eagerly oor Spaans


In an eager manner.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


In an eager manner.
De forma ansiosa.
I eagerly went to him by my own choice.
Yo fui ávidamente a él por mi propia elección.


This explains why, as Mr Stenmarck underlines, this decision is eagerly awaited.
Esto explica por qué, como subraya el Sr. Stenmarck, a esta decisión se la espera impacientemente.



En 11 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

avidamente · con gusto · con mucho gusto · con afán · con avidez · con ilusión · ansiosamente · ansioso · solícito · con entusiasmo · con impaciencia

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

the most eagerly awaited event of the year
el acontecimiento más esperado del año
we eagerly await your visit
esperamos ansiosamente su visita
eagerly awaited
esperado · esperado con ansiedad


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
"She bent over Lupin and, eagerly: ""Yes, revenge has been the motive of my conduct and the sole preoccupation of my life."
Sentencia del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de # de junio de #- UFEX y otros/ComisiónLiterature Literature
“She’s my wife,” said Adam eagerly, adding, “and a patient of yours.”
Tenemos que checar los sobres antes de que abran másLiterature Literature
The housekeeper said the same; so eagerly did they both thirst for the death of those innocents.
Acoge favorablemente este acto jurídico, que regula las normas de funcionamiento de la red ferroviaria europea para lograr un transporte de mercancías competitivoLiterature Literature
We eagerly await the establishment of such a mechanism.
Gracias por hacer que me sienta aún más sexy de lo que me siento en este momentoUN-2 UN-2
From his lazy spot in the sun, Angus came bounding over to him eagerly, tail still wagging madly.
Deja de poner palabras en mi bocaLiterature Literature
Every year tens of thousands of young men and young women, and many senior couples, eagerly anticipate receiving a special letter from Salt Lake City.
¿ Qué te parece ahora, grandulón?LDS LDS
To this end, the Commission offers Turkey a range of training programmes, which are eagerly taken up.
Espere, ellos presintieron algoEuroparl8 Europarl8
In 1938, Feider married Ilona Pal, a local Székely person, who was a graduate of Benedek Elek Teachers' College, who eagerly defended her right to marry a Jew, during the reign of an antisemitic right-wing government.
¿ Para poder guiarnos por la dirección equivocada?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I hear he looks forward to her visits so eagerly it's almost pathetic
No obstante, habida cuenta de que esta empresa adquiere unas cantidades muy significativas de TEA de la industria de la Unión, no es probable que ninguna modificación de las medidas antidumping tenga un impacto final significativo para este usuario industrial en particularOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I hastened to the southern end, scanning the snow right and left eagerly.
De acuerdo, oficialLiterature Literature
She bid her servants Iras and Charmian to take the basket from me, and I surrendered it eagerly.
Reembolso de gastos relacionados con los arrendamientos- Ingresos afectadosLiterature Literature
It was a kid’s paradise, and he’d always looked forward to such events eagerly.
La mayor parte de las reacciones leves a la insulina, en el punto de inyección, se resuelven habitualmente en unos días o en pocas semanasLiterature Literature
Rosa said eagerly, “Also, amado, there is your desire to reach Amarillo Cuchillo.
BLÍSTER DE PVC-PCTFE/ALU DE # Y # COMPRIMIDOS (para el blister blanco y transparenteLiterature Literature
A bright copper pocket watch; the first time Anna saw this, she held it eagerly up to her ear.
Mira... espere haíLiterature Literature
“That’s the very question I had on my lips,” said Miss Lindsay, eagerly.
Después de # semanas de tratamiento, los niveles séricos medios de #-hidroxivitamina D fueron significativamente superiores (# %) en el grupo de FOSAVANCE (# mg/# UI) (# nmol/l [ # ng/ml ]) que en el grupo de alendronato sólo (# nmol/l [ # ng/ml ]Literature Literature
Zannis eagerly checked his mailbox when he got home, but what he was looking for wasn't there.
Te dejas arrastrarLiterature Literature
Geologist at Johnson Space Center in Houston eagerly awaited their arrival.
Algunos dicen que Jerusalén es el lugar donde uno busca el perdónOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
19 As to the manner in which such responsibility should be discharged, the apostle Peter writes: “To the older men among you I give this exhortation, for I too am an older man like them and a witness of the sufferings of the Christ, a sharer even of the glory that is to be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God in your care, not under compulsion, but willingly; neither for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly; neither as lording it over those who are God’s inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock.”
¿ Y si empezó a usar su siguiente identidad allí?jw2019 jw2019
“They are Frenchmen,” Jacques Granville said eagerly, “and they are in trouble.
Lo siento, manoLiterature Literature
Salim pays the money and eagerly extends his left hand.
Estás parado bastante cerca...... GantLiterature Literature
"""I have some more acquisitions to show you,"" he said eagerly."
¿ El famoso Charles Muntz?Literature Literature
"Come, I'll take you to your car - I'm sure your mother waiting eagerly for you. "" ""Yes, certainly, even."
¿ por qué la gente viaja? ¿ tú lo sabes?Literature Literature
No, no, too eagerly my soul deceives Its powerless self: I know this cannot be.
IEstás en la película!Literature Literature
The results were eagerly awaited.
No, pero creo que prohibieron los monopolios en este país, Frank...... porque nadie quiere competir, sabesUN-2 UN-2
Connor was silent for a moment, thinking, while Mickeen watched him eagerly.
¿ Quién diablos eres?Literature Literature
208 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.