emotional Intelligence oor Spaans

emotional Intelligence

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

inteligencia emocional

If emotional intelligence is inauthentic, others will likely find out in the long run.
Si la inteligencia emocional es inauténtica, probablemente los demás acabarán descubriéndolo a largo plazo.

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emotional intelligence

(psychology) The ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

inteligencia emocional

If emotional intelligence is inauthentic, others will likely find out in the long run.
Si la inteligencia emocional es inauténtica, probablemente los demás acabarán descubriéndolo a largo plazo.



Inteligencia emocional

ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups
If emotional intelligence is inauthentic, others will likely find out in the long run.
Si la inteligencia emocional es inauténtica, probablemente los demás acabarán descubriéndolo a largo plazo.

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Goleman believes that they are held back by shortcomings in the key emotional intelligence competencies.
Si firmas este consentimiento dona su cuerpo por una causa nobleLiterature Literature
If emotional intelligence is inauthentic, others will likely find out in the long run.
Todos vamos fingiendo ser otroNews commentary News commentary
‘How do they test emotional intelligence?
De veras, Jerry, no hay tantoLiterature Literature
He used the two criteria for IQ and emotional intelligence.
El futuro será algo horrible, ¿ no creen?Common crawl Common crawl
While Reagan excelled in vision, communication, and emotional intelligence, he lacked the skills of leadership as management.
Bueno, bueno, sólo para decir esto en voz alta asumiendo que esta estrella y este planeta fueran creados por los aliens mas avanzados nunca vistos, quizá ellos no quieran a nadie rondando por aquíNews commentary News commentary
This book owes much to them for its insights into what it means to work with emotional intelligence.
Cierra el culoLiterature Literature
Tara and I began working together on what eventually became the book Emotional Intelligence.
¡ Hijo de puta!Literature Literature
Learning to live together (emotional intelligence);
Real Decreto se podrá ser nuestro boleto de regresoUN-2 UN-2
The notion of an “emotional intelligence” proves problematic in certain respects (as discussed in chapters 1 and 5).
Esa es una buenaLiterature Literature
That's how emotional intelligence affects robot behaviour.
Tipo de interés aplicado por el Banco Central Europeo a sus principales operaciones de refinanciación: #,# % a # de febrero de #- Tipo de cambio del euroOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Laura Delizonna and Ted Anstedt, “Enhancing Emotional Intelligence” (unpublished manuscript, 2011).
Esperemos que síLiterature Literature
That test has nothing to do with emotional intelligence.
¿ Recuerdas el que se cagó encima?Literature Literature
Then you're confusing business intelligence with emotional intelligence.
¡ Lo lograste!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Another area crucial for emotional intelligence is also on the right side of the brain.
Sally, no corrasLiterature Literature
This is what I mean by emotional intelligence.
No es de extrañar que vayan a ninguna parteLiterature Literature
But before emotional intelligence can be developed, one has to start somewhere.
Por otra parte, somos responsables como consumidores: muchos de los productos que se consumen en Europa proceden de estas regiones, y, en general, tienen un efecto negativo en los bosques.Literature Literature
This emotional intelligence would have given them power over others.
Es demasiadaLiterature Literature
The relapse in emotional intelligence skills between 2007 and 2008 is the product of economic woes.
Aunque los que hoy entrenan solo han comenzado... a ver la superficie, poco a poco están despejando las sombrasLiterature Literature
Being strong in emotional intelligence can help everyone become outstanding at work, even engineers.
Así nadie resultaría heridoLiterature Literature
It follows that the success of humans is important to his emotional intelligence than his IQ.
Me largué sin decir nadaCommon crawl Common crawl
Empathy and emotional intelligence will become more valuable job skills in the future
No hay toallas de papelLiterature Literature
It is clear that emotional intelligence is quite different from traditional conceptions of intelligence.
¿ Qué te agarró?Literature Literature
Factors influencing emotional intelligence of the family business members
Como dije, por aquíscielo-title scielo-title
Social intelligence and emotional intelligence are considered in R.
¿ No lo sabes Ricardo?Literature Literature
What have our bodies got to do with developing emotional intelligence?
Reacciones adversas importantes Mielosupresión: el tratamiento con dasatinib se asocia a anemia, neutropenia y trombocitopeniaLiterature Literature
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