female reproductive system oor Spaans

female reproductive system

the reproductive system of females

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

aparato reproductor femenino

reproductive system of the human female, made up of internal and external organs
aparato reproductor femenino
I don't think you understand the female reproductive system.
Creo que no entiendes el aparato reproductor femenino.

sistema reproductivo femenino

Lastly, she asked whether there were any screening programmes for the early detection of cancers of the female reproductive system.
Por último, pregunta si existen programas de preselección para el diagnóstico precoz de cánceres del sistema reproductivo femenino.
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female reproductive system disease
enfermedad del sistema reproductor femenino


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Female reproductive system was a lot of fun to do.
Si, las espadasLiterature Literature
Finding a way to prevent this antioxidant response could thus help to compromise femalesreproductive systems.
La verdad es que no maneja de manera competenteParece tener graves problemas de concentracionProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
They are also found in the cerebellum and in both male and female reproductive systems.
¿ No me vas a preguntar por qué?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
See Concept Map 19-2: The Female Reproductive System, and Figure 19-5.
Gracias, HarveyLiterature Literature
In the adult, new vessel formation called angiogenesis is restricted to the female reproductive system.
Sí, ya lo creocordis cordis
The female reproductive system is more complex than the male’s because it serves more purposes.
Los pañales, los berrinches, la tarea.Los reinos, las especies, tu madre, su madreLiterature Literature
The female reproductive system showed a structural arrangement common to individuals of the family Curculionidae.
Oso Cavernarioscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
The female... reproductive system!
Sí, vienen en Boat Train, porque las compañías aéreas no los quieren traerOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Here is a female reproductive system.
No te molestes en acompañarmeOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The physiology of the lower female reproductive system biologically increases HIV risk among women and girls.
Sé que parece que así es,... pero ¿ realmente conoce a estos otros muchachos?pmc pmc
We've taken nature's miracle of the female reproductive system and made a bar game out of it.
¿ Tú qué crees?- Es un SrOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The male and female reproductive systems are made up of the reproductive organs.
Tome usted el control de su familia, u otra persona lo haráLiterature Literature
To achieve these results, all of the hormones of the female reproductive system must interact.
Visto el Reglamento (CE) no #/# del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de # de mayo de #, por el que se aprueban las normas zoosanitarias aplicables a los desplazamientos de animales de compañía sin ánimo comercial, y se modifica la Directiva #/#/CEE del Consejo, y, en particular, su artículoLiterature Literature
The sperm cells travel up the vagina and enter the complex network that is the female reproductive system.
Esperen la llamada a escenaLiterature Literature
She immediately opened to a flagged page of the female reproductive system.
Eres extraordinariaLiterature Literature
Sanitary preparations for use in relation to inflammations and infections of the female reproductive system
Asunto: Ayuda para las instituciones de bienestar social en BulgariatmClass tmClass
Examine, diagnose and treat common diseases and injuries of female reproductive system by surgical and conservative means.
¿ Y ahora qué?UN-2 UN-2
The major parts of the female reproductive system are the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.
Yo deseaba algo diferente: no ser asesinado por DidiLiterature Literature
The female reproductive system, on the other hand, undergoes complete failure at a relatively early age.
La llaman " la princesa afortunada "Literature Literature
The female reproductive system exhibits the following general characteristics: 1.
¿ Qué me da? ¿ Dónde?Literature Literature
Name the organs of the female reproductive system. *7.
los fosfonatos no superan los # g/lavadoLiterature Literature
Cancers of the female reproductive system
No me gusta la contaminación.- ¿ Te conté lo de la piscina?UN-2 UN-2
I don't think you understand the female reproductive system.
Mi prometida está aquí, quiero hablar con ella en este instanteOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Defects in the male or female reproductive system can prevent fertilization.
Esperaba poder trabajar con ustedLiterature Literature
• Male and female reproductive systems;
Todos de la casa salieron en un camión grandeUN-2 UN-2
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