ever since that day oor Spaans

ever since that day

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

desde ese día

Because ever since that day, I've always run away from conflict.
Porque desde ese día, siempre he huido de los conflictos.

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Ever since that day I have been working for the Contini-Massera family.
Yo empecé a trabajar desde ese día para los Contini-Massera.Literature Literature
‘I’ve been crazy ever since that day a fox bit me in the ass,’ I said.
—He estado loco desde el día en que aquel zorro me mordió el culo —le dije—.Literature Literature
Ever since that day, I’ve been trying to get that feeling back.
Desde aquel día sigo intentando recuperar esa sensación.Literature Literature
Ever since that day in the grassy trough above the strongpoint when they had started to crawl.
Desde aquel día en la depresión herbosa por encima del reducto cuando habían empezado a reptar.Literature Literature
And ever since that day I’ve had this feeling about Monique that I’ve been unable to shake off.’
Y desde entonces tengo una sensación con respecto a Monique de la que no puedo desprenderme.Literature Literature
He, of course, had said nothing in response, but ever since that day he’d hated Frank.
Otto Kruger, por supuesto, no había respondido nada, pero desde ese día odiaba a Frank.Literature Literature
And ever since that day I’ve had this feeling about Monique that I’ve been unable to shake off.”
Y desde entonces tengo una sensación con respecto a Monique de la que no puedo desprenderme.Literature Literature
Ever since that day, nothing's felt the same.
Desde ese día, nada es igual.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ever since that day they put up the flag.
Desde el día que pusieron la bandera.Literature Literature
Ever since that day it was as though a wall had grown between her and everyone she loved.
Pero desde aquel día fue como si una pared se hubiera levantado entre ella y toda la gente a la que amaba.Literature Literature
I haven't slept well ever since that day.
No he dormido bien desde ese día.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And I’ve been there for you ever since that day—since we fled into hiding.’
Y he estado contigo todo el tiempo, desde aquel día... desde que huimos para escondernos.Literature Literature
Ever since that day in Coeur d’Alene, things had been different.
Desde aquel día en Coeur d’Alene todo se había vuelto distinto.Literature Literature
Larry's been chasing U.F.O. S ever since that day.
Larry ha estado persiguiendo ovnis desde ese día.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ever since that day I’ve never stopped thinking about my starving young nephews and niece.
Desde aquel día, no he dejado de pensar en mis sobrinos que pasaron hambre.Literature Literature
“I’ve been terrified of water ever since that day.
Desde ese día le he tenido terror al agua.Literature Literature
Because ever since that day, I've always run away from conflict.
Porque desde ese día, siempre he huido de los conflictos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ever since that day, I call on Allah and ask him about justice—both his and mine.
Desde aquel día, invoco a Allah y le interrogo sobre mi justicia, y también sobre su justicia.Literature Literature
Ever since that day he’d been scared.
A partir de aquel día empezó a tener miedo.Literature Literature
Ever since that day you brought him into the office.
Desde el día que lo trajiste a la oficina.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ever since that day I have been thinking about you.’
Desde aquel día, no he parado de pensar en ti.Literature Literature
Ever since that day, nothing's ever been the same.
Desde ese día, nada ha sido igual.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
From the day he had agreed to Mar’s marriage ... Ever since that day, Eleonor had pursued him relentlessly.
Desde el día en que consintió al matrimonio de Mar... Desde aquel día Elionor lo había perseguido sin descanso.Literature Literature
“The point is that I’ve been working at the Very Secret Laboratory ever since that day.
La cuestión es que he estado trabajando en el Laboratorio Súper Secreto desde aquel día.Literature Literature
I've loved you ever since that day in the rose garden.
Te quiero desde aquel día en el jardín de rosas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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