fermenting vat oor Spaans

fermenting vat

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cuba de fermentación


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We had to clamber up scaffolding, between fermentation vats, between storage barrels, through a lot of tight places.
No, y no sería su culpaLiterature Literature
I guess champagne works when you own the vineyard, the château, the fermenting vats, and the bottling plant.
Lamento tener que preguntarte esto, pero Claire creyó verte hoy ahí con alguienLiterature Literature
One door led to the fermenting vats, and one back to the reception area from which I'd entered.
En minutos SrLiterature Literature
I have an old fermentation vat in which two of the staves are rotting and must be replaced.
Cuando se enteró que haríamos despedir a Ned Flanders, insistió en ayudarLiterature Literature
I want to check the new plantings, run by the old distillery and check on the fermentation vats.
Tu, tu, ¿ no lo sabes ya?Literature Literature
Pity the body fell into the main fermentation vat.
Convertirse en el aprendiz de una hechiceraLiterature Literature
The process would work by introducing the organic material to a type of fermenting vat.
Tenía una cicatriz de diez centímetros desde hace # añoscordis cordis
Automatic portable device for breaking the crust formed by skins in fermentation vats, and associated method
¿ La abuela de la # y River?patents-wipo patents-wipo
Preparation and use of fermentation vats (pithoi).
Tienes razónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The amount of salt used is adjusted depending on the weather conditions when the cabbage is put in the fermentation vat.
Esto no está en tu libro de texto ¿ verdad?eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Our brewery has controlled temperature fermentation vats for achieving the best balance for the yeast, which is responsible for the beer's soul.
¡ Sal de aquí!Common crawl Common crawl
Fermentation tanks of metal, fermentation pressure tanks of metal, fermenting vat linings of metal, mash kettles of metal, yeast tanks of metal
Darian dibujó algo para las fiestastmClass tmClass
The ‘Choucroute d'Alsace’ is a processed vegetable produced by the natural anaerobic lactic acid fermentation of shredded cabbage leaves (Brassica oleracea L.) which are salted and put in fermentation vats.
Sí, yo importo tapetes para vender con muebles...... y te hablo como si no te conocieraeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In the past, there was a double problem of low productivity, due mainly to the low density of the plantations, along with the traditional method of fermenting in terra cotta fermentation vats.
Estaba siendo maleducado y tratándote comoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hard (alcoholic) cider is fermented in vats for up to three months before being filtered and aged (see FERMENTATION).
Todos los hombres que conozco son animales con solo una cosa en su cabezaLiterature Literature
Fermentation. This is carried out in containers which may be fermentation vats, these days made of cement in the larger production centres, or traditional large earthen jars or earthenware jugs in smaller production centres.
Posteriormente esa tarde lo encontramos aquí, en el otro lado del parque.No está en absoluto cerca de donde él viveEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Because enormous amounts of bacteria are being cultivated each day in large fermentation vats, the risk that bacteriophage contamination rapidly brings fermentations to a halt and cause economical setbacks is a serious threat in these industries.
Cariño, podemos hacerloWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The cabbage ferments in vats without being disturbed
En cuanto a mí, desde que mi novia embarazada me dejó...... he sido algo pegajoso con mi compañera de cuartooj4 oj4
The cabbage ferments in vats without being disturbed.
Pero deje que el jefe Du- Ramin insista y le apoyaré hasta el finalEurLex-2 EurLex-2
My mind was working like a fermenting wine vat.
Deje eso aquiLiterature Literature
The wort is separated from the mash and transferred to a fermenting vat, or ‘washback’, where yeast is added and the fermentation process converts the sugary wort into alcohol, similar in aroma and taste to unhopped beer.
¿ También te vas a meter con mi bigote?EuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
The shredded cabbage is removed from the shredder immediately after shredding in order to prevent oxidation and unwanted enzymatic changes and is placed in layers in fermentation vats made of wood or another inert food-grade material.
Espero que cuidarás de mí cuando esté en Tokioeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
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