during two centuries oor Spaans

during two centuries

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French nobles lost their prestige for having had, during two centuries, the feelings of menials.
La nobleza francesa se ha perdido por haber poseído, durante dos siglos, los sentimientos propios de un lacayo.Literature Literature
During two centuries of conflict, economic and political interests had dominated religious questions.
Durante dos siglos de luchas, los intereses económicos y políticos prevalecieron sobre los aspectos religiosos.jw2019 jw2019
It had become, during these two centuries, a dangerous dogma—a dogma of almost stupefying power.
Durante esos dos siglos, se había convertido en un dogma poderoso, un dogma de un poder casi adormecedor.Literature Literature
He owned collections of surgical instruments acquired at various times during his two-century crusade.
Poseía colecciones enteras de instrumentos quirúrgicos adquiridos en distintos momentos de su cruzada de dos siglos.Literature Literature
During this two-century long period the local inhabitants gradually began to emerge from their anonymity.
En este período de dos siglos van saliendo poco a poco del anonimato los pobladores autóctonos.Common crawl Common crawl
It had become, during these two centuries, a dangerous dogma--a dogma of almost stupefying power.
Durante esos dos siglos, se había convertido en un dogma poderoso, un dogma de un poder casi adormecedor.Literature Literature
In all, 606 Dutch ships arrived at Dejima during its two centuries of settlement, from 1641 to 1847.
Sobre todo, llegaron a Dejima 606 barcos neerlandeses durante los doscientos años de asentamiento, desde 1641 a 1847.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Their fast-flowing waters were a defence against the Dead, particularly during the two centuries of the Interregnum.
Sus aguas caudalosas constituían una defensa contra los muertos, en especial, durante los dos siglos de interregno.Literature Literature
During the two centuries that followed, the Penguins remained plunged in blood-stained disorder.
Durante los dos siglos siguientes, los pingüinos vivieron en una anarquía sanguinaria.Literature Literature
But during those two centuries, Troy II played an important role in the spread of metallurgy throughout the Aegean.
Durante estos dos siglos, Troya II desempeñó un papel importante en la difusión de la metalurgia a través del Egeo.Literature Literature
They stayed in Boutavent during nearly two centuries before settling back to their former castle: the one in Montfort.
Se quedan en Boutavent durante alrededor de dos siglos antes de regresar en su antiguo castillo; el de Montfort.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I join you in giving thanks for the many graces granted to the Church there during these two centuries.
Me uno a vosotros en la acción de gracias por los muchos dones celestiales concedidos a la Iglesia en estos lugares a lo largo de dos siglos.vatican.va vatican.va
Indian Opposition MP, former minister and former Under-Secretary General of the United Nations Shashi Tharoor recently participated in a debate at the Oxford Union society arguing that Britain owes reparations to India for misdeeds committed during two centuries of colonial rule.
Shashi Tharoor, diputado opositor, ex ministro y ex Secretario General Adjunto de las Naciones Unidas, recientemente participó en un debate en la Oxford Unión society, argumentando que el Reino Unido debe a la India reparaciones por las fechorías cometidas durante dos siglos de dominio colonial.gv2019 gv2019
Christianity had done its best to promote love during the previous two centuries.
El cristianismo había hecho todo lo que había podido para promover el amor durante los dos siglos anteriores.Literature Literature
During the first two centuries there was considerable opposition to the doctrine of incarnation.
Durante los primeros dos siglos hubo considerable oposición a la doctrina de encarnación.jw2019 jw2019
During the past two centuries, they had learned a great deal about strategic thinking—lies, ruses, and tricks.
En los últimos dos siglos habían aprendido rápidamente a urdir mentiras y artimañas.Literature Literature
Foundation has told the story of one of those Foundations during the first two centuries of life.
Fundación relata la historia de una de estas Fundaciones durante los dos primeros siglos de su vida.Literature Literature
The expansion of the machine during the past two centuries was accompanied by the dogma of increasing wants.
La expansión de la máquina durante los dos últimos siglos se vio acompañada por el dogma de las crecientes necesidades.Literature Literature
17 The title “pope” (from the Greek paʹpas, father) was not used during the first two centuries.
17 El título “papa” (del griego pá·pas, padre) no se usó durante los primeros dos siglos.jw2019 jw2019
So here Steve Pinker and I were considering the magnitude of wars during the last two centuries.
Aquí Steve Pinker y yo consideramos la magnitud de las guerras en los últimos dos siglos.ted2019 ted2019
Profound changes had taken place in the northern island of Britain during the last two centuries.
Durante los últimos dos siglos se habían registrado unos cambios profundos en la isla septentrional de Britania.Literature Literature
Unity of structure, under other names, had occupied the greatest minds during the two previous centuries.
La unidad de composición ocupaba ya, en otros términos, a los mejores espíritus de los dos siglos precedentes.Literature Literature
The mystical Gnostics flourished during the first two centuries C.E. and claimed secret divine knowledge, or gnosis.
Los gnósticos místicos proliferaron durante los dos primeros siglos de la era común y alegaban que poseían un conocimiento secreto o gnosis proveniente de Dios.jw2019 jw2019
Thus the Crusades, or so-called “holy wars,” were inaugurated, and continued during the two succeeding centuries.
Así fue como las cruzadas, o las llamadas “guerras santas,” fueron inauguradas, y continuaron durante los dos siguientes siglos.jw2019 jw2019
During the following two centuries, other Bible translations were produced in Spanish.
En siglos posteriores aparecieron otras traducciones de las Escrituras al castellano.jw2019 jw2019
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