freestone oor Spaans


/ˈfriːstoʊn/, /ˈfriːstəʊn/ naamwoord
A type of stone that is composed of small particles and easily shaped, such as sandstone or limestone.

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Mary was on her way to Freestone, and Laura wasn’t going to wait here all day for a Samaritan.
Mary iba camino de Freestone, y Laura no pensaba permanecer allí todo el día, aguardando a que pasase algún samaritano.Literature Literature
Mary was going to get to Freestone at least four hours before she would.
Mary llegaría a Freestone cuatro horas antes que ella por lo menos.Literature Literature
“Until that point, Freddie had always adored the tenor voice,” said Peter Freestone.
“Hasta ese momento, a Freddie siempre le habían encantado las voces de tenor”, decía Peter Freestone.Literature Literature
“Do you think people like Freestone can change what they are?”
¿Tú crees que gente como Freestone puede dejar de ser lo que es?Literature Literature
But he, and the prosecutor's office, were not prepared to drop the charges against Mavis Freestone.
Pero tanto él como la Oficina de la Fiscalía no podían abandonar los cargos contra Mavis Freestone.Literature Literature
Or perhaps it was just men... Freestone stroked her child’s head.
O quizás sencillamente de los hombres... Freestone acarició la cabeza de su hijo.Literature Literature
The old man achingly dismounted, then climbed the long flight of red freestone steps.
El anciano desmontó penosamente y luego subió la larga escalinata de losas rojas.Literature Literature
"""What is the world going to make of Mavis Freestone?"""
"¿""Qué va a hacer el mundo con Mavis Freestone?"""Literature Literature
“I remember the absolute mess our suite got into,” groaned Peter Freestone.
“Recuerdo el caos absoluto en que se convirtió nuestra suite”, gemía Peter Freestone.Literature Literature
He could have heard the same argument that Freestone heard.
Oyó la misma discusión que Freestone.Literature Literature
Two days and she'd be in Freestone.
En dos días estaría en Freestone.Literature Literature
Oh Jesus, what if she killed him back in Freestone and that's why the police were –
Oh, Dios, ¿y si ella ya lo había matado allá en Freestone, y por eso la policía...?Literature Literature
Freestone hails from Melbourne, Australia and currently resides in Edinburgh.
Freestone nació en Melbourne, Australia, y reside actualmente en Edimburgo.Literature Literature
‘Accident or not, Freestone left the woman to die.
—Accidente o no, Freestone dejó que se muriera la mujer.Literature Literature
Nureyev never came to Garden Lodge, Freestone insisted.
Nureyev nunca acudió a Garden Lodge, insistía Freestone.Literature Literature
That's why she's going to Freestone.""
Es para eso para lo que se dirige a Freestone.Literature Literature
That’s why we were there, why the decision was made to tell her about Grant Freestone’s past.”
Por eso estábamos allí, y por eso tomamos la decisión de informarle del pasado de Grant Freestone.Literature Literature
“Wasn’t there a conflict of interest, with your husband having put Freestone behind bars in the first place?”
¿No había un conflicto de intereses, si su marido fue precisamente el que encerró a Freestone?Literature Literature
Building materials, not of metal, building stone, regular ochre yellow oolitic limestone extracted from the JAUMONT site, used as a freestone, bricks, façade cladding, rockfill, decorative stonework, sculpture, crushed rocks for use in public works and as an additive in the chemical, plastics and iron and steel industry, works of art of stone
Materiales de construcción no metálicos, piedra para construir, piedra de construcción, piedra caliza oolítica amarilla ocre regular extraída en el emplazamiento de JAUMONT, utilizada como sillar, piedra de albañilería, revestimiento de fachada, enchapado de roca, roca decorativa, escultura, piedra machacada para su uso en obras públicas y aditivo en la industria química, plástica y siderúrgica, objetos de arte de piedratmClass tmClass
The bitch knew all about Lord Jack and Freestone.
Ella sabía respecto a Lord Jack y a Freestone.Literature Literature
But Freestone couldn’t be the killer, could he?
Pero Freestone no podía ser el asesino, ¿verdad que no?Literature Literature
Don’t tell me there was a turd floating around in the pan in there with Grant Freestone’s name on it?”
No me digas que había una mierda flotando en el váter con el nombre de Grant Freestone...Literature Literature
I’d have to say Grant Freestone could be capable of almost anything.”
—Tengo que decir que a Grant Freestone le veo capaz de casi cualquier cosa.Literature Literature
“There were many intense emotional moments,” reflected Freestone.
“Hubo muchos momentos emocionales intensos”, reflexionaba Freestone.Literature Literature
In the Pandora case, I was called to the scene by Mavis Freestone, who has been charged in that case.
En el caso Pandora, fui requerida a la escena por Mavis Freestone, quien ha sido acusada en este caso.Literature Literature
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