distrait oor Spaans


/ˈdɪstreɪ/, /dɪˈstreɪ/ adjektief
absent-minded, troubled, distracted

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You seem a little distrait, considering our reunion.
Te encuentro distraído. No me escuchas, Sam.

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That morning in the cooking class Dona Flor, nervous and distrait, almost let the rice overcook.
Por la mañana, en la clase de cocina, doña Flor, nerviosa y abstraída, casi pierde el punto del arroz de haussá.Literature Literature
He had painfully written out a first draft, and he intoned it now like a poet delicate and distrait: SAY, OLD MAN!
Había escrito penosamente el primer borrador y lo leía ahora como un poeta delicado y distraído: ¡OIGA, AMIGO!Literature Literature
Have I really become so distrait?
¿Me habré vuelto tan distraído?Literature Literature
She said, “You look a little distrait, Oliver.
Te veo un poco distraído, Oliver.Literature Literature
said Guffy explosively, and controlled himself instantly, granting the startled Curator a distrait smile.
—estalló Guffy, pero se controló, concediendo al sobresaltado Conservador una sonrisa distraída.Literature Literature
He became aware that his wife was eying him with an odd and distrait expression.
Notó que la esposa le observaba con una expresión extraña y distante.Literature Literature
But she was obviously distraite.
Pero era evidente que estaba distraída.Literature Literature
‘“Holocaust,”’ interrupted Miss Miles in a distrait voice.
"—""Holocausto”, interrumpió Miss Miles, un tanto distraída."Literature Literature
Except that I must ask you to continue to look as distrait as you have been looking since we left the Piraeus.
Salvo pedirle que siga con el mismo aspecto distrait que tiene desde que salimos del Pireo.Literature Literature
Mrs Spence, now, she says he was distrait all the evening.
La señora Spence dice ahora que estuvo distrait toda la noche.Literature Literature
He seemed rather distrait, but gave me the information I needed.
Parecía distraído, pero me dio la información que necesitaba.Literature Literature
Diana, on the other hand, seemed distrait, and not entirely sensible of the trouble he was going to to see her.
Diana, a su vez, parecía distraída, y no del todo consciente de las molestias que se estaba tomando por estar con ella.Literature Literature
Before he reached his break-out, Bricard had another small role in the film Le Distrait.
Antes de que alcanzara su brote, Bricard tuvo otro pequeño papel en la película Le Distrait.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was distrait and difficult to communicate with, shaken by shudders, and she kept bursting into tears.
Estaba abstraída, era difícil comunicar con ella, sufría frecuentes temblores y estallaba en lágrimas continuamente.Literature Literature
He, for his part, had reasons to be distrait too, but he tried to keep attentive.
Él, a su vez, tenía razones para andar distraído también, pero intentaba permanecer atento.Literature Literature
During the long caravan journey she had been melancholy, distrait, somewhat haughty.
Durante el largo viaje con la caravana se había mostrado melancólica, lejana, en cierto modo altiva.Literature Literature
Kim didn’t seem to notice that his answer sounded distrait, but Flower did.
Kim no notó que la respuesta de Roderick parecía superficial, distraída, pero Flower sí.Literature Literature
Her trance state had upset her, and she feels that she was a bit distrait.
El trance la había alterado y piensa que estaba un poco trastornada.Literature Literature
He became distrait and faltered in his work.
Empezó a distraerse y a cometer fallos en su trabajo.Literature Literature
On Sunday work went on as on any other day, but this day even the overseers were distrait.
El domingo se trabajaba corno cualquier otro día, pero, en aquella ocasión, hasta los vigilantes estaban distraídos.Literature Literature
That morning Patricia was distraite.
Aquella mañana Patricia estuvo distraída.Literature Literature
For a moment he regarded Ned in silence, then, abruptly: “You are distrait, Monsieur.
Por un momento observó a Ned en silencio; después, súbitamente, dijo: —Está usted distraído, monsieur.Literature Literature
You seem a little distrait, considering our reunion.
Te encuentro distraído. No me escuchas, Sam.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Behind him came Stackhurst, hatless and panting, almost as distrait as his companion.
Detrás de él venía Stackhurst, sin sombrero ni resuello, casi tan trastornado como su acompañante.Literature Literature
'You will find Alain a little distrait, ma cherie.
—Encontrarás a Alain un tanto distraído, ma chérie.Literature Literature
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