expectorator oor Spaans


a medicine promoting expectoration

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Traditional herbal medicinal product used as an expectorant in cough associated with cold.
Medicamento tradicional a base de plantas que se utiliza como expectorante para la tos asociada al resfriado.
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despejar · escupir · esputar · expectorar · sacar
medicamentos aparato respiratorio
esputo · expectoración
to expectorate
escupir · esputar · expectorar
expectorant syrup
jarabe expectorante


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It is sometimes used as an expectorant to help relieve bronchial congestion.
Además, se introdujeron ajustes en los casos en que las ventas de exportación se efectuaron a través de una empresa vinculada situada en un país no perteneciente a la Comunidad, de acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo #, apartado #, letra i), del Reglamento de baseLiterature Literature
Expectorated mucus is usually purulent.
En el casillero hayLiterature Literature
Ipecac is an expectorant.
No sé lo que significa ni para quién esOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(c) Traditional herbal medicinal product used as an expectorant in cough associated with cold.
Dijo que la chica era una estrella.Quería sacarle el corazón yEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Traditional herbal medicinal product used as an expectorant in cough associated with cold.
Así que pensé en volver y ver que estaban haciendoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Cherokee used it as an expectorant and a diuretic, and for inflammation, croup, and common cold.
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Tea: elps control asthma, helps respiration, alleviates bronchitis, excellent expectorant.
Dispositivo de frenado de estacionamientoCommon crawl Common crawl
If the bronchus is involved, the purulent contents are expectorated continuously in the form of sputum.
Yet the pharmacy downstairs told the fbi that he wrote you a script for an expectorant for a cough.
Cómo que quizás?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The silences widened; the expectoration marvellously increased.
Así que, tienen salir por aquí, cerca de la frontera con CamerúnLiterature Literature
Daniel’s mouth kept expectorating words.
contramuslos, muslos, muslos y contramuslos de pavo, con pielLiterature Literature
Let the walls be splashed with our inaccurate expectorating!
No estoy muerto aúnLiterature Literature
There’s a great crowd round you, but there’s also a great stillness; every now and then you hear some one expectorate.
Cualquier persona puede aprender a pelearLiterature Literature
Exploratory analysis showed relationship between package-year index and cough (p=0,008), wood smoke exposure and cough (p=0,008), package-year index and expectoration (p=0,018), wheezes and smoking exposure (p=0,047), dyspnea and coronary disease (p=0,028), and dyspnea and arterial hypertension (p=0,037).
Una camisa era una blusa.La corbata era una corbata y el cinturón era un cinturón. Pero muchas otras cosas no volvieron a ser lo mismoscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
(b) Traditional herbal medicinal product used as an expectorant in cough associated with cold.
En virtud del artículo # de la Acción Común #/#/PESC, el Consejo autorizó al Comité Político y de Seguridad (CPS) a adoptar las decisiones pertinentes sobre el establecimiento de un Comité de Contribuyentes para la Operación Militar de la Unión Europea en Bosnia y HerzegovinaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These compounds also have an expectorant effect, helping to clear the lungs.
Ándese con cuidadoLiterature Literature
For information, it is interesting to know that, as vomiting, the powder is used directly or diluted in water, and as antidisentérico or expectorant is the preferred form of infusion.
Sentía un amor infinito por mi hermanaCommon crawl Common crawl
His expectoration was excessive.
Quemarás la casaLiterature Literature
These terms include acidulant, astringent, diuretic, and expectorant.
Tengo cuello, tengo tetillasLiterature Literature
It also presents an astringent (antidiarreica, healing), analgesic, antipyretic, expectorant and antitusiva.
Hay muchas maneras de deshacerse de una bruja problemáticaCommon crawl Common crawl
Both were chewing pine-tree gum, and he, to my annoyance, accompanied that simple pleasure with profuse expectoration.
Debe tener ojos capaces de ver mas allá de las pretensiones,Que vean lo bueno en las personasLiterature Literature
The essential oil produces an effect antiseptic, expectorant, Carmine and spasmolytic.
Saben que no sé cuándo va a ser eso, y puede llevar bastante tiempoCommon crawl Common crawl
He had expected some blood, and a hole between the eyes, but not this gaudy expectoration of gristle and bone.
La audacia...... el descaro, la puta arrogante noción...... que tú, Blanco, Anglosajón, Protestante...... macho- alfa maestro de la universidad del pensamiento...... sepas cómo la otra mitad viveLiterature Literature
Cadaver mouth expectorate prosthetic teeth so clatter across exhibition flooring.
Y no sabía lo erótico que eso podía llegar a serLiterature Literature
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