fellow-wife oor Spaans


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"""This Nefertiti is that Akhenaton fellow's wife, right?"""
—Esa Nefertiti es la esposa de aquel tipo llamado Akenaton, ¿verdad?Literature Literature
Fellows’s wife was shown on TV entering the hospital, shepherding their three children.
La televisión mostró a la mujer de Fellows entrando en el hospital, arrastrando a sus tres hijos.Literature Literature
She was troubled by the thought of dying in her solitary home, without a fellow wife or children.
La mujer se moría de aburrimiento en su solitario hogar, sin más esposas y sin niños.Literature Literature
“Is there some sort of connection between you and this fellow’s wife?”
—¿Existe algún tipo de relación entre la mujer de esa persona y tú?Literature Literature
Or, “fellow wife.”
O: “compañera”.jw2019 jw2019
“I’ve been doing some investigating of my own about this Clapham fellow’s wife and family.
—Yo he investigado por mi cuenta a la mujer y a la familia de Clapham.Literature Literature
That's that fellow's wife, mate.
Es su esposa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Research fellow's wife.
Esposa del " compañero investigador "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“You know this fellow’s wife too?”
—Entonces, ¿también conoces a su mujer?Literature Literature
All the while the fat woman, this fellow’s wife, grinned toothlessly at her, the only other woman present.
Entre tanto, la mujer gorda, la esposa del tipo, le sonreía sin dientes, la única mujer presente, aparte de ella.Literature Literature
Then he reached one fellow’s wife, who said, “Jack’s in jail.”
Por fin pudo encontrar a la mujer de un colega, quien le dijo: —Jack está en chirona.Literature Literature
This year it didn’t matter because her fellow’s wife wasn’t going skiing so there would be no party.
Ese año tanto daba, ya que la esposa de su amante no se iba a esquiar, así que no habría ninguna fiesta.Literature Literature
Forced the fellow’s wife, or so she claimed.
Forzó a su esposa, o eso dice ella.Literature Literature
You can't expect us to ignore you were engaged to the fellow's wife.
No puede esperar que ignoremos el hecho de que usted estuvo comprometido con la esposa del sujeto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Because you’re so goddamned stupid, dicking around after some fellow’s wife until you get him out hunting for you.
—En parte sí lo es, porque resulta estúpido andar con la mujer de otro hasta que su marido se ponga a perseguirte.Literature Literature
"Honor suspected Elaine was better at it than Katherine, for she was far more ""traditional"" than her tiny fellow wife."
Honor sospechaba que a Elaine se le daba mejor que a Katherine, ya que era más tradicional que su pequeña compañera.Literature Literature
If it had really been that fellow’s wife who had removed his furniture what was there to keep them apart?
Si de verdad había sido la mujer de aquel hombre quien se había llevado los muebles, ¿qué podía separarlos ahora?Literature Literature
One fellow's wife holds him down, che ocher has co puc his shop in order, one has jusc found work.
A éste le retiene su mujer, aquél tiene que volver a arreglar su tienda, ese otro acaba de encontrar trabajo.Literature Literature
That part lasted till the end of ‘78, when the fellow’s wife developed a serious illness and he went back to her.
La relación duró hasta finales del 78, cuando su mujer enfermó y él volvió con ella.Literature Literature
Several weeks later, Fellowes's wife Emma invited her to a dinner for young, aspiring actors that she and her husband were hosting to offer advice.
Varias semanas más tarde, la esposa de Fellowes, Emma, invitó a Mulligan a una cena para jóvenes aspirantes a actores que ella y su marido estaban presentando para ofrecer asesoramiento.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“My wife wouldn’t have anything to do with a fellow-officer’s wife who didn’t behave correctly.”
—Mi mujer no invita a su casa a las mujeres de nuestros compañeros si éstas no se portan correctamente.Literature Literature
“No, fellow, your wife doesn’t want to dance with me.
—No, amigo, tu mujer no quiere bailar conmigo.Literature Literature
Oh, a fellow career wife.
Oh, una esposa como yo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They rent a room usually to fellows with wife problems.
Rentan una habitación, por lo general a hombres con problemas de esposa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Poor fellow—his wife gives him hell every day.’
El pobre hombre, su mujer le hace la vida un infierno.Literature Literature
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