driving mirror oor Spaans

driving mirror

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Driving mirrors may be used to meet the requirements of this paragraph provided that the field of view required for driving is still met.
Para cumplir los requisitos de este punto, podrán utilizarse espejos retrovisores, siempre y cuando el campo de visibilidad exigido para la conducción siga siendo conforme.

espejo retrovisor

Driving mirrors may be used to meet the requirements of this paragraph provided that the field of view required for driving is still met.
Para cumplir los requisitos de este punto, podrán utilizarse espejos retrovisores, siempre y cuando el campo de visibilidad exigido para la conducción siga siendo conforme.

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Headlights in the driving mirror, not gaining or losing.
Brillaban unos faros en el espejo retrovisor, sin ganar ni perder terreno.Literature Literature
He kept looking in his driving mirror to make sure the VW was following him.
Constantemente miraba por el espejo lateral para asegurarse de que el VW lo seguía.Literature Literature
He re-angled his driving mirror so that he could see Bridget who was sitting three seats back.
Ajustó el espejo retrovisor para ver a Bridget, que estaba sentada tres filas más atrás.Literature Literature
He looked into his driving mirror and saw the T.R.4 was following behind.
Miró por el espejo retrovisor y vio que el T.R.4 venía detrás.Literature Literature
He backed it out carefully, and drove back towards Stoneferry with one eye on the driving mirror.
Le dio marcha atrás con cuidado y se dirigió a Stoneferry con un ojo puesto en el espejo retrovisor.Literature Literature
In the driving mirror, he saw the fliers in the back do the same.
En el espejo retrovisor, vio los pilotos en la parte posterior que hacían lo mismo.Literature Literature
Who the fuck nicks a driving mirror? !
¿Quien carajo roba un espejo retrovisor?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
From where I was sitting, the driving mirror did not reflect the road behind.
Desde donde ella estaba sentada, el retrovisor no reflejaba la carretera.Literature Literature
Bond had hardly troubled to look in his driving-mirror since he left London.
Bond apenas se había molestado en mirar por el espejo retrovisor desde que salieron de Londres.Literature Literature
But no watching in the driving mirror!'
¡Pero no observen por el espejo retrovisor!Literature Literature
‘You won’t be the only one, lady,’ the driver answered, glancing at her in his driving mirror.
- No será la única, señora -respondió el conductor, al tiempo que la miraba a través del espejo retrovisor.Literature Literature
He adjusted the driving mirror, pulled out a long, greasy brush and started combing his dirty yellow hair.
Ajustó el espejo retrovisor, sacó un cepillo largo y grasiento y empezó a peinarse el sucio pelo rubio.Literature Literature
‘Tristan,’ Papa warns, his eye back in the driving mirror.
—Tristan —me advierte Papa, mirándome de nuevo por el espejo retrovisor.Literature Literature
She pressed her head into my shoulder while Hawkesbury watched us in the driving mirror.
Apoyó la cabeza sobre mi hombro, mientras Hawkesbury nos observaba por el espejo retrovisor.Literature Literature
I saw David steal one quick glance in the driving mirror and the car swayed violently.
Vi que David daba una rápida mirada al espejo retrovisor y el auto patinó violentamente.Literature Literature
It was almost comforting to see the sand-colored Peugeot in the driving mirror.
Resultó casi confortador ver el Peugeot color arena en el espejo retrovisor.Literature Literature
So your man would have seen him in the driving-mirror?
—¿De modo que su hombre podría haberle visto por el espejo retrovisor?Literature Literature
She drove off, not even looking in the driving mirror to see if Mary was watching her.
Arrancó, sin siquiera comprobar en el retrovisor si Mary la estaba observando.Literature Literature
Simon had tilted the driving mirror so that it reflected his own face.
Simon había ladeado el espejo para que reflejase su cara.Literature Literature
They got two driving mirrors and they been watching us and keeping pace for quite a while.
Tienen dos retrovisores y han estado observándonos desde hace un buen rato.Literature Literature
Seeing the sign by the side of the road, Stackpole glanced in his driving mirror and changed gear.
Al ver la señal al costado de la ruta, Stackpole echó una mirada al espejo retrovisor y cambió de marcha.Literature Literature
They got two driving mirrors and they been watching us and keeping step for quite a whiles.
Tienen dos retrovisores y han estado observándonos desde hace un buen rato.Literature Literature
Both driving mirrors were now in the wrong position.
Ahora los dos retrovisores estaban mal colocados.Literature Literature
Yes, of course ...’ I see her in the driving mirror.
Claro que sí... La veo en el espejo retrovisor.Literature Literature
Joey shifted the driving mirror so he could watch the cars behind.
Joey movió el espejo retrovisor para poder observar los autos que venían detrás.Literature Literature
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