enviousness oor Spaans


The state of being envious

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


What I don' t understand today and I' m not talking enviously
Porque a mí no me cabe hasta el día de hoy, no lo hablo por envidia
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con envidia · envidiosamente


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Persons at nearby tables looked on enviously.
De las mesas vecinas los miraban con envidia.Literature Literature
Gerbert looked enviously at both of them; it must give them a sense of security to feel so important to each other.
Gerbert les miró a ambos con envidia: debía de dar seguridad sentirse tan importante el uno para el otro.Literature Literature
He glanced enviously to where Moss and the two majors rode to the right of his company.
Miró con envidia a Moss y a los dos mayores que iban a caballo a la derecha de su compañía.Literature Literature
“I’d like a car like that,” said Tom enviously.
—Me gustaría tener un coche como ese —comentó Tom con envidia.Literature Literature
So he could enviously feel, ‘Maybe I’m missing out.’
De modo que pudiera pensar envidiosamente: ‘Tal vez me esté perdiendo algo.’jw2019 jw2019
“You seem to be a very fortunate young man,” said Mr Parnock enviously, returning the document.
—Parece que es usted un joven muy afortunado —díjole míster Parnock casi envidioso, devolviéndole la carta—.Literature Literature
He was already enviously impressed by Plaxy’s hands and their versatility.
Ya se sentía en ese entonces envidiosamente impresionado por las manos de Plaxy y su versatilidad.Literature Literature
She looked enviously at Eleanor whose shape at forty-two was still that of a young girl.
Miró con envidia a Eleanor, que a los cuarenta y dos años mantenía la silueta de una chica joven.Literature Literature
The people on the other yachts looked at us enviously.
La gente de los otros yates nos miraba con envidia.Literature Literature
Zytos regarded his brother’s fresh-forged armour enviously.
Zytos observe la armadura recién forjada de su hermano con envidia.Literature Literature
‘He’s not troubled by heights then,’ murmured Toby enviously.
—Así que no tiene miedo a las alturas —murmuró Toby con envidia.Literature Literature
"Mal nodded, but she said enviously, ""You're so lucky with Rob."
Mal asintió con la cabeza, pero dijo, llena de envidia: —Qué suerte has tenido con Rob.Literature Literature
Her gaze moved over Isabella and Theresa critically, enviously, the laughter fading from her eyes.
-Su mirada se movió sobre Isabella y Theresa críticamente, envidiosamente, la risa desapareciendo de sus ojos.Literature Literature
Paul said enviously, “That was great—for him.”
Paul dijo con envidia: —Eso debía de ser estupendo... para él.Literature Literature
They’ll be having a black-market lunch up there,’ he said enviously.
Deben de estar tomándose un almuerzo de estraperlo allí arriba —dijo envidiosamente—.Literature Literature
“The apartments must be very expensive,” said Little Auntie enviously.
– Los apartamentos tienen que ser muy caros -dijo la tía Pequeña con envidia.Literature Literature
her colleagues asked, touching enviously the thick red cascade.
, le preguntan las compañeras del trabajo, pasando los dedos admiradas por la espesa cascada pelirroja.Literature Literature
He watched them enviously and brooded over the unsatisfactory state of his affairs.
Brant los miraba con envidia, y pensaba con amargura en el insatisfactorio estado de sus asuntos.Literature Literature
Sidorio observed Evil watching his mother enviously.
Sidorio vio que Evil observaba a su madre con evidente envidia.Literature Literature
Yet again, they were flickering their way to the centre, finding the path blindly, enviously.
Pero he aquí que temblorosos se dirigían de nuevo hacia el centro, hallando su camino a ciegas, voluntariosos.Literature Literature
replied Gilbert, a little enviously and sarcastically.
—replicó Gilbert un poco envidiosamente y con sarcasmo—.Literature Literature
I strolled around the harbor looking enviously at the yachts, their crews, their affluent owners.
Recorrí el puerto, mirando con envidia los yates, sus tripulaciones y sus afortunados propietarios.Literature Literature
I thought enviously of Macy, with her long list of volunteer organizations.
Pensé con envidia en Macy, con su dilatada lista de organizaciones de voluntariado.Literature Literature
16 Why do YOU, O YOU mountains of peaks, keep watching enviously
16 ¿Por qué, oh montañas de picos, se quedan mirando con envidiajw2019 jw2019
And haven’t you noticed that when travelers in fine clothing pass by, the farmers don’t look at them enviously?”
¿Y no has observado que cuando pasan viajeros con buenas ropas los agricultores no les dirigen miradas de envidia?Literature Literature
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