eventual oor Spaans


Pertaining to events.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjektiefmasculine, feminine
Expected to follow in the indefinite future from causes already operating.
Que podría producirse en un futuro indefinido a partir de causas ya existentes.
We planned to trail at the half, thus deepening Earth's eventual humiliation.
Queríamos ganar en el descanso, aumentando su humillación eventual.


naamwoordmasculin & feminine
I didn't know the performer, but eventually found out who she was.
No conocía a la intérprete pero al final di con ella.


What does the Commission estimate will be the eventual timetable for the project?
¿Qué opina la Comisión sobre el calendario definitivo del proyecto?

En 4 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

último · terminal · perentorio · inevitable

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

to prepare oneself for any eventuality
prepararse para cualquier eventualidad
we must be prepared for every eventuality
debemos estar preparados para cualquier eventualidad
producirse · resultar · resultar finalmente
eventual equilibrium temperature
temperatura de equilibrio final
to eventuation in
resultar en
contingencia · evento · eventualidad · posibilidad
Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Tales
Todo es eventual: 14 relatos oscuros
a la larga · al fin · al final · antaño · con el tiempo · en algún tiempo · en fin · eventualmente · finalmente · por fin · siempre · una vez
eventually complete
puede llegar a completarse en el futuro


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
International pressure, drawing on the Dayton Peace Accords and international and regional human rights treaties, eventually persuaded the Entity authorities to repeal the abandonment laws in 1998, although the legislation passed still had flaws.
Bien, son mis favoritasUN-2 UN-2
As firms enter, the demand curve confronting our firm will fall, eventually declining to D 0 .
por la que se nombra a un suplente español del Comité de las RegionesLiterature Literature
The citadel was re-conquered by King Alfonso VI in 1085 and it would eventually become today’s royal palace.
Los niveles máximos de residuos en alimentos para bebés han sido determinados con arreglo al artículo # de la Directiva #/#/CEE de la Comisión, de # de mayo de #, relativa a los preparados para lactantes y preparados de continuación, y al artículo # de la Directiva #/#/CE, Euratom de la Comisión, de # de febrero de #, relativa a los alimentos elaborados a base de cereales y alimentos infantiles para lactantes y niños de corta edadCommon crawl Common crawl
Eventually, we hoped to move into something larger, although still humble, according to our income.
Tienes novio?Literature Literature
A test of an HST system could start on a bilateral basis and could eventually be widened to the whole of the EU following a positive evaluation
los vehículos cuyo catalizador de recambio de fábrica pertenezca a uno de los tipos que se mencionan en el punto # del anexo VIoj4 oj4
But eventually Jules accepted Leo.
Llamo una ambulancia?Literature Literature
From the outset, the French Government gave assurances that it would support FagorBrandt whatever the cost, regardless of the amount of private funds eventually loaned to the company (20).
Es más dramático, supongoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Full of foreboding, I eventually put the document aside and dove back into the other texts.
Si el medio de identificación del tipo contiene caracteres no pertinentes para la descripción del vehículo, unidad técnica independiente o componente a que se refiere esta ficha de características, tales caracteres se sustituirán en la documentación por el símboloLiterature Literature
Momma eventually stopped crying, but it took forever.
Puesto que eres el séptimo, eso nos dará una oportunidad de entrar, hacer lo que tengamos que hacer, y largarnosLiterature Literature
A substantial literature on return migration and studies of diaspora indicate that there is often a high level of interest among many expatriates in eventually returning to their home country
La guerra de mi padre contra los bárbarosMultiUn MultiUn
A plan was eventually agreed upon, and this plan, along with the examiner's conclusions, was presented to the high court on # anuary
¿ Puedo preguntarle algo?MultiUn MultiUn
It should be noted that communications are not per se accusatory, but take up information received from a variety of sources with the aim of monitoring specific cases and eventually identifying, inter alia, patterns of violations
De repente sacó una pistoIa y se disparó en Ia caraMultiUn MultiUn
On 7 December 2014, in his 100th appearance for Inter, Guarín assisted Mauro Icardi in the 44th minute of an eventual 1–2 home defeat against Udinese Calcio.
Colleen, esto es inapropiadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Secretary-General has indicated the need for UNMIS to play an augmented role in the eventual downsizing and/or voluntary demobilization of considerable numbers of ex-combatants beyond what is stated in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.
Los tipos de cambio utilizados para el cálculo de estas retribuciones se fijan con arreglo a las normas de desarrollo del Reglamento financiero y corresponden a las fechas mencionadas en el párrafo primeroUN-2 UN-2
We eventually manage to cajole Rosie into doing the scat, jazzy thing on “Trashin’ the Camp,” and she carries it off.
Los buques a los que se apliquen los factores inesperados enumerados en el anexo I, parte # #B podránser inspeccionadosLiterature Literature
Iolo made excuses and stayed at home, but John Evans left for America, eventually reaching the Wild West.
Sabía que si te traía, acabarías averiguándoloLiterature Literature
whereas the magnitude of the catastrophe can be attributed to several factors, among which: the political failure of the affected countries to sound the alarm, the ill-adapted response of the international community, the shattering effects of closure of borders and restrictions on people, the ineffectiveness of the surveillance and alert mechanisms, the slow and poorly adapted response once aid was eventually mobilised, the stark absence of leadership from the WHO, the lack of research and development of drugs, diagnostics and vaccines;
Gradualmente las cosas comenzaron a volverse más serias porque había que diseñar un plan apropiado y entonces empezaron las discusiones entre Jean- Louis y Philippe de verdadeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
After Josiah’s death, the people of Judah became unfaithful once again and eventually were deported to Babylon.
Pero el te dió Su creación a ti, cientos de células evolucionada del fangojw2019 jw2019
But eventually we figured it out,
Creo que puedo pagar el trajeOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The families of the missing want their pain and anguish to be addressed by their Governments and legal institutions so that, eventually, a sense of justice can be delivered.
Lietta, ayúdameUN-2 UN-2
But eventually he got used to it and stopped dreaming about the scenes that the Gringo had described.
Quiere ser libreLiterature Literature
Lenin was convinced of eventual victory in this direction, but he knew that it would be in the distant future.
En el segundo párrafo del apartado # del artículo # se añade el texto siguiente: Las condiciones relativas a la participación en los procedimientos contractuales aplicados a través de una organización internacional o cofinanciados con un tercer país se definen asimismo en el Reglamento (CE) no.../# [relativo al acceso a la ayuda exterior comunitaria]Literature Literature
The Qabalah leaves the whole question open to be answered eventually in the light of spiritual experience.
De segunda mano?Literature Literature
And it might begin with a dozen, but eventually, we could have hundreds of these, flying around our cities.
Mientras dormias ayer, ya lo dijisteted2019 ted2019
And we have to assume that it eventually will.
¿ Asi que esa basura no iba a funcionar?Literature Literature
209 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.