flowers oor Spaans


/ˈflaʊəz/, /ˈflaʊɚz/ werkwoord, naamwoord
Plural form of flower.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


naamwoordfeminine, plural
In all of the gardens in my city it is illegal to trample the flower beds.
En todos los jardines de mi ciudad es ilegal pisar los macizos de flores.




reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
In all of the gardens in my city it is illegal to trample the flower beds.
En todos los jardines de mi ciudad es ilegal pisar los macizos de flores.
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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Sonic Flower Groove
Sonic Flower Groove
there are flowers in the garden
western flowering dogwood
tiger flowers
chamomile flower
spring flowers
sun flower
tiger flower
mixed flower honey
miel de flores


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Then, one lazy afternoon, as we gathered flowers to weave into garlands, I saw that she’d wandered off.
Entonces, una tarde perezosa, mientras recogíamos flores para tejer guirnaldas, vi que se alejaba.Literature Literature
Phillip, would you like a flower?
Philip, ¿quieres una flor?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Other cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, from 26 October to 30 April:
Otras flores y capullos, cortados, para ramos o adornos, frescos, del 26 de octubre al 30 de abril:Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
It had eight half-opened lotus flowers on the top stripe representing the eight provinces of India and a picture of the sun and a crescent moon on the bottom stripe.
Tenía ocho flores de loto semi abiertas en la parte superior, mientras que abajo había una figura de un sol y de una luna creciente.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He resolved not to blame Flower.
Resolvió no cargar la culpa sobre Flower.Literature Literature
Did the flowers work?
Las flores funcionaron?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Review last week’s lesson by having each child choose a question flower.
Haga un repaso de lo que aprendieron la semana anterior pidiendo a cada niño que escoja una de las flores.LDS LDS
And some of the flowers, with the same dark guide lines, hid a cup of water in which to capture the insect.
Y otras flores, con las mismas líneas oscuras, ocultaban un cáliz de agua para capturar al insecto.Literature Literature
I am head man in charge of flowers.
Soy el encargado de las flores.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The cup was exquisitely decorated with doves and flowers.
—La copa estaba exquisitamente decorada con palomas y flores.Literature Literature
She came up to me and hung the flower over my ear and I found myself holding my breath till I no longer felt her touch.
Se acercó, me puso la flor en la oreja y tuve que contener el aliento hasta que dejé de sentir su contacto.Literature Literature
It was a grey day, but the grass, the trees and the flowers in the garden had bright, cheerful colours.
El día era gris, pero el césped, los árboles y las flores que tenía allí plantados mostraban vivos y alegres colores.Literature Literature
In the pastry Estopiñan some almond candies and honey are elaborated," flors of the neu" (flowers of snow) Delicious!
En la pastelería Estopiñan se elaboran unos dulces de almendra y miel," flors de la neu" ( flores de nieve) ¡Deliciosos!Common crawl Common crawl
Flower point on lower right corner.
Punto en flor en la esquina superior derecha.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
BARBADOS: The new Barbados branch and adjoining Kingdom Hall are set in a landscape of lawns and flowering plants on an elevated two-and-a-half-acre [1 ha] site that offers a splendid view of the nearby Caribbean Sea.
BARBADOS. La nueva sucursal de Barbados y el Salón del Reino contiguo se hallan rodeados de césped, plantas y flores en un terreno elevado de una hectárea desde el cual se contempla una magnífica vista del cercano mar Caribe.jw2019 jw2019
"""Surely it hasn't escaped your notice that all of Zac's sisters-in-law are named after flowers."
—Estoy segura de que no se te ha escapado que todas las cuñadas de Zac tenemos nombre de flor.Literature Literature
-she seems fresh, like a flower.”
Me parece fresca, como una flor.Literature Literature
Insane flowers like explosions of color.
Flores dementes como explosiones de color.Literature Literature
We are so deeply sorry for picking the flowers from the crater and taking what wasn’t ours to take.”’
Estamos muy arrepentidos de haber cogido las flores del cráter y de habernos llevado algo que no era nuestro.Literature Literature
Inside, the air smelled of polish, flowers and – very faintly – of incense, which I used two or three times a year.
Dentro olía a limpiador de muebles, a flores y, vagamente, al incienso que usaba una o dos veces al año.Literature Literature
He was astonished, as a traveller who suddenly sees, between the stones of the desert, flowers.
Fielding sintió tanto asombro como un viajero que, de repente, ve flores entre las piedras del desierto.Literature Literature
Eldrene was so beautiful that it was said the flowers bloomed to make her smile.
Eldrene era tan hermosa que la gente decía que las flores abrían sus capullos para animar su sonrisa.Literature Literature
The leaves were falling but the buddleias were still in flower.
Va habían empezado a caer las hojas, pero las budleyas todavía estaban en flor.Literature Literature
Please, those are my flowers.
Por favor, esas son mis flores.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The lotus flower has closed
La flor de loto se ha cerradoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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