fluctuate oor Spaans


(intransitive) To vary irregularly; to swing.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


To vary between two extremes (referring to quantities, values, etc.).
Varíar entre dos extremos (en referencia a las cantidades, valores, etc.).
The price of gold fluctuates daily.
El precio del oro fluctúa diariamente.


Here too, market shares fluctuate sharply over time.
También aquí las cuotas de mercado oscilan considerablemente de unos años a otros.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


Such contracts can lead to significant fluctuations in turnover and profits.
Estos contratos pueden hacer variar sensiblemente el volumen de negocios y los resultados .
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Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

currency exchange rate fluctuation
fluctuaciones de los coeficientes de cambio · fluctuación de los tipos de cambio
fluctuat nec mergitur
Fluctuat nec mergitur
he oscillates fluctuates between depression and euphoria
oscila entre la depresión y la euforia
seasonal fluctuation
fluctuación estacional · variación estacional
belt of fluctuation
cinturón de fluctuación · zona de fluctuación
to fluctuate
fluctuar · oscilar
fluctuating noise
ruido de fluctuación
interest rate fluctuation
fluctuación de las tasas de interés · fluctuación de los tipos de interés
currency fluctuation
fluctuaciones monetarias · fluctuación monetaria


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Fluctuations that apparently only happen every thousand years.
Necesitamos a un cirujano cardiotorácico...... para reparar el agujero en su tráqueaLiterature Literature
a) Vacancy rates in ECA, ECLAC, ESCAP, ESCWA, UN-Habitat, UNEP and the United Nations Office at Nairobi have fluctuated considerably throughout the period
Está celosoMultiUn MultiUn
These waves are called “quantum corrections” or “quantum fluctuations.”
Son seres de otro planetaLiterature Literature
The Trade and Development Report 2011 was cited as providing a valuable and detailed analysis of causes and effects of destabilizing currency fluctuations and the recommendations to manage floating exchange rates.
Las ventajas fiscales concedidas por el régimen de las sociedades beneficiarias no están relacionadas con inversiones, con la creación de empleo o con proyectos específicosUN-2 UN-2
This period which is usually long enough to cover also seasonal changes in demand and thus ensuring a representative finding, in particular by excluding that short-lived fluctuations on the Community market or on the home markets of the exporting country carry a disproportional overweight in the findings.
Sospechamos que viene del futuro.- ¿ Un viajero del tiempo?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The decisions taken regarding recosting at the main part of the session must be honoured: the General Assembly must act on the recommendations contained in the report of the High-level Panel of Experts on the study on recosting and options available to the Organization in dealing with fluctuations in exchange rates and inflation (A/69/381).
Pero Io más antiguo que se puede tener es esoUN-2 UN-2
This rapid fluctuation in membrane voltage at the motor end plate is called the end-plate potential (EPP). 5.
Ahora se me acerca una lluvia de partículasLiterature Literature
Crisis or not, in a conflict-affected developing context in which the rate of unemployment — a key measure of welfare and development — holds nearly steady at the double-digit level and responds poorly to fluctuations in growth rates, the vast majority of the lower strata, who are already in dire need, could likely sustain little more harm than they have already suffered.
Tiene que ser un idiota para pelearse con el idiota de mi hermanoUN-2 UN-2
Hence, given the fluctuating nature of the depreciation of the NT$, the argument put forward by the Taiwanese exporting producers cannot be accepted.
Los alemanes crean armas asombrosasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
A common instrument dedicated to macroeconomic stabilisation could provide an insurance system whereby risks of economic shocks are pooled across member states, thereby reducing the fluctuations in national incomes.
Si te preguntara por el tamaño de tu pito, entonces me pasaría de la rayaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The increase in this category is attributable to the impact of exchange rate fluctuations ($16,988,400), attributable mainly to the weakening of the dollar vis-à-vis the euro during the period from January to November 2007 and the application of the November exchange rate for December 2007 as well as increased requirements for inflation ($9,600).
Con un aparatoUN-2 UN-2
4.1.1 As the Commission rightly states, fluctuations such as the recent rapid increase in gas and electricity prices and restrictions in securing long-term supply contracts are affecting the competitiveness of the EU metals industry.
Ella nunca bailará para ustedEurLex-2 EurLex-2
This has made it easier for fundamentally 'healthy` currencies to remain within the narrow ± 2,25 % fluctuation margin. A currency's ability to remain within a narrow margin around the central rate can be regarded as a criterion for entry to monetary union.
Aquí están los formularios que Travis firmóEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tropical high mountain plants have different adaptations to survive extreme daily temperature fluctuations and specially freezing night conditions.
Más de lo que pueda imaginarscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
It fluctuated erratically and then abruptly went back to its normal position.
Ya te dije que es asunto mío,no tuyoLiterature Literature
Withdrawal from the reserve for exchange rate fluctuations
Sabéis que antiguamente, cuando Inglaterra era un país sensato, si tenías un toque en la autopista, apartabas el coche al arcén, intercambiabas nombres y direcciones con el otro, y seguías tu caminoMultiUn MultiUn
The market share fluctuated around 20 % between 1999 and 2001 and decreased by 1,5 percentage points between 2001 and the IP.
Recibido, ApolloEurLex-2 EurLex-2
D. Brogioli and A. Vailati, Diffusive mass transfer by nonequilibrium fluctuations: Fick's law revisited, Phys.
¿ Qué tienes que decir en tu defensa?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In relation to the estimates of Kosovo GDP of the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MFE), the share of the public health budget has fluctuated between two and three percent from 2000 to 2006.
Eres hombre muertoUN-2 UN-2
From # the collapse of the uranium market, the fluctuating value of the Nigerian naira and poor rainfall, combined with the global economic recession, slowed economic growth and led to severe financial disequilibrium, which induced the Government to embark on a stabilization policy followed by structural adjustment measures
Me gusta todo...¡ Pero esta asignatura me está matando!MultiUn MultiUn
UNICEF is analysing how best to provide for exchange rate fluctuation risks in compliance with United Nations accounting standards.
¿ Qué tipo de cosas?UN-2 UN-2
(214) That PET prices can fluctuate in line with fluctuations in crude oil prices, should not entail a higher duty.
demore diez minutos para amarrarme una sola botaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It should be noted that many oil-producing countries imported oil by-products, were therefore themselves adversely affected by oil price fluctuations, and would benefit from a stable and rational energy market.
Continúe, capitánUN-2 UN-2
In general, it seems that each producer has a significantly larger market share in one Member State and that its position in the other Member States, even neighbouring ones, is (i) much weaker and (ii) fluctuates widely.
Los primeros cálculos arrojaron que el cuerpo pasaría...... a varios millones de millas de la Tierra.Pero, después supimos que se mueve en una trayectoria..--- que no es libreEurLex-2 EurLex-2
We were fortunate enough to have a small fluctuating income besides, though far from adequate for our family of nine.
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206 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.