o disgusta, lo que «quiero» y deseo.Literature Literature
She dislikes wearing underwear, but wears them for Lag's sake, claiming that he is the first person to ever make her wear underwear.
No le gusta usar ropa interior, pero usa por amor a Lag, alegando que él es el primer hombre que le regala ropa interior.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The real reason that she disliked him was that she could not intimidate him.
La verdadera razón de su desagrado era que no podía intimidarle.Literature Literature
She admitted to herself that she disliked bowling, and did it only because everyone else did.
Se confesó a sí misma que no le gustaba jugar a bolos y que sólo lo hacía porque todas las demás lo hacían.Literature Literature
I rehearsed things I might say to him, and anticipated hostility or dislike.
Ensayé diversas cosas que podría decirle y preví hostilidad o desagrado.Literature Literature
We just didn' t mesh.You think he acted out of personal dislike?
No nos entendíamos y ya está.- ¿ Cree que lo hizo por eso?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
She had disliked the hardship of the goldfield and had asked that at her death she be buried back home in Ontario.
Ella cobró antipatía a las penalidades del yacimiento de oro y pidió que al morir la enterraran allá en su hogar en Ontario.jw2019 jw2019
He planned to use their dislike of him as an excuse to take me away from here so he could ... so he could murder me.”
Había planificado usar aquel rechazo como excusa para llevarme a otro sitio y así poder... así poder matarme.Literature Literature
For me, the truth is I dislike Tom.
La verdad es que no me gusta como es Tom.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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