flat shot oor Spaans

flat shot

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Because without you in the picture... it's a flat shot, it's like postcard but if you...
Porque sin ti en la foto... es una foto plana, como una postal, pero si...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A flat shots blew?
¿A golpe de platos de soufflé?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Word is they flat-out shot dozens of our troops at Malmédy.
Dicen que se cargaron a montones de nuestros soldados en Malmédy.Literature Literature
A low, flat-trajectory shot should require a greater throwing speed than a higher, arching shot.
Un tiro con trayectoria plana y baja debe requerir mayor rapidez de lanzamiento que otro arqueado más alto.Literature Literature
Sometimes there was a brilliant reflection as some flat surface shot the light back toward them.
En ocasiones había un reflejo brillante cuando alguna superficie plana les devolvía la luz.Literature Literature
When they put him on a water diet, his dishes are flat, his shots twisted and off-key
Cuando lo someten a dieta de agua, le salen tristes los platos y torcidos y mudos los balazosLiterature Literature
The thermostat in the flat was shot so we kept the heat cranked up and the window open.
El termostato de la calefacción del piso estaba estropeado, de modo que hacía mucho calor y teníamos la ventana abierta.Literature Literature
—What I thought I was doing ... I wanted to get rid of the people who came to the flat and shot Whaila.
—Lo que yo pensaba que hacía era... Quería librarme de las personas que vinieron a casa y mataron a Whaila.Literature Literature
“You’ve got flat feet,” Tansy shot back.
—Y tú tienes los pies planosreplicó Tansy.Literature Literature
Big, small, flat, thin, they shot out on all sides.
Grandes, pequeños, planos, delgados, salieron disparados por todas partes.Literature Literature
The final stretch of road was completely flat—a straight shot of cambered pavement to the gate.
El tramo final de carretera era totalmente llano; una extensión recta de pavimento peraltado hasta la puerta.Literature Literature
The detective slides two sheets of mug shots flat in front of me.
El detective coloca dos hojas de fotos policiales frente a mí.Literature Literature
The rifle felt light but well balanced, and I knew it shot flat.
El rifle era ligero, pero estaba bien equilibrado, y sabía que dispararía horizontalmente.Literature Literature
Static shot, flat lighting.
Plano fijo, iluminación plana.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was clear glass, a prism, she thought, with the flat sides, and shot through the middle were tiny strands of silver.
Era cristal traslúcido, un prisma, pensó, con los lados planos y el centro atravesado por filamentos de plata.Literature Literature
The Song Remains the Same is flat in tone, shot with little flair, with the sense of a television programme about it.
The Song Remains the Same tiene un tono plano, tomas con poco talento, da la sensación de ser un programa de televisión.Literature Literature
His sister could have come down from their flat above and shot him, one of the servants could have come in and shot him.
Su hermana pudo bajar del piso de arriba y matarle, o uno de sus criados lo mismo.Literature Literature
They had driven to Mats’s flat, where she had shot him.
Subieron al apartamento de Mats, donde ella le disparó.Literature Literature
The flat sound of a shot brought him back.
El zumbido de un disparo lo trajo de vuelta.Literature Literature
But there were three shots, three flat sounds, before she was halfway across the balcony.
Pero se produjeron tres disparos, tres ruidos secos, antes de que llegara hasta la mitad del balcón.Literature Literature
In place of eyes, they had flat silver disks that shot sunlight.
En lugar de ojos, tenían discos plateados que proyectaban la luz del sol.Literature Literature
'He was found in his flat, early this morning, shot through the head.'
Lo han encontrado esta mañana temprano en su apartamento, muerto de un disparo en la cabeza.Literature Literature
I shot my flat-screen Super Sunday.
Le dispare a mi pantalla plana un domingo de super bowl.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I reckon that the day Nazir was shot, that flat was not boarded up.
El día que le dispararon a Nazir, ese departamento no estaba sellado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That was Emilio's favorite shot—the flat of his palm square in the nose.
Ese era el golpe favorito de Emilio: la palma de la mano plana contra la nariz.Literature Literature
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