fertilizer oor Spaans


A natural substance that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


a natural substance that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants
What's the best fertilizer for tomato plants?
¿Cuál es el mejor fertilizante para las plantas de tomate?


This is the best time to fertilize the fields.
Esta es la mejor época para abonar los campos.

abono orgánico

a natural substance that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants
All organic fertilizers have been treated to ensure that the product is free from pathogenic agents.
Todos los abonos orgánicos sometidos a un tratamiento de manera que el producto esté libre de agentes patógenos.

En 11 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


What's the best fertilizer for tomato plants?
¿Cuál es el mejor fertilizante para las plantas de tomate?

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Soortgelyke frases

sulfur fertilizers
Soil Fertility Network
Red sobre la fertilidad de los suelos · red fertilidad de los suelos
they found discovered warm, fertile lands
Fertilizer Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Protection
Estrategias relacionadas con el uso de abonos para la agricultura sostenible y la protección ambiental
slow release fertilizers
iron fertilization
bacterial fertilizer
abono bacteriano · fertilizante bacteriano
fertility-controlling drugs
medicamentos para controlar la fecundidad
nitrogen potassium fertilizers


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In its turn, it is related to one's own regeneration in descendants, and hence to fertility.
Pero nunca mencionaron estoLiterature Literature
A dozen, or more, as many as my fertile imagination can invent.
El tren de las #: # en dirección a Edimburgo está en el andénLiterature Literature
Low fertility rates in the population is a situation that no developed society has managed to escape
En Argelia existen unas fuerzas democráticas fuertes y una prensa muy libre que hace también uso de su libertad.MultiUn MultiUn
As a fertilized egg turns into an embryo, and then a fetus, those initial stem cells somehow show their daughter cells how to become skin, liver, eye, or bone.
Eso tiene que dolerNews commentary News commentary
Trees such as Ceiba pentandra (associated with burials and ancestors in the Amazon), Copaifera religiosa (associated with fecundity, wealth, power and fame in South America) and Milicia excelsa (associated with fertility and birth in West Africa) are sacred to the people.
InspeccionesUN-2 UN-2
COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 251 (2) of the EC Treaty concerning the common position of the Council on the adoption of a European Parliament and Council Regulation relating to fertilizers
Bueno, la vida es siempre asíEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The maintenance of high fertility among poorer women generates a vicious circle whereby their children, particularly girls, are less likely to receive schooling and are more likely to have high numbers of children themselves
El próximo año, um, cuando el instituto termine... me marcho, Melody!.. me gustaría ser como mi padreMultiUn MultiUn
Belau (formerly Palau), a group of more than 200 mostly uninhabited tropical islands seems to have many of the ingredients of Paradise: a temperature that rarely strays far from 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27° C.), fertile land, an abundantly stocked ocean, industrious, friendly inhabitants —and situated far, far away from those centers of international tension, Washington and Moscow.
¡ Otra vez el diablo!jw2019 jw2019
points out the gains for women in the ten years since the Fourth World Conference for Women, notably: more women parliamentarians; narrowing of gender gaps in education; more women in the workforce; lower fertility rates; greater attention to sexual and reproductive health and rights, violence against women and inequality of power in gender relations.
Basta, ClydeUN-2 UN-2
Bangladesh, which has a total fertility of 2.4 children per woman, stands out as an intermediate-fertility country where the mean age at first birth is very low (17.7 years).
¿ Sabes qué día es hoy?UN-2 UN-2
— R62 (possible risk of impaired fertility),
No sabían nadaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Emphasises that the long-term impact of immigration on the demographic change is uncertain since it depends on the volatility of migration flows, family reunification and fertility rates;
Keeler es demasiado inteligente para jugar la carta racial o la de la noviaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
H360F May damage fertility
Y estaba decidido a pasar el resto de mis días... testeando la naturaleza humanaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Ministry of Health defines “need” as a situation pertaining to women who are fertile, sexually active and not pregnant
Mucho, de verdadMultiUn MultiUn
As a result, their species became less and less fertile, and after several hundred thousand years they became extinct.
¡ Sal de aquí!Literature Literature
Is this a good or evil shadow for the Fertile Lands?
Él está muy pegadoLiterature Literature
a detailed description of the national implementation of the minimum requirements for fertilizer and plant protection products use and other relevant mandatory requirements referred to in point of Part A of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1974/2006,
Del todo.- Me alegroEurLex-2 EurLex-2
While we have not yet fully harnessed how United Nations — civil society cooperation and cross-fertilization work, we cannot ignore that growing field and should fully utilize its potential for our work.
Hasta el # de diciembre de # como fecha límiteUN-2 UN-2
Abraham seems not to have stopped until he reached Bethel, a fertile area with abundant springs.
Hugh tiene muy buen aspecto, ¿ no crees?Literature Literature
The Icelandic name given to the project, Fósturlandsins Freyjur, has connotations with the properties of the land and also with the Germanic fertility goddess Freyja and femininity in general.
¿ Qué le pasa?UN-2 UN-2
Adolescent fertility rates are highly correlated with high levels of school drop-outs, high unemployment rates and low levels of access to basic social services, including reproductive health services
Conmigo es tranquila y perfectamente normal, excepto por su tartamudeo, que viene de un trauma infantilMultiUn MultiUn
The total fertility rate dropped from 3.7 children per woman in 1985 to 1.9 children per woman in 2006.
Totalmente, claroUN-2 UN-2
I mean we have learned -- for example, in cattle we have learned how to -- how to plant, fertilize and harvest corn using global positioning satellite technology, and nobody sits back and asks
No obstante, en los casos expresamente previstos en el Anexo, este porcentaje podrá alcanzar el # % del coste de las operacionesQED QED
The Spanish, however, needed the densely populated and extremely fertile Apalachee Province to provide labor and provisions for St. Augustine.
Disculpa, muchachoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Examples of national adaptation programme of action projects from Burkina Faso include anti-erosion works such as bank protection of watercourses and revegetation in north-central Burkina Faso and sand dune fixation in the Burkina Sahel, which has helped to improve water infiltration and contributes to restoration of the water table, restoring soil fertility and improving crop yields.
Cada cosa... ycadapersona... tienen su lugarUN-2 UN-2
207 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.