even if he's oor Spaans

even if he's

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

aunque sea

He's really clean, I have to admit, even if he is a pig.
Es bastante limpio, debo decir aunque sea un cerdo.

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It could have happened even if he checked.
Podría haber pasado incluso si lo hubiera comprobado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Well, even if he brings no one, it’s still good news, isn’t it?
—Bueno, incluso aunque venga solo es una buena noticia, ¿no?Literature Literature
Even if he shouldn't.
Incluso si no muere.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Hey, Janey’s got little kids now, so does Ben, even if he never sees them since the divorce.
—Eh, Janey tiene hijos pequeños, al igual que Ben, aunque este ya nunca los ve después del divorcio.Literature Literature
The person in this example can still feel strongly about a relationship, even if he doesn’t feel supported.
Nuestro interlocutor del ejemplo anterior apreciaría una relación aunque no se sintiera respaldado a través de ella.Literature Literature
Marrying is not in his mind, and even if he were to ask, I would refuse him.
No piensa en casarse, y aunque me lo pidiera, le rechazaría.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even if he was not welcome, surely you did not need to knock the man unconscious.”
Aunque el hombre no fuera bien recibido, no había necesidad de dejarlo inconscienteLiterature Literature
“He killed that man, even if he himself died first.”
Lo mató, aunque él fue el primero en morir.Literature Literature
Even if he didn't learn to like sports, he could fake it.
Pero, aun cuando no aprendiera a disfrutar con los deportes, podía simular que le gustaban.Literature Literature
Even if he did, he would probably feign no memory of it.
Incluso si lo hiciera, probablemente fingiría no acordarse.Literature Literature
Even if he could, what good would it do?
Aunque pueda, ¿de qué nos sirve?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even if he has published a story or two in respectable periodicals, the writer doubts himself.
Incluso habiendo publicado uno o dos relatos en revistas acreditadas, el escritor duda de sí mismo.Literature Literature
Even if he had achieved... not had the opportunity to say the operator where we were.
Aunque así hubiera sido no pude decirle a la operadora dónde estábamos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Caedmon couldn’t have brought on that nightmare, even if he had a reason.”
—Caedmon no pudo haber provocado esa pesadilla, incluso aunque tuviera razones para hacerlo.Literature Literature
“Actually, he reminds me of my father, even if he’s not quite old enough.
—De hecho, me recuerda a mi padre, aunque él no es lo bastante mayor.Literature Literature
Even if he did not love her, Sam had been her friend.
Aunque no la amara, Sam había sido su amigo.Literature Literature
For all she knew, he had a girlfriend, even if he didn’t have a wife.
Por lo que ella sabía, él tenía una novia, aunque no tenía una esposa.Literature Literature
Mediation was progressing, even if he was trying to give me too much.
La mediación estaba progresando, aunque él estaba tratando de darme tanto.Literature Literature
“I liked Harry even if he did push me down.
Harry me caía bien, a pesar de que me empujó.Literature Literature
Even if he does awaken, he'll be a psychological mess.”
Si llegase a despertar, tendría un caos psicológico.Literature Literature
Even if he did, I'm afraid I can't help you...
Incluso si lo hiciera, me temo que no te puedo ayudar...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even if he had, the experience didn’t affect everyone to the same degree.
Y aunque lo hubiera hecho, aquella era una experiencia que no afectaba a todo el mundo en la misma medida.Literature Literature
Even if he obtains the desired love, he does not get the expected satisfaction.
Aun cuando obtenga el amor deseado no logra la satisfacción que esperaba.Literature Literature
Even if he reached the Mort border alive, the Red Queen would likely kill him for his failure.
Aunque llegara vivo a la frontera mort, la Reina Roja lo mataría por su fracaso.Literature Literature
Even if he were adjudicated as delusional there's no evidence it interferes with his ability to work.
Aunque admitiéramos que delira, no hay evidencia de que eso interfiera con su trabajo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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