flatter(flati) oor Spaans


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she was flattered by their invitation
se sintió halagada por su invitación
to flatter
adular · echar flores · favorecer · halagar · lisonjear
I am flattered
me halaga · me siento halagado
to be flattering
art of flattering
arte de la seducción
flattering words


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It was downright flattering to have fed him.
Era halagador haberle dado de desayunar.Literature Literature
Rose tried not to feel flattered but she was.
Rose trató de no parecer adulada pero lo estaba.Literature Literature
But these senators scheme and squabble and flatter and deceive
Pero estos senadores, intrigan y riñen y adulan y engañanopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“You flatter her with such undeserved praise.”
“La elogias con la alabanza inmerecida”.Literature Literature
I am flattered and highly honored.
Me halaga y es un gran honor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Caleb finally reached the flatter going of the jungle floor.
Caleb finalmente llegó a la parte más llana del suelo de la jungla.Literature Literature
Sometime after his success, Gary Taubes wrote a book about him, Nobel Dreams, which was not flattering.
Algún tiempo después de su triunfo, Gary Taubes escribió un libro sobre él, Nobel Dreams, que no era halagador.Literature Literature
‘You would prefer that I flatter and seduce you with words before I attempt to make love to you?’
–¿Preferirías que te halagara y sedujera con palabras antes de intentar hacerte el amor?Literature Literature
Flatter you a bit?
¿Te ha halagado un poco?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It used to be so easy to flatter Jameson, to say the words I knew would cheer him.
Antes me resultaba de lo más fácil halagar a Jameson, encontrar las palabras que sabía que le animarían.Literature Literature
Not only are we united in a good cause- and there are not too many equally good causes around in the world- but I have had the pleasure and priviliege of becoming well acquainted with many of you during the last years, so that I can flatter myself on being on good personal terms with you
No sólo estamos unidos para una buena causa-y no hay demasiadas causas igualmente buenas en el mundo- sino que he tenido el placer y el privilegio de conocer bien a muchos de ustedes en los últimos años, por lo que puedo enorgullecerme de mantener buenas relaciones personales con ustedesMultiUn MultiUn
[ Scoffs ] Don't flatter yourself, please.
No te creas tan importante.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I dare not flatter my...
No me atrevo a...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘He takes my love for granted,’ she said, ‘and offers his to anyone who’s foolish enough to flatter him.’
«Ha dado mi amor por seguro —dijo—, y le ofrece el suyo a cualquiera que sea lo bastante estúpida como para halagarloLiterature Literature
He had only been flattering himself that he could be responsible for so conclusive an act.
Tan sólo había estado presumiendo ante sí mismo de que era capaz de una acción tan definitiva.Literature Literature
He flattered me – and then joked about flattering me.
Me halagó, y después bromeó sobre sus halagos.Literature Literature
So much more flattering to his coloring than black.
Mucho más favorecedor para el color de su piel que el negro.Literature Literature
"""If you flatter yourself that I shall grow used to the idea, you are wrong,"" Simon said."
—Te equivocas si crees que me acostumbraré a la idea —dijo Simon—.Literature Literature
He was surprised that Charlotte had gone to the extent of finding and reading one of his books, but not flattered.
Le sorprendió que Charlotte llegara incluso a leer uno de sus libros, pero no le halagó.Literature Literature
‘I suppose I was flattered that, among a stream of women, he only wanted to marry me.
«Supongo que me halagaba la idea de que entre toda aquella nube de mujeres él solo quisiera casarse conmigo.Literature Literature
He was thinner than onionskin, flatter than one of her posters.
Era más delgado que la piel de la cebolla, más plano que ninguno de sus pósteres.Literature Literature
Flatter her.
Halagar a ella.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was content with the implied reassurance and flattered by his approval of my general plan.
Me conformé con la seguridad implícita y me sentí halagado por su aprobación de mi plan general.Literature Literature
The outer rim has been worn and reshaped until it forms a rugged, mountainous region around the flatter interior.
El borde exterior se ha desgastado y remodelado hasta formar una región montañosa alrededor del interior más plano.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Where confidence and clear-headed logic failed, Elphin coaxed, wheedled, challenged, flattered and provoked.
Donde la confianza y la lógica fallaban, el joven engatusaba, halagaba, desafiaba y provocaba.Literature Literature
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