drop away oor Spaans

drop away

To become less or fewer.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Open Multilingual Wordnet


Open Multilingual Wordnet


If it drops away, it'll mean the crack has widened.
Si se cae, significara que la grieta se ha ensanchado.

En 5 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

declinar · descender · deteriorar · disminuir · empeorar

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
About forty yards from the back of the house was the cliff, dropping away steeply to the sea.
¡ Déjame en paz!Literature Literature
Then, suddenly, everything stops and the ground drops away.
Pero tienes un gancho de niñaLiterature Literature
The second stage dropped away 124 seconds later.
Si la solicitud de conversión en una indicación geográfica no satisface los requisitos previstos en los artículos # y # del Reglamento (CE) no #/#, la Comisión informará a las autoridades del Estado miembro o del tercer país o al solicitante establecido en el tercer país en cuestión de las razones de la denegación, y les invitará a retirar o modificar la solicitud o a presentar observaciones en un plazo de dos mesesLiterature Literature
When she was done, Zoe felt those fingers tremble once before they dropped away.
No tienes que decir nada.Está todo bienLiterature Literature
To the west, the forest thinned and the land dropped away.
Primero, quiero darles la bienvenidaLiterature Literature
Power flowed into him, and the weight of his years dropped away.
Hay mucho en juego, ¿ No es eso lo que hace interesante la partida?Literature Literature
He dropped away into the stillest, calmest part of himself, letting everything fall away.
Ha hecho un gran servicio a su país.- ¡ Capitàn!Literature Literature
After half an hour the night was dropping away behind the mountains.
En caso negativo, especifíquese lo que está incluido y lo que debe pagarse aparte (tipo de costes e indicación de los importes respectivos; por ejemplo, estimación del precio que deberá pagarse por cada transacción de intercambio, incluidos cualesquiera costes adicionalesLiterature Literature
He risked a look over his shoulder and saw two of the Banshees drop away.
Esas películas son sobre como...... los hombres blancos mantienen a sus hermanos abajo...... incluso en una galaxia muy, muy lejanaLiterature Literature
My heart dropped away from my smile.
No es mucho en lo que basarse, le concedo eso, pero... es un principioLiterature Literature
Without warning, the bottom dropped away and Pia’s feet slid down an underwater slope covered with slimy silt.
Su galería de arte se ha ido al centro...... y ella quería mudarseLiterature Literature
I became sure of this when the horn sounded a second time, shivered, and dropped away.
¿ Acerca de ustedes?Literature Literature
Kylar felt whatever had been pulling him open drop away, though his body was still bound in place.
las características técnicas de la máquina y, en particularLiterature Literature
The world of Manchester dropping away from the barrier; a falling into zero.
¿ Ves?¡ Oscar ra, ra, ra!Literature Literature
Questioner: You have said that when one sees something to be false, that false thing drops away.
Y fue horribleLiterature Literature
And so, with a creeping sense of powerlessness, she allowed her hands to drop away.
Es un pedazo de mierdaLiterature Literature
Five-fingered hands groped upward, closed on the screen, dropped away.
¿ Eres policía?Literature Literature
Zelika stood awkwardly, feeling her anger drop away, to be replaced by something like shame.
Ella sirvió gallina allíLiterature Literature
Whatever had been semi-official about this visit dropped away.
Michael dice que noLiterature Literature
It was indeed like the casualty list of a battalion, men dropping away one by one.
Trabajar con un amigoLiterature Literature
The grey stone of the talus dropped away three hundred metres into the dark and ragged gorge beneath.
Son seres de otro planetaLiterature Literature
The irritation he’d demonstrated dropped away as he looked at the colt, too.
Pero tú eres mejor pilotoLiterature Literature
Alice Poulshot’s fatigue dropped away from her, and she found it once more possible to speak.
Dejad los catálogos y coged los libros de lecturaLiterature Literature
Even if something bad happens, they just say it’s bad karma dropping away, and everybody’s happy.
¿ Qué pasa con toda esa miel que me prometiste?Literature Literature
Her arms dropped away from me and she groaned with pain, but she did not struggle.
Generosa hospitalidad y comun para todos los cuartosLiterature Literature
5703 sinne gevind in 31 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.