foreman oor Spaans


/ˈfɔː(ɹ)mən/ naamwoord
(management) The leader of a work crew.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


leader of a work crew
Mum, a mere woman surrounded by men, works in a construction company as a site foreman.
Mamá, una simple mujer rodeada de hombres, trabaja en una empresa de construcción como capataz.

presidente del jurado

member of a jury
Well, you can stop being sorry and get me the name of that jury foreman.
Pues puedes dejar de lamentarlo y conseguirme el nombre del presidente del jurado.


Talk to the foreman in the back.
Hable con el contramaestre al fondo.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Soortgelyke frases

fire foreman
contramaestre de incendios
line foreman
celador de incendios
apple orchard foreman
supervisor de manzanar
Carl Foreman
Carl Foreman
cellar foreman
bodeguero · encargado de la bodega · jefe de bodega
Eric Foreman
Eric Foreman
Chris Foreman
Christopher John Foreman
George Foreman
George Foreman
foreman, dairy-farm worker
capataz de lechería


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He realized that the foreman was speaking to Senhora Filipa.
Comprendió que el encargado estaba hablando con la señorita Filipa.Literature Literature
Our foreman is very understanding.’
Nuestro capataz es muy comprensivo.Literature Literature
That was what I suggested to August, once he’d made me foreman at the mill, but he turned me down flat.
Eso fue lo que le propuse a August, una vez que me hizo capataz de la serrería, pero se negó.Literature Literature
Mr. Foreman, have you reached a verdict?
Señor Presidente del jurado, ¿ han llegado a un veredicto?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
It’s rare that a cowboy gets a ranch of his own, even when he becomes a top hand or foreman.
Es raro que un vaquero tenga un rancho en propiedad, incluso aunque se convierta en vaquero principal o capataz.Literature Literature
Their foreman had also ordered a number of carts be loaded with wood and sheaves of reeds.
Su capataz también había ordenado que se cargasen varias carretas con leña y hatos de cañas.Literature Literature
The foreman came gunning up on his Land Rover and just, I thought I was gone.
El capataz se acercó disparando desde su Land Rover y solo, pensé que se había ido.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He knew that his survival depended on the great autonomy and maneuverability the Foreman afforded him.
Sabía que su supervivencia dependía de la gran autonomía y capacidad de movimiento que el Foreman le brindaba.Literature Literature
And Foreman refused to type his up.
y Foreman no quizo pasarlo a limpio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"This was also the most prepared we'd ever been for a record," bassist Tim Foreman has commented.
"Esto también era el más preparado que nunca habíamos estado durante un récord ", el bajista Tim Capataz ha comentado.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Foreman almost double taked checking out Montgomery’s arms.
Foreman casi se quedó pasmado mirando los brazos de Montgomery.Literature Literature
Foreman' s the only one with the balls to take a case without checking with me and he' s still working on breakfast, which means that the #, no, #- year- old honor student
Foreman es el único que osa tomar un caso sin consultarme y sigue desayunando, eso implica que la estudiante honorífica de #, no, # anosopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
He passed to his foreman every suggestion that came from above.
Transmitía a su encargado cualquier sugerencia que le llegaba desde arriba.Literature Literature
The foreman drags a red cloth across his black forehead, his lips, his neck.
El capataz se pasa un pañuelo rojo por la oscura frente, los labios y el cuello.Literature Literature
"Sony is a big battleship of a company," said lead singer Jon Foreman.
"Sony es un gran barco de guerra de una empresa", dijo el cantante Jon Foreman.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I think she knows more about the foreman's death than she's telling me.
Creo que sabe más de la muerte del capataz de lo que me ha dicho.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A woman could feel secure with a big, driven man like Ulysses Foreman.
Una mujer se sentía segura con un hombre grande y decidido como Ulysses Foreman.Literature Literature
In his first defense, he beat former and future world champion George Foreman by unanimous decision.
En su primera defensa como campeón del peso pesado derrotó al ex campeón del mundo George Foreman por decisión unánime en 12 asaltos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His master loved him, but the foreman treated him cruelly. His reverence for the priesthood and his love of suffering led him to take service in the house of a prelate, who was very hard to please.
Con frecuencia entraba a orar y olvidaba hasta la hora de comer.Common crawl Common crawl
Arlidge, are you going to remain at Spanish Peaks Ranch as my father’s foreman?”
Señor Arlidge, ¿va usted a continuar en el «Rancho de Cumbres Españolas» como capataz de mi padre?Literature Literature
It was only last week that three of our men were turned off by Foreman Blaker.
Solamente la semana pasada tres de nuestros hombres fueron desviados por el capataz Blaker.Literature Literature
Jesus, you're the best foreman I've ever fucking worked with!
¡ Eres el mejor capataz con el que he trabajado!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Let it be known, therefore, that the entire miraculous remodel of the foreman’s manse was warm.
Que se sepa, por lo tanto, que toda la milagrosa remodelación de la mansión del capataz era cálida.Literature Literature
I don’t know which Assignment you’re from, but I suggest you return there before your foreman misses you.
No sé de cuál asignación vienes, pero sugiero que vuelvas allí antes que tu capataz te eche en falta.Literature Literature
The only difference was the foreman’s expectations.
La única diferencia eran las expectativas del capataz.Literature Literature
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