even though it's cold oor Spaans

even though it's cold

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aunque hace frío


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• • • David drinks his coffee down to the dregs, even though it’s cold now.
David se bebe el café hasta los posos, aunque ahora está frío.Literature Literature
I send Emanuele out to play in the courtyard, even though it’s cold.
Envío a Emanuele a jugar al patio, aunque hace demasiado frío.Literature Literature
Even though it’s cold, she has been sweating.
Aunque hace frío, ha estado sudando.Literature Literature
Lots of people are walking outside, even though it’s cold.
Hay mucha gente por la calle, a pesar del frío.Literature Literature
Even though it’s cold, it’s made us much less visible from the air.”
A pesar del frío, nos hace mucho menos visibles desde el aire.Literature Literature
“But I can use the outdoor rather than the chamber pot, even though it’s cold?”
—Pero ¿puedo usar la caseta de fuera en vez del orinal aunque haga frío?Literature Literature
I stand there, trembling, sweat pouring down my back even though it’s cold in here.
Me quedo ahí, temblando, el sudor corre por mi espalda a pesar de que hace frío aquí.Literature Literature
Even though it’s cold in here, Frankie’s sweating just thinking about it.
A pesar del frío, Frankie suda solo de pensar en ello.Literature Literature
I am struck by how many men are sitting around drinking coffee outside, even though it’s cold.
Me sorprende ver la cantidad de hombres que hay sentados en las terrazas, disfrutando de un café, a pesar del frío.Literature Literature
You pause and stand still in the water, even though it’s cold and comes almost to your shoulders.
Te tomas las cosas con calma y permaneces quieto en el agua, a pesar de que está fría y casi te cubre hasta los hombros.Literature Literature
Tire the boys out even though it was cold then too, almost as cold as it is now.
Queríamos cansar a los niños aunque también hacía frío en aquel entonces, casi tanto frío como ahora.Literature Literature
The place was jammed, so even though it was cold, some of them were eating outside.
El local estaba abarrotado y, aunque hacía frío, había gente cenando fuera.Literature Literature
I finished my coffee, even though it was cold.
Apuré la taza de café, a pesar de que se había enfriado.Literature Literature
Even though it was cold, Hypereides wiped his face with his hand as if he were sweating.
Hacía frío, pero aun así Hipereides se pasó la mano por el rostro como si estuviera sudando—.Literature Literature
The door stood open, even though it was cold outside.
La puerta estaba abierta, aunque hacía frío fuera.Literature Literature
She hung there inert, trembling, and even though it wasn’t cold at all, her teeth were chattering.
Se quedó inerte, temblando, y a pesar de que no hacía ni pizca de frío, le castañeteaban los dientesLiterature Literature
Lord D'Aubrey had lit a fire in his bedroom, even though it wasn't cold.
Lord D'Aubrey había encendido la chimenea del dormitorio aunque la noche no era fría.Literature Literature
Hudak...” Kevin’s face was red, even though it was cold outside.
Kevin tenía la cara roja a pesar del frío.Literature Literature
Even though it wasn’t cold, I put it on.
Aunque no hacía frío, me la puse igualmente.Literature Literature
Even though it was cold, he was sweating.
Aunque hacía frío, estaba sudando.Literature Literature
Even though it was cold outside, I felt nothing but warmth being next to Levi.
Aunque hacía frío, yo no sentía nada salvo la calidez de Levi.Literature Literature
Heather shivered, even though it wasn’t cold.
Heather tiritó, pese a que no hacía frío.Literature Literature
Even though it was cold, the street smelled fetid and cloying.
A pesar del frío, la calle tenía un olor fétido y empalagoso.Literature Literature
He began to sweat, even though it was cold on the station, with the wind blowing.
Empezó a sudar, aunque hacía más frío del normal en la estación, gracias al fuerte viento.Literature Literature
When they’d left, I went and opened the windows wide, even though it was cold outside.
Cuando se fueron, abrí las ventanas, a pesar de que fuera hacía frío.Literature Literature
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