failed attempt oor Spaans

failed attempt

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


noun verb

intento fallido

Precious time has undoubtedly been wasted on this failed attempt.
Indudablemente se perdió tiempo preciado en este intento fallido.

intento nulo


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Soortgelyke frases

this is why the attempt failed
fue por esto por esta razón que el intento fracasó
he was unsuccessful he failed in his attempt to conquer Everest
fracasó en su intento de conquistar el Everest


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Lance and cycling had loomed large in Hervé’s failed attempt to seduce her.
Lance y el ciclismo habían desempeñado un papel importante en su vana tentativa de seducirla.Literature Literature
After a number of failed attempts to get in contact with the ambulance they agreed to split up.
Tras varios intentos infructuosos para contactar con la ambulancia, decidieron separarse.Literature Literature
His voice is a failed attempt at flatness, an anxious attempt at apathy.
—Su voz es un intento fallido de monotonía, un intento ansioso de apatía.Literature Literature
After Fredo colludes on a failed attempt against his brother’s life, guilt and fear devour him.
Tras conspirar en un fallido intento de matar a su hermano, la culpa y el miedo lo devoran.Literature Literature
Maybe after his failed attempt to drown Aladdin, Darian cut his losses and ran.
A lo mejor, después de su fallido intento de ahogar a Aladdín, Darian ha cortado por lo sano y ha huido.Literature Literature
• Najibullah, after a failed attempt to flee the country, seeks refuge at the United Nations headquarters in Kabul
Najibullah, tras un intento fallido de huir del país, se refugia en la sede de las Naciones Unidas en Kabul.Literature Literature
More failed attempts to get rid of the last apartment.
De nuevo intentos fracasados de desembarazarme del último piso.Literature Literature
Unfortunately, this was after a failed attempt to do so.
Desafortunadamente, eso fue después de haber intentado conducir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When it comes to grief, time is nothing but a failed attempt at forgetting.
En lo tocante a la pérdida, el tiempo no es sino un vano intento de olvidar—.Literature Literature
Since when have your failed attempts at communication through lies become my fault?
¿ Desde cuándo tus intentos fallidos de comunicación a través de mentiras son culpa mía?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
There were two failed attempts on his life by poisoning inside prison in 2012.
En 2012 se produjeron en la cárcel dos intentos frustrados de asesinarlo por envenenamiento.Gatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
These days almost everyone is secondhand or third, either widowed or most often separated after failed attempts.
Hoy casi todo el mundo es de segunda o de tercera mano, por viudez y sobre todo por separaciones e intentos fallidos.Literature Literature
These myriad voices of humanity are not failed attempts at being new, failed attempts at being modern.
Estas incontables voces de humanidad no son intentos fallidos de ser nuevos, ni intentos fallidos de ser modernos.QED QED
Scott offered a stupid grin to cover his second failed attempt at humor.
—Le ofreció una sonrisa estúpida para cubrir su segundo intento de humor fallido.Literature Literature
She accidentally meets Yoh after a failed attempt at being "picked up" by guys.
Accidentalmente conoce a Yoh después de un intento fallido en ser "cogida" por tipos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After his third failed attempt, he slapped me twice in the face so hard I bit my tongue.
Tras su tercer intento fallido, me dio dos bofetadas en la cara, con tanta fuerza que me mordí la lengua.Literature Literature
A failed attempt to resurrect the E.U.
Un intento fallido de resucitar la UE.Literature Literature
That failed attempt led to rioting and fracas, which cost at least 11 lives.
Este intento fallido dio lugar a disturbios y altercados que se cobraron al menos 11 vidas.UN-2 UN-2
So shall repeat escapees, detainees who escape and all failed attempts
La pena se repetirá por cada fuga y por cada intento fallidoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
An event is generated only if there are more than 5 failed attempts to unlock a user's device.
Solo se registra un evento si hay más de cinco intentos fallidos al desbloquear el dispositivo de un
After your failed attempt on the circle, we've been forced underground.
Después de tu fallido intento al círculo, estamos obligados a actuar clandestinamente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Our failed attempts at navigation.
Nuestros intentos fallidos de orientarnos.Literature Literature
It seemed that after three failed attempts at murder, the gods were indeed watching over her.
Parecía que, después de tres intentos de asesinato, los dioses la protegían.Literature Literature
This grid didn’t come into existence without some iterations, some failed attempts.
El esquema no cobró existencia sin algunas iteraciones, algunos intentos fallidos.Literature Literature
He hadn’t endured two failed attempts to start a family.
No había soportado dos intentos fallidos de formar una familia.Literature Literature
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