elegant clothes oor Spaans

elegant clothes

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ropa elegante

Same five actors, same set, elegant clothes
Los mismos cinco actores, el mismo set, ropa elegante...

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Same five actors, same set, elegant clothes
Los mismos cinco actores, el mismo set, ropa elegante...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Jewelry, fine, elegant clothes, and ..."
Joyas, ropa fina, elegante y...Literature Literature
His elegant clothes and reserved manner immediately identified him as a member of the gentry.
Su elegante ropa, su forma de ser reservada, le identificaron en seguida como un miembro de la clase alta.Literature Literature
Humboldt had neither the money nor the taste for luxuries, elegant clothes or opulent furniture.
Humboldt no tenía ni dinero ni gusto para permitirse lujos, ropa elegante ni muebles opulentos.Literature Literature
Look, you have elegant clothes now.
Mire, ahora tiene ropa elegante.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I don' t care for elegant clothes
No me importa la ropa bonitaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Daphne, in particular, eyed the horses with interest, as well as the young lady’s elegant clothing.
Daphne, sobre todo, miraba interesada tanto los caballos como el elegante traje de la joven.Literature Literature
Yes I too have some elegant clothes.
Yo también tengo algunas ropas elegantes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His mind and his clothing are cut from the same elegant cloth.
Su mente y su vestimenta están cortadas a partir de la misma tela elegante.Literature Literature
Mess up his closet in search of elegant clothes excites him.
Revolver su armario en busca de ropa elegante lo emociona.Literature Literature
She’d instructed us to put on our most formal manners—and elegant clothes.
Nos había ordenado que hiciésemos gala de nuestros modales más formales y de nuestros vestidos más elegantes.Literature Literature
‘She wears very elegant clothes for her age, doesn’t she?
—Viste con mucha elegancia para la edad que tiene, ¿no?Literature Literature
The elegant clothing of the family members expresses their important social status.
La elegante ropa de los miembros de la familia manifiesta su importante condición social.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His irreverent grin and blue eyes, and the relaxed way he wore his elegant clothes, gave him away.
Esa sonrisa irreverente, los ojos azules y la actitud despreocupada con la que llevaba su elegante ropa lo delataban.Literature Literature
He was rubbing his eyes and his elegant clothing was perhaps a trifle less impeccable than usual.
Se frotaba los ojos y su elegante ropa estaba quizá ligeramente menos impecable de lo que era habitual.Literature Literature
I'd never seen such elegant clothing.
Nunca había visto una ropa tan elegante.Literature Literature
Garrard Danver is an admirer of elegant clothes; he does not care for the ordinary.”
Garrard Danver es un gran admirador de la ropa elegante, no le interesa lo corriente.Literature Literature
My mother is standing there in her elegant clothes and it’s all wrong.
Mi madre está allí parada, con su ropa elegante, y la cosa no cierra.Literature Literature
However, it’s not just a matter of more elegant clothes or hands that are no longer cracked.
Pero no se trata solo de ropa más elegante y de no tener ya las manos agrietadas.Literature Literature
As if there was steel beneath his elegant clothes, concealing and distancing the flesh-and-blood man.
Como si ocultara una capa de acero bajo sus ropas que protegiera y aislara al hombre de carne y hueso.Literature Literature
As usual, his mother wore restrained and elegant clothing.
Como de costumbre, su madre había elegido una vestimenta sobria y elegante.Literature Literature
The young man was tall, blond, with a certain rusticity about him in spite of his elegant clothes.
El joven era alto, rubio, con cierta facha de gañán, a pesar de su vestimenta elegante.Literature Literature
The Club members lived in palatial apartments and wore elegant clothes, just like in the movies.
Los miembros del club vivían en pisos que parecían palacios y vestían ropa elegante como las estrellas de cine.Literature Literature
Anything they did not steal they destroyed: valuable antiques and musical instruments, elegant clothes and works of art.
Destruían lo que no robaban: antigüedades e instrumentos musicales de valor, vestidos elegantes y obras de arte.Literature Literature
He instructed Marianne to pack up for him an assortment of formal and elegant clothes.
Dio instrucciones a Marianne para que preparara ropas elegantes y formales.Literature Literature
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