doggedly oor Spaans


/ˈdɑɡədli/ bywoord
in a way that is stubbornly persistent

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


in a way that is stubbornly persistent
However, this report doggedly supports the status quo, which is why I have voted against it.
Sin embargo, el presente informe apoya obstinadamente el statu quo, y por ese motivo he votado en contra.


in a way that is stubbornly persistent
To be sure, many states undergoing political transition are doggedly pursuing some form of justice.
Sin duda, muchos Estados en transición política buscan tenazmente alguna forma de justicia.


in a way that is stubbornly persistent
The more the scheme was exposed as unsustainable, the more doggedly officials clung to it – and the more optimistic their narratives.
Cuanto más insostenible se revelaba el esquema, más tercamente los funcionarios se aferraban a él, y con más optimismo lo defendían.


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I’m only with him to have sex, to lose my virginity and gain a little experience, Grace reminded herself doggedly.
«Solo estoy con él para perder la virginidad y adquirir un poco de experiencia», se recordó Grace.Literature Literature
I had worked towards that doggedly after Heath left, but I no longer wanted it.
Había trabajado obstinadamente después de que Heath se fuera, pero ya no lo quería.Literature Literature
"""It isn't natural for a woman to dress like a man,"" Valeria insisted doggedly."
—No es natural que una mujer se vista como un hombre —insistió Valeria.Literature Literature
Cyril had doggedly insisted that she had no conception of the depth of their involvement.
Cyril había insistido con tozudez en que ella no tenía ni idea de la profundidad de su movimiento.Literature Literature
Next to my mother there sat a puritanically dressed woman staring doggedly; she reminded me of Frau K.
Cerca de mi madre estaba sentada una mujer vestida muy puritanamente y de mirada fija, del tipo de la señora K.M.Literature Literature
Yet, despite everything, the Ninth was doggedly battling toward Wenck’s Twelfth Army.
Sin embargo, a pesar de todo, el Noveno seguía batallando con terquedad y acercándose al Duodécimo Ejército de Wenck.Literature Literature
He doggedly pursued that goal throughout his life, despite Catholic Church opposition, the indifference of his peers, seemingly endless revision problems, and his own worsening health.
Persiguió con tenacidad esta meta durante toda su vida, pese a la hostilidad de la Iglesia Católica, la indiferencia de sus compañeros, los aparentemente interminables problemas de revisión y su decadente salud.jw2019 jw2019
He said doggedly, “Triggs is going to stop letting young people gamble out there.
Él contestó con determinación: —Triggs ha de dejar de permitir a la gente joven que juegue allí.Literature Literature
"""When men have faith in themselves, Father,"" Corfe said doggedly, ""they do not need to have faith in anything else."""
—Cuando los hombres tienen fe en sí mismos, padre —dijo Corfe con obstinación—, no necesitan tener fe en nada másLiterature Literature
He had been doggedly telephoning estate agents for over four hours without any positive sighting.
Hacía más de cuatro horas que estaba telefoneando obstinadamente a las agencias sin obtener respuesta positiva alguna.Literature Literature
I had not expected you to be as doggedly inquisitive.
No esperé que fuera tan obstinadamente inquisitivo.Literature Literature
My throat is parched; everything dances red and black before my eyes, I stagger on doggedly and pitilessly and at last reach the dressing station.
--Si fuera cabo me quedaría con los prusianos y me reengancharía.Common crawl Common crawl
He could not devise an organising principle, but went on doggedly making labels, setting up, examining.
No podía inventarse un criterio ordenador, pero prosiguió tenazmente haciendo etiquetas, armando, examinando.Literature Literature
"""I know what to expect now,"" I added doggedly from the hallway."
Ahora ya sé qué esperarme —añadí obstinadamente desde el pasillo—.Literature Literature
The boy shook his head doggedly and went on with more gusto than ever.
El chico asintió dócilmente con la cabeza y siguió haciéndolo con más gusto si cabe.Literature Literature
She seemed very tender and very small in the waist to be trudging along so doggedly, when they had her like that.
Parecía muy tierna y frágil de cintura para caminar tan reciamente, mientras la llevaban agarrada.Literature Literature
Shall we be shamed before her and doggedly refuse to recognize, in a lower form, the Chosen One?
¿Habremos de permitir que nos ponga en ridículo, obstinándonos en no reconocer al elegido en una figura inferior?Literature Literature
Doggedly, he dragged his limp body back to the controls.
Arrastró obstinadamente su cuerpo fláccido hacia los controles.Literature Literature
A thin young man, with a woman and two small children doggedly following in his wake, was hastening towards them.
Un hombre delgado, con una mujer y dos criaturas pequeñas que lo seguían tenaces, se acercaba a toda prisa.Literature Literature
They had a peculiar way of doggedly slinking round the corner, as if they were eternally going to the pawnbroker's.
Se escabullían de un modo peculiar por las esquinas, como si estuvieran siempre de camino a la casa de empeños.Literature Literature
There were times when the Outlaws loyalty to Archie was strained almost to breaking point, but they held on doggedly.
Había veces que la lealtad de los Proscritos hacia Archie estaba a punto de romperse, pero se sometían mansamente.Literature Literature
Some time later Jaksan was back among them to labor doggedly without speech.
Un rato más tarde, Jaksan volvió a reunirse con ellos, para trabajar obstinadamente en silencio.Literature Literature
Furthermore, they share food; they cooperate in building hives and dams; they doggedly protect their eggs.
Además, comparten su comida; cooperan construyendo colmenas y presas; o protegen con tenacidad sus huevos.Literature Literature
Richard drove himself doggedly, trying not to think about his own hopeless condition.
Richard se obligaba a seguir obstinadamente, intentando no pensar en su desesperado estado.Literature Literature
“Then presumably you’d prefer to hand the case to the Russia House,” I said doggedly.
—En tal caso, tal vez prefiera encargar del caso a la Casa Rusia —porfié.Literature Literature
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