eat slowly oor Spaans

eat slowly

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

come despacio

Eat slowly. Savor your food.
Coma despacio. Saboree su comida.

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you eat slowly
come despacio
he eats slowly
come despacio
she eats slowly
come despacio
eats slowly
come despacio


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Eat slowly
Come despacio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I would then return to my table, eat slowly and with deliberation, then start writing again at once.
Acto seguido regresaría a mi mesa, comería lenta y concienzudamente, y enseguida me pondría de nuevo a escribir.Literature Literature
And—pardon me; this is most important—eat slowly.”
Y, perdóneme, pero es lo más importante, coma lentamente.Literature Literature
Despite our hunger, we eat slowly, savouring every mouthful.
Pese a lo hambrientos que estamos, comemos lentamente, saboreando cada bocado.Literature Literature
I eat slowly, I take a bath slowly, I get dressed slowly . . . and I fall in love slowly.’
Como despacio, tardo en bañarme, me visto lentamente... y me enamoro despacio.Literature Literature
Eat slowly.
Come despacio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But Aricia was quiet, eating slowly, and her eyes traveled the wide sweep of the sky.
Sin embargo, Aricia comía callada y despacio, con los ojos perdidos en el amplio cielo.Literature Literature
I eat slowly nowadays, and it all tastes better.
Yo ahora acostumbro a comer despacio y todo sabe mejor.Literature Literature
Very sweet and will try to eat slowly maturing!
Muy dulce y se trata de comer poco a poco madurando!Common crawl Common crawl
Mommy, eat slowly.
Mamá, come despacio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When the food comes, I eat slowly.
Cuando llega la comida, como despacio.Literature Literature
She continued to eat slowly, taking her time spooning herself.
Ella continuó comiendo lentamente, tomándose su tiempo entre bocado y bocado.Literature Literature
I had learned to eat slowly, to swallow a little spit after every spoonful of soup.
Había aprendido a comer despacio, a tragar saliva después de cada cucharada de sopa.Literature Literature
We eat slowly and enjoy one another’s company at this leisurely but nutritious meal.
Comemos lentamente y disfrutamos del compañerismo los unos de los otros en esta cena tranquila y nutritiva.jw2019 jw2019
Eat slowly,” Ludwika advised them in Polish.
Comed despacio —dijo Ludwika a las dos jóvenes en polaco.Literature Literature
Auntie said I had to eat slowly.
La tía dijo que debía comer despacito.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Keep eating, slowly, Tang thought to himself.
Seguir comiendo muy despacio, pensó Tang.Literature Literature
He tried to restrain himself, eating slowly and casually, but it was evident that he was famished.
Trataba de ser moderado, comiendo despacio, pero era evidente que estaba muerto de hambre.Literature Literature
She eats slowly and is always done just before the lunch period is finished.
Come despacio y siempre acaba justo antes de terminarse la hora del almuerzo.Literature Literature
It had taken him a long time to learn how to eat slowly.
Había tardado mucho tiempo en aprender a comer despacio.Literature Literature
He had peeled an apple and cut a slice of bread and was eating slowly.
Había pelado una manzana y había cortado una rebanada de pan, y comía despacio.Literature Literature
Eat slowly, savor your food, and don’t swallow anything down without having appreciated it fully.
Coma lentamente, saboree, no se trague nada sin haberlo saboreado.Literature Literature
Ehlena went back to eating, slowly working her way through her pizza.
Ehlena volvió a comer, avanzando lentamente con su pizza.Literature Literature
- Eat slowly or you'll end up with a syncope!
Come despacio o acabarás con un síncope.Literature Literature
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