each night oor Spaans

each night

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

cada noche

The process was repeated each night before we retired.
El proceso se repetía cada noche antes de acostarnos.

todas las noches

It does not go unnoticed that you disappear each night.
Nos damos cuenta de que desapareces todas las noches.

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I sleep eight hours each night
yo duermo ocho horas cada noche


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The procession stopped each night to set up camp.
Finca de Buckingham PenshurstLiterature Literature
Risking all of our lives each night, I visit the homes of my friends.
No me gustaría tener tu cara duraLiterature Literature
Each night we took to bed our confusion, our longing, our paralyzing intensity.
Es como si estuviera en una habitación oscura... como ésta... y quisiera encender la luz... pero no pudiera porque no sabe dónde está el interruptorLiterature Literature
He wouldn’t let himself go to bed each night until he had made five hundred free throws.
Tiene hijos, agente Flood?Literature Literature
“I read at a play each night, and that keeps me going,” Mrs.
Desgraciadamente, tengo malas noticiasLiterature Literature
He'd heard them each night after that.
Grado # (aparición de ampollas, ulceración o tumefacción que interfiera al caminar o con las actividades diarias normales; no poder llevar la ropa habitualLiterature Literature
The two guards assigned to the nursery would check it on their rounds only twice each night!
El Continental Algo que tû entiendesLiterature Literature
Each night she’d check every crevice of her room—from the walls to the floors—for insects.
¿ La conoces?- Todavía noLiterature Literature
Since the very beginning, a woman has come here each night when the sun has set.
Tejidos originarios de Egipto (SA #) se importan en Noruega, país en el que se confeccionan pantalones para hombres (SALiterature Literature
Each night his army spent in the open left hundreds more soldiers dead from exposure.
A mí tambiénLiterature Literature
Her lips were softer, more welcoming than the feather pillow he nestled against each night.
Si pudiera llevarles armas, iría con vosotrosLiterature Literature
They did this for two hours each night.
Debemos mantenerla fríaLiterature Literature
You should be in my bed each night.
¡ Te vuelvo a llamar!Literature Literature
I took careful notes and looked them over each night before I went to sleep.
Perdonen que interrumpaLiterature Literature
Each night he uses his tunnel to go outside and fight crime, then returns before the morning.
Por el criado que murió anoche podrían colgar a AdamWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“We take each night as it comes, just as we have before.
Gracias por todo, ¿ eh?Literature Literature
For one person, her couch is the place where she reads for an hour each night.
En # años...... yo le propuse matrimonio # veces y siempre me dijo que " no "Literature Literature
Each night, around the fire, we brought our questions to Paloma, like offerings.
Fila inicialLiterature Literature
“I pray each night that it is only frustration and disappointment that shakes your faith.
El principio de calidad de los datos a que se refiere el artículo # del Reglamento (CE) n.o#/# establece que los datos han de ser adecuados, pertinentes y no excesivos en relación con los fines para los que se recabenLiterature Literature
Darby went to bed each night with her head stuffed with mug-shot faces and unanswered questions.
Y si estás con nosotros, estás con nosotros...... al igual que estaremos contigo hasta el finalLiterature Literature
As for the rest, he allowed the script to take him wherever it went each night.
No tengo nada en contra tuyaLiterature Literature
“I pray to God each night,” said Mary vehemently, “that his return will not be long delayed.”
No te has subido a la tablaLiterature Literature
You don't average more than one drowning around here each night, do you?""
Tal vez pensaba en tiLiterature Literature
I fall asleep amid their scent each night, dreaming of your embrace.
Buccelli dice que hablas inglésLiterature Literature
Using German pistols, he shot, each night, about two hundred and fifty men, one after another.
Apuesto que el comandante hizo muchas de esas cortadas...... cuando la GSE no era tan floja como para dejar uno de los suyosLiterature Literature
19297 sinne gevind in 71 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.