expat oor Spaans


/ˈɛksˌpæt/ naamwoord
The noun used attributively.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


An expatriate
Ask them for a list of their expat workers.
El laboratorio debe enviarnos la lista de trabajadores expatriados.


An expatriate
Cambodia-based expat blogger Lina also documented the return of the workers at the border:
Lina, bloguera emigrante en Camboya, también informó sobre el regreso de los trabajadores en la frontera:

el expatriado

Moreover, some of them orientate their business specifically for expats and foreign customers.
Además, algunas de ellas orientan sus negocios específicamente para los expatriados y clientes extranjeros.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
A Russian expat cooking his own eggs at a restaurant in Juba:
las tradicionales virtudes femeninasgv2019 gv2019
It was a pleasant neighborhood popular with expats.
Balasto electrónico o de alta frecuencia: ondulador alterna/alterna conectado a la red que incluye elementos estabilizadores para el encendido y el funcionamiento de una o varias lámparas fluorescentes tubulares, generalmente de alta frecuenciaLiterature Literature
We herein call them “Generation E”: they are European ‘expats’ under 40 taking on the EU's fundamental right of free movement to build a future within Europe, but not in their homeland.
Le estaba buscandoglobalvoices globalvoices
Expat blogger Daniel and Becky described what the shortages look like in everyday life:
Este mundo ya no es nuestroglobalvoices globalvoices
In a country with an average net salary of less than 500 dollars per month and in a city that is by no means among the most popular for luxury travelers or expats, many have wondered who will be purchasing the high-end real estate when it goes on sale in October 2015.
¿ Hay alguien?globalvoices globalvoices
Kolkata based British expat blog My Bangla Diary posts an interview with Steve Capell, the creator of Bangla Tangla.
¿ No has oído hablar de nosotros?gv2019 gv2019
This financial burden is particularly heavy for parents who do not earn “expat wages”, but if you ask around some schools, especially the newer ones, will provide scholarships and off the record discounts.
¿ Qué estás haciendo?Common crawl Common crawl
“You could have staged a campaign to invite all Ruthenian expats to come back and compete for your hand.”
ConfidencialidadLiterature Literature
I'm British and I moved to Paris back in 1995. Like many Paris expats, I came here originally for just one year, and somehow never left.
OTROS DESTINOS ADUANEROSCommon crawl Common crawl
Most expats in Ubud, when you ask them how long they’ve lived here, aren’t really sure.
¿ Por qué no te pones las gafas de sol?Literature Literature
‘It’s an old military place; a lot of the expats and local Christians use it.
El secreto detrás de la computadora de hoy día, es el microchip de silicioLiterature Literature
Piratas is the place to go to on Monday nights. It's a wild party full of expats and tourists.
¡ Anthony, buena jugada!Common crawl Common crawl
Buck further informed us, “Most of the embassies, expats, and tourists shop there as often as possible.”
Artículo #-Información...Literature Literature
Beth is a self-described mother of four who has spent the past nine years in Burkina Faso. As the title points out, BurkinaMom’s Life in Africa, Beth’s blog is full of tales about family life (one entry is called “Spoiled Expat Brats in Ouaga”), her dealings with launching a local NGO and occasionally, the current events that intrude on the personal and professional aspects of her life.
Consigue ahoragv2019 gv2019
Can't they find expat girls?
No, nosotros somos más poderososOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There were some here, too, a few, in the expat press.”
Para controlar el sistemas de dilución de flujo parcial es necesaria una reacción más rápidaLiterature Literature
The Lost Boy from Thailand poses a good question: “Who do expats cheer for in the Olympic games?
Esto es especialmente importante en el contexto de la aparición de nuevas terapias, como la terapia génica y terapias celulares asociadas, o la terapia somática xenogénicagv2019 gv2019
Iraqi Expat notes that Saudi newspaper Asharq Alawsat has both an English section and a RSS feed (the feed seems to be English-only; I couldn’t find an arabic feed).
El maldito me puso la pistola en la gargantagv2019 gv2019
All that medical training she did and here she is playing at being an expat wife.
La chica a la que no le gusta que nadie la ateLiterature Literature
Not one to mince words, the gray eminence of radical expat journalists in Mexico, John Ross, also present here, cut to the quick, commenting to Narco News: "Kids don't know about history.
Una historia así podría llevar meses.P odría quedarme sin dinero conrapidezCommon crawl Common crawl
This map represents the move of expatriates on Blog Expat: from the original country to the destination.
Sólo algunos besos y juegos sexualesCommon crawl Common crawl
I'm done with expat guys.
¿ Ves?¡ Oscar ra, ra, ra!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What is missing in Easy Expat?
El marco se revisará asimismo, según se estime oportuno, según las medidas de ayuda excepcionales o los programas provisionales de respuesta que se adopten en el marco del Reglamento que establezca el Instrumento de EstabilidadCommon crawl Common crawl
“A murdered British expat in Lake Como, a stolen masterpiece by van Gogh, and now this.”
En ese caso, dobla izquierda, aguanta el timón, cuando llegues frente a la casaLiterature Literature
Expat blogger Rumi Ahmed posted a transcript of the interview on Facebook.
El Comité aprobará su Reglamento internogv2019 gv2019
209 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.