display attribute oor Spaans

display attribute

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

atributo de visualización


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The MDA has the following character display attributes: Invisible, underline, normal, bright (bold), reverse video, and blinking.
Es por eso que le llaman, subnormal KOH.- ¿ Subnormal KOH?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Error Message: The total size of data for display attributes in record number X exceeds the limit that is supported.
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For a list of other display related attributes you can include in your Merchant Center feed, read Display ads attribute specification.
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Many perished, and those that survived displayed either of the two attributes (a special group, called Proteans, can display both attributes).
Los chicos tambiénWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
[display, impression] > [display, impression] > [display, impression] > [display, impression (attributed)]
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Display/search attribution
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Jesus said nothing about people who long displayed goatlike attributes suddenly turning around and becoming like sheep.
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The properties view displays the attributes of the active object
Usted sabe, son graciosos los recuerdosKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Popper displays specific attributes that substantially distinguish it from the constituent interpretation of experience defended in both N.
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[display, impression] > [display, impression] > [search, click (attributed)] > [display, impression]
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For instance, the organizational taxonomy F1 Driver displays attributes such as date of debut, team, etc.; and the organizational taxonomy Football Club presents attributes such as city, stadium, etc. In Classora, taxonomies are hierarchically organized, so that they inherit attributes from their parent taxonomies.
Bueno... por que tengas un buen viajeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If great apes also display such attributes, the authors argue, they deserve the same consideration humans extend to members of their own species.
No de cilindrosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Having regard to the foregoing, it must be concluded that the applicants display attributes peculiar to them as competitors of the two Chinese exporting producers and find themselves in circumstances which differentiate and distinguish them individually just as in the case of the addressees of the contested regulation.
Pide a los países donantes queayuden a los Estados ACP a diversificar sus economías y a aminorar su dependencia de un producto único; reitera la necesidad de invertir en proyectos de infraestructura y de interconexión regionales y subraya que la política comercial debería estar basada en una cooperación entre iguales a fin de garantizar la estabilidad de las economías a escala regional y localeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Depending on how you define the custom attributes in your XML or tab-delimited data feed, Search Ads 360 may display custom attribute names prefixed with "c:", such as c:battery_life:decimal.
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I was to be on display, my good attributes and bad noted and used to determine my future.
No regresesLiterature Literature
Other socio-economic groups often do not display the same attributes commonly attributed to millennials.
Es un imbécil, probablemente desde el nacimientoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Note that you can also optionally add Display ads specific attributes to your products feed.
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The reporting table displays engine metrics attributed to each Google Ads bid strategy in the report's scope.
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Run your program and verify that the attribute display is correct.
Los trenes expreso serán reservados con años de antelaciónLiterature Literature
Click Change value in the Display Profile Parameter Attributes window.
Probablemente, estés asustado de mí tambiénCommon crawl Common crawl
“Ah, yes, this morning you were busy displaying your masculine attributes for the ‘Mr.
Paul está muy bienLiterature Literature
The authors contend that their relationships display all the attributes of family life,
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A display of male attributes, with invitations to bring the cocks to attention.
¿ Le traes una soda a tu mami?Literature Literature
Toggle display of the attribute tree
¡ Sí!En la iglesia de la Calle Clyde, a lasKDE40.1 KDE40.1
It has three attributes displayed—mother, father, and birthyear.
No que yo recuerdeLiterature Literature
2192 sinne gevind in 29 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.