doubts that oor Spaans

doubts that

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

duda que

I believe beyond doubt that she is innocent.
Yo creo sin lugar a duda que ella es inocente.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

he doubts that
duda que
there's no doubt that
no cabe duda de que · no cabe duda que · no hay duda de · no hay duda de que · no hay duda que
it's doubtful that
es dudoso que
I was never in any doubt that he was right
nunca tuve la menor duda de que tenía razón
I doubt that if whether I'll get there in time
dudo que llegue a tiempo
I doubt that
dudo que · lo dudo · yo dudo que
she doubts that
duda que
I don't doubt that
no dudo que
it's not doubtful that
no es dudoso que


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
"""Oh, I doubt that, sir, for I am to wed in two months' time."
Me dijo que trabaja directamente a las órdenes del general MattisLiterature Literature
He’d never doubted that it would be well.
Redirijan la energíaLiterature Literature
There is the proof, if anyone was in doubt, that Kafka suffered from Bartleby’s syndrome.
Decisión de la Comisión, de # de abril de #, por la que se crea un grupo de expertos en educación financieraLiterature Literature
Given the mill’s dilapidated condition, I doubted that the hinges had seen much oil of late.
Otra parte en el procedimiento: Comisión de las Comunidades EuropeasLiterature Literature
"There is no doubt that one cannot get to ""the truth of culture"" this way."
He estado pensando mucho acerca de tiLiterature Literature
In view of this, then, there can be no doubt that Mary did not have any other children.”
No, no, tengo que irmejw2019 jw2019
I dont doubt that, said Lemuel, taking another sip of wine.
Nos resulta muy difícil encontrar una línea de discurso que exprese esta honda preocupación por la situación en Corea del Norte y que, al mismo tiempo, no venga a exacerbar el conflicto.Literature Literature
asked Mauricio, who doubted that Il Magnifico was capable of issuing such an order.
Me da terror despertar y estar untando pan con ajo... esperando que mi vida comienceLiterature Literature
By the time the second brandies arrived there was no doubting that they were drunk.
No, están asumiendo cual es mi religiónLiterature Literature
She knew without a doubt that he desired her, but to know that he cared...
Eso significa que tieneLiterature Literature
I had no doubt that Melissa was the one who’d made the call.
Si en muchas oportunidades, me encontré gritando VIVA LA ANARQUIA fué producto de las injusticias que ví que se cometían contra esos desgraciados, muertosde hambreLiterature Literature
There was no doubt that the signature was genuine.
Si fuera por mí, te hubiera dejado pudriéndoteLiterature Literature
I have no doubt that each of them valued money and life differently.
Te has casado con una ineptaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I doubt that.
Tenemos a los mejores médicos del planeta trabajando en élOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
More worrisome, she never doubted that they would stay together for the rest of their lives.
Todos vamos fingiendo ser otroLiterature Literature
“While they think the dragon is still alive I doubt that they will come in.
El último envío de tesoros está llegandoLiterature Literature
I doubt that you could walk a dozen yards.""
¡ sólo sal de mi vida!Literature Literature
There could be no doubting that the war at sea was now well underway.
Vista la recomendación para la segunda lectura de la Comisión de Cultura y Educación (ALiterature Literature
Whittington doubted that the three arthropod groups were coherent taxonomic assemblages.
Existe también una clara conciencia de la necesidad de nuevas reformas para salvaguardar la viabilidad a largo plazo de los sistemas de pensiones, que depende de una economía pública saneada.Literature Literature
“And I doubt that an enemy like this will let us surrender.”
Después, tienes el beneficio secundario...... de cómo esto promovería a la ciudad de Philadelphia...... como un gran destino turísticoLiterature Literature
I doubt that you are strong enough.”
Agencia Jasmeet y Jasmeet Niñeras... una agencia exclusiva, (niñeras de la IndiaLiterature Literature
I don't doubt that.
Decidles que robo algo.DineroOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There is no doubt that globalisation is here to stay and exports are essential for Europe's growth.
First, the Commission had doubts that the envisaged restructuring was sufficient to restore long-term viability.
Asegurate deque llegas bajo los cojines tambienEurLex-2 EurLex-2
163556 sinne gevind in 163 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.