foreseen oor Spaans


/foɻˈsiːn/ werkwoord
past participle of [i]foresee[/i]

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Compile relevant information to document the foreseen impacts as a result of the application of control measures.
Compilar información pertinente para documentar las repercusiones previstas como resultado de la aplicación de medidas de control


Compile relevant information to document the foreseen impacts as a result of the application of control measures.
Compilar información pertinente para documentar las repercusiones previstas como resultado de la aplicación de medidas de control

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

I have foreseen that
he previsto que
he has foreseen it all
lo ha previsto todo
African Expert Group Meeting on Implications of New Technologies on the African Development Strategy as Foreseen in the Lagos Plan of Action
Reunión del Grupo Africano de Expertos sobre las consecuencias de las nuevas tecnologías en la Estrategia para el Desarrollo de África prevista en el Plan de Acción de Lagos
foreseen interruption
interrupción previsible · interrupción prevista


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Reaffirming that the international community, through the United Nations, has a legitimate interest in the question of the City of Jerusalem and the protection of the unique spiritual, religious and cultural dimensions of the city, as foreseen in relevant United Nations resolutions on this matter,
Esos tipos en Berlín lo único que saben es insultar a Churchill.¿ Qué es lo que dicen?UN-2 UN-2
(c) the defendant raises an objection to the recognition or enforcement of the judgment in Switzerland, provided that he has not waived the benefit of the declaration foreseen under this paragraph.
Puedo decirle que se suicideEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These consequences could be foreseen in a strategy whose neoliberal vision was developed with the 2005 reform, the priority measures of which included structural sector and public service liberalisations and privatisations, and which stressed labour flexibility.
No lo dejaré salirEuroparl8 Europarl8
Furthermore, information would be needed on the geographical location, delimitation and Natura 2000 value, compensation measures already foreseen, and other details that are of importance to investigate the case.
El procedimiento seguido y las decisiones notificadas tenían por objetivo no perjudicar los intereses de los beneficiariosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
He had foreseen the possibility of this, which is why he had given the order that they should not be permitted to leave.
Si no se mantuvieran las medidas, probablemente la industria de la Comunidad volvería a verse perjudicada por un aumento de las importaciones procedentes del país afectado a precios subvencionados y su situación financiera, actualmente frágil, se deterioraríaLiterature Literature
The derogations granted by Decision 2002/499/EC were limited in time and the dates foreseen in that Decision have been prolonged by Commission Decisions 2005/775/EC (3) and 2007/432/EC (4).
¡ Esa no es la pregunta!La pregunta esEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Accordingly, the following reintroduction of the tariff duty is foreseen for a period three years:
" El viaje de Chihiro " es un buen ejemploEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
An incentive allocation related to good governance, notably in the financial, tax and judicial areas, will be foreseen in the 10th EDF.
No encontrareis peor enemigo que yoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It’s all an elaborate trap—foreseen and crafted by the Emperor himself.
En descansoLiterature Literature
The implementation of a Pilot Project or a Preparatory Action has to go through a certain number of steps foreseen by the Financial Regulation.
El solicitante pedirá la reconducción confirmando por escrito que no se ha introducido ninguna modificación y, a falta de información en contrario, el organismo notificado prorrogará la validez del período contemplado en el puntonot-set not-set
The waiver may be granted to any subsidiary provided that there is no current or foreseen material practical or legal impediment to the prompt transfer of own funds or repayment of liabilities by its parent undertaking pursuant to point (a) of Article 7(1).
Dime que tú lo condenasteEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Labelling requirements are foreseen for products consisting of or containing GMOs, complementary to the existing ones in Directive 2001/18/EC (on the deliberate release of GMOs) and to those foreseen by the Commission in its proposed Regulation on genetically modified food and feed.
La cantidad que hay que administrar y la frecuencia de administración siempre deben orientarse a la eficacia clínica en el caso individualEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Updates of national plans should however be foreseen once during the ten-year period covered to give Member States the opportunity to adapt to significant changing circumstances.
En los años #, #, #, # y #, y con relación a Guinea-Bissau: ¿Puede decir la Comisión qué programas ha desarrollado o desarrolla la Unión Europea con este país? ¿Qué fondos se les han asignado? ¿Cuál es la duración prevista de cada programa? ¿Qué resultados han obtenido dichos programas y qué evaluación se ha hecho de su éxito o su fracaso? ¿Qué desarrollo particular destaca en cada uno de ellos?not-set not-set
Also, she would like to know whether the additional requirements for new equipment under budget section # had been foreseen and were in line with replacement standards and, in view of the uncertainty surrounding the capital master plan, would appreciate more information on the savings by the Department of Public Information that had been used to offset the additional costs under section
El (la) que suscribe seguirá siendo responsable del pago de la deuda originada como consecuencia de las operaciones de tránsito comunitario o común, cubiertas por el presente compromiso, que hayan comenzado con anterioridad a la fecha en que surta sus efectos la revocación o rescisión del documento de fianza, incluso cuando el pago se exija con posterioridadMultiUn MultiUn
Justification An accident will of course imply a review of the authorization, but in any case the safety report has to be reviewed as its foreseen risk management didn't deserve the prevention aims to which it has been drafted to.
Lo memorizaron todonot-set not-set
Indeed, the Commission will normally not extend the period for adopting a final decision according to Article 10(3), subparagraph 1 where the request for extension is presented after the deadline for submitting remedies foreseen in the Implementing Regulation, i.e. after working day 65 (102).
Si pudiera llevarles armas, iría con vosotrosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this context it is necessary that the Executive Director manages the timing in such a manner as to give Member States sufficient time to provide their comments, building on their operational expertise, while staying within the work plan of the Agency and the time limits foreseen in this Regulation.
Este kart sí que me gustaría tenerlo.Annie, " la disponible "EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Churchill had foreseen the consequences of the dramatic Red Army advances.
Estás a salvo, estás en casaLiterature Literature
By imposing on national authorities the obligation to inform the Commission and the Product Contact Point foreseen in article 8 of their intention to adopt a decision foreseen in article 2, the objective is to further prevent national authorities from adopting unjustified decision.
No tienes justificaciónnot-set not-set
It is notable that the latter hearings represent a closer form of cooperation between the ECB and the European Parliament than is foreseen in the Treaty and this established practice is, in my view, a very positive element and also welcome by the European Parliament.
Porque saben que estoy contigonot-set not-set
The Authority takes as a starting point for its assessment of the need for such measures, the size, scale and scope of the activities that the bank in question would have upon implementation of a credible restructuring plan as foreseen in Section 2 of this Chapter.
Por consiguiente, el hecho de que esta disposición no haya sido incorporada a la Ley de la vivienda es irrelevante para los préstamos en cuestiónEurLex-2 EurLex-2
More specifically, full application of the rights and obligations foreseen in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 would seriously undermine the effectiveness of the fight against VAT fraud as it would in particular allow the data subjects to obstruct ongoing investigations and risk profiling.
Es obvio, no le plazcoEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Requests the Executive Secretary at the thirteenth ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties to provide, where relevant, cost estimates for actions that have budgetary implications that are not foreseen in the draft programme of work but are included in proposed draft decisions before the adoption of those decisions by the Conference of the Parties.
Gracias, StuUN-2 UN-2
(3) The establishment of a cooperation procedure is foreseen in the European Union's anti-drug action plan, approved by the Santa Maria da Feira European Council on 19 and 20 June 2000.
Claro, hay ciertas excepcionesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The report of this mission will be prepared under the special procedures for urgent reports as foreseen in Commission Decision 98/139/EC of 4 February 1998 laying down certain detailed rules concerning on-the-spot checks carried out in the veterinary field by Commission experts in the Member States(1).
Él está muy pegadoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
209 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.